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30 Cards in this Set

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the constitution was created
list 3 branches
divine rights theory
idea that a monarch receives his or her authority to govern from God, not from the people over whom he or she rules.
hobbes' social contract theory
agreement among all the people in a society to give up part of their freedom to a government in exchange for protection of natural rights.
Locke's natural right theory
rights, freedoms and privileges which are such a basic part of human nature that they cannot be taken away. These are different from rights which are given to people by the law. According to the Declaration of Independence, these rights include "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."
purpose of the 1st and 2nd continental congresses.
1st- oppose British policies that restricted their rights and taxed them without representation in Parliament
2nd- create continental army and choose Washington as commander and chief
what was Paine's common sense purpose
rule by the people
form of government based on a constitution, in which decisions are made by elected or appointed officials in a democratic manner.
direct democracy
the people make the decision directly
representative democracy
the people elect reps to make the decison on behalf of the ppl
an association of sovereign states or communities, usually created by treaty but often later adopting a common constitution.
minimum number of people needed a meeting for the business at hand to take place.
Virginina plan
state repseneted based on population
New Jersey Plan
equal member of each state
Great Compromise
created bicameral gov.
senate- 2 per state
house- based on population
3/5ths compromise
three-fifths of the population of slaves would be counted for enumeration purposes regarding both the distribution of taxes and the apportionment of the members of the United States House of Representatives
they were for strong central government
they were for strong local government.
why did many delegate believe the Constitutin needed a Bill of Rights?
they were afrid of government getting big and violating people's rights.
what amendments deal with popular sovereignty
15th, 17th, 19th, 24th, and 26th
15th amendment
right to vote regardless of color
17th amendment
direct election of Senators
19th amendment
right to vote regardless of gender. women right to vote
24th amendment
poll taxes abolished
26th amendment
right to vote at age 18
Separation of Powers
division of governmental authority among the three branches of government: executive, legislative, and judicial branch. The US Constitution uses this principle in setting up the presidency, the Congress, and the courts
Checks and Balances
principle used in the Constitution and developed through precedent that allows the three branches of government to share some responsibilities, and allows each branch some authority over the activities of the other branches. Some examples of checks are: the President's veto power, which is a check on Congress; Congress' power to override a veto; which is a check on the President's power and the Supreme Court's right of judicial review, which is a check on Congress.
system for national government in which some powers are delegated to either national or state government, and other powers are shared between the two levels. This system presented a compromise at the 1787 Constitutional Convention between delegates fighting for a strong central government and delegates concerned about states' rights.
What is a Republic?
a form of government maintained by a state or country whose sovereignty is based on popular consent and whose governance is based on popular representation and control