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71 Cards in this Set

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As a whole; for example, statewide.
Bicameral Legislature
A two-chamber legislature.
A proposed law.
A member of a lawmaker’s personal staff who handles requests for help from constituents.
A vote of formal disapproval of a member’s actions.
A population count.
A procedure that allows each senator to speak only one hour on a bill under debate.
Committee Staff
The people who work for House and Senate committees.
Conference Committee
A temporary joint committee set up when the House and the Senate have passed different versions of the same bill.
A person whom a member of Congress has been elected to represent.
A method of defeating a bill in the Senate by stalling the legislative process and preventing a vote.
To draw a district’s boundaries to gain an advantage in elections.
Elected official that is already in office.
Joint Committee
A committee of the House and the Senate that usually acts as a study group and reports its findings back to the House and the Senate.
Majority Leader
The Speaker’s top assistant whose job is to help plan the majority party’s legislative program and to steer important bills through the House.
The minimum number of members who must be present to permit a legislative body to take official action.
The process of reassigning representation based on population, after every census.
To set up new district lines after reapportionment is complete.
Select Committee
A temporary committee formed to study one specific issue and report its findings to the Senate or the House.
Seniority System
A system that gives the member of the majority party with the longest uninterrupted service on a particular committee the leadership of that committee.
Standing Committee
A permanent committee in Congress that oversees bills that deal with certain kinds of issues.
A group within a standing committee that specializes in a subcategory of its standing committee’s responsibility.
Describe a typical Congressman?
-Typically male, white married, wealthy, & middle age
House of Reps: term, qualifications, total size, minimum number a state allowed, know Nebraska reps and their district
-2 years
-25 years old, be a U.S. citizen 7 years, & legal resident of what district your in
-435 members
-John Fortenberry is our district rep
-Lee Terry
-Adrian Smith
1. Qualifications for Senate?
30 years old.
United States citizen for at least 9 years.
Be a legal resident of the state they represent.
-6 year term
-two for each state
-100 members
Identify the most powerful committee in the House of Representatives.
Ways and Means
Needed to manage the thousands of bills proposed.

Include standing, select, joint, and conference committees.
Presiding officer: Vice president
Qualifications: 30 yrs. old, 9 yr. U.S. citizen, legal resident of state where elected.
Term of Office: 6 years.
Number of members: 100-two from each state.
House of Representatives
Presiding officer: Speaker of the House
Qualifications: 25 yrs. old, 7 yr. U.S. citizen, legal resident of the state where elected.
Term of Office: 2 years.
Number of members: 435 voting representatives.
Revenue Bill
a law proposed to raise money
Appropriations Bill
a proposed law to authorize spending money
Interstate Commerce
trade among the states
a formal accusation of misconduct in office against a public official
a legal order that a person appear or produce requested documents
lying under oath
willful obstruction of justice
freedom from prosecution for witnesses whose testimony ties them to illegal acts
Legislative Oversight
a continuing review by congress of how effectively the executive branch carries out the laws congress passes
the president's refusal to spend money congress has voted to fund a program
Pres. Pro tempore
the senate member, elected by the senate, who stands in as president of the senate in the absence of the vice president
Franking privilege
sending mail free
dismiss a meeting
sharing a common border; touching
a population count
Understand: Census role in reapportionment and then how Redistricting takes place also gerrymandering
the census role in reapportionment is determined on how the 435 seats will be divided among 50 states due to new numbers of representatives. Redistricting takes place in gerrymandering b/c after doing a census they will have to reapportion and thats were gerrymandering comes in play when new lines are drawn for the districts.
Nebraska senators
Deb Fischer
Mike Johanns
Other things about houses of Congress: leaders (and names), quorum number, privileges, how to be disciplined if do something wrong
-Speaker of House- John Bainer Head of Senate- Joe Biden
Quorum- 435; 218 100; 51
-If you are speeding to get to congress meeting, get pulled over, you are free
-Censure- formal disapproval & send free mail, get office space and office space, free insurance
Why is it easier for an incumbent to win reelection?
-They have experience
-B/c constituents are familiar with their name
Role of each type of committee: Standing, joint, conference, select
Standing- (permanent) Appointment to committee is determined by Political Party and Experience
Joint- (temporary/permanent)-Both houses of Congress
-Study an issue
Conference- (temporary) -Workout the differences for both houses on a bill *Health Care Law (House) (Senate)
Select-( temporary) -Studies one topic or issue→9/11 or baseball
What are the presigious committees in each house?
Ways and Means
Why do Congressmen seek certain committee assignments
-Helps their state, helps them, gives them a chance to share what their knowledge is
What role does political party play in Congress?
If you are the same party as the president you will get invited to white house. Everything is divided upon party lines.
What role does seniority play in Congress?
You been there a long time, you get some power
Be able to distinguish between the various personal staff of Congressman and committee staff
1) Administrative assistant (AA)
-Runs office, coordinates schedule, & communicates with important people in home state
2) Legislative Assistant (LA)
-Research bills, draft bills, write speeches for the congressman, attend committee & congressional sessions if the congressman cannot get there
3) Caseworker
-Help solve problems/issues constituents
Committee Staff
-Research and write legislation
-Hearings→ schedule witnesses
What role do support agencies give?
-provides research
-provides printing
-provides a budget
-provides congress spending
How does the Library of Congress help Congressmen?
Provide research for congressmen
What does GPO do?
Prints for congress
What is in the Congressional Record?
Daily record of all the bills introduced
What does the CBO do?
-President makes budget
CBO will look it over and make recommendations to the congress
What does the GAO do
nations watch dog
Explain what the Legislative Reorganization Act did?
This act re-identified the duties of the standing committee and what it is suppose to be doing
How did the War Powers Act limit presidential action?
-limits presidents power to declare war..
Which party controls Senate? House of Rep? Why is this important
Senate: Democrats – Representatives: Republicans
Which house of Congress do tax bills (revenue bills) originate
Which legislative power provides for our nation’s growth
What are the types of bankruptcy that we discussed?
7(personal) , 11, 13
What is the difference between a patent, trademark, and copyright?
-patent(inventions) copyright(music, books, or artistic) Trademark (logo)
Be familiar with the things that cause conflict between Congress and the President?
-timetables and constituencies
Know who these people are: Strom Thurmond(longest filibuster), Joseph McCarthy(leader of comuunist), Andrew Johnson(first president to be impeached), Bill Clinton(impeached), John Boehner(speaker of house)
Why do the different constituencies of the president and Congress cause conflict?
They cause conflict b/c the President promotes policies that best interest the whole nation to where individual states elect members of congress. B/c States represent much narrower interests the congress often have ideas very different then the president.