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41 Cards in this Set

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who chooses party delegates to county causes or concentions

precinct-level presidential caucuses

where are state delegates selected?`

county conventions

who chooses national convention candidates

state conventions

today, where are most delegates to each major party's national convention chosen?

state presidential primaries

McGovern-Fraser Commission

mandated to make democratic party conventions more democratic


tendency of seats to hold primaries earlier in the calendar to capitalize media

for a candidate, what is the most important and desirable result of early nomination

create a desirable image and hold election momentum as party's frontrunner

major criticisms of primary system

disproportionate attention goes to primaries, money is too big a role, participation is low and unrepresentative, most prominent political figures find it hard to take time out to run

voters in primaries tend to be .... and ..... .... than the US population as a whole

older and more affluent

in most states, only ---- percent of the registered voters should up for presidential caucuses


proponents of the primary argue that.....

they simplify nominations, increase public understanding, shortens length f campaign, and equalizes weight of votes across states

most political coverage by media focuses on what?

campaign issues/game, who's ahead, what strategies candidates are using, and speculations

who handles the administration of campaign finance laws and enforcement of compliance

federal election commission

federal election campaign act

candidates must disclose who contributed to their campaigns and how the money was spent

Presidential Election Campaign Fund

money collected from federal income tax check-off. source for matching funds and financing nominees in general elections

matching funds

when contributions of up to $250 are matched by the qualified presidential candidates in the primaries

Herbert Alexanders "doctrine of sufficiency"

candidates need to spend enough money to win, but not always more than opponents

selective perception

voters pay most attention to things they already agree with and interpret events according to their own disposition

today's campaigns promote ----- in American politics

individualism. they decided to run, how to raise funds, how to build personal org, and make promises of how they will act in office

notion of civic duty

belief that a citizen should always vote and support the democratic process of governmnet

what was a major reason voters re-elected George W. Bush?

war on terrorism

when was voter registration adopted and why?

turn of twentieth century to prevent corruption with stuffing ballot boxes

where are voter turnout rates higher?

states where voters can register at the polls on election day

who is more likely to vote?

people with higher education levels

why have some voters decided that parties are no longer needed to guide their electoral choices?

technology makes it possible to evaluate and make their own decisions

research has shown that the three most important characteristics of a candidate are...

integrity, reliability, and competence

research shows that --- --- has become more common than it was in the past

policy voting

except in --- and ---, the Electoral College system operate sin each state on principal of allocating votes on the basis of ------------

Maine and Nebraska, winner-takes-all

the greater the policy difference in candidates, the ----- voters will be able to steer gov policies by their choices

more likely


official endorsement of a candidate by a political party

where are most delegates for the Dem and Rep slected

presidential primaries

nomination by political party

a candidates official endorsement of a presidential candidate

Why is the new Hampshire primary so important?

it is the first in the nation

how can presidential nominees get a fixed amount of money from the federal treasury to cover their official campaign costs?

by limiting themselves to spending only the public money

who is required to file periodic reports to the FEC listing contributions and money spent

all candidates

what is an important influence on voting behavior, regardless of campaign?

party identification

Anthony Downs says that people vote when they perceive...

meaningful policy differences between candidates

mandate theory of election

the winning candidate has a mandate from the people to carry out his promises/platform

is it possible for the Electoral College to choose a president who did not won the majority election?


In 2000, who became president without the majority vote?

George W. Bush

what do critics of the national primary election argue?

it's possible that more candidates would not receive majority vote, requiring a run-off election