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41 Cards in this Set

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national governments welfare policies in the1990's
personal responsibility and work opportunity act, temporary assistance for needy families, aid to families with dependent children
what is a republic
a political system in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who can elect people to represent them
what is self determination
the right to participate in the democratic process and influence ones own economic, social, and cultural development.
according to the text what is the most important act of a citizen
the right to vote
what is public good
is a good or service that is provided by the government because it either is not supplied by the market or is not supplied in sufficient quantities
what is a direct democracy
a system of rule that permits citizens to vote directly on laws and policies
what is a representative democracy
a system of government that gives citizens a regular opportunity to elect the top government officials
who was Thomas Hobbs
english philosopher whose theory was that man was born in a state of nature in which there was no government
what are delegated powers
constitutional powers that are assigned to one governmental agency but that are exercised by another agency with the express permission of the first
examples of concurrent powers
levy taxes, able to charter banks, grant or deny licenses to engage in a business
what is included in the first amendent
it included limits on congress
who drafted the the declaration of independence
Thomas Jefferson
major features of the articles of confederation
limit the powers of the central government,gave congress very little power to exercise, congress was given power to declare war and make peace
what are some examples of totalitarian regimes
a government which attempts to dominate or control every sphere of political, economic, and social life
what is meant by a constitutional government
a system of rule in which formal and effective limits are placed on the powers of the government
struggle for ratification of the new constitution
the federalist supported the a strong national government but the antifederalist opposed the constitution because of their fear a strong government would lead to tyranny
Gibbons vs. Ogden
1824 important because it established the supremacy of the national government in all matters affecting interstate commerce
the theory that all interests are and should be free to compete for influence in the government
how is the U.S. Constitution amended
first way is for two thirds of both houses of congress to propose a constitutional amendment and then it must be ratified by 3/4 of the states
who was most responsible for drafting the constitution
Edmund Randolph
what do anarchists believe
they believe that human beings are capable of managing their own affairs on the basis of creativity, cooperation, and mutual respect
who was charles beard
he was one of the most influential american historians of the first half of the 20th century, leader of the "progressive historians"or "progressive histonography 1874-1948
who was john locke
was known as the father of Liberalism he also was an english philospher and physcian and was most influential of enlightenment thinkers 1632-1704
a system of government in which power is divided, by a constitution, between the central(national) government and regional (state) governments
describe the New Jersey plan and its supporters
was the framework for the constitution, introduced by William Patterson, which called for equal state representation in the national legislature regardless of population
what powers powers are denied to the states according to the constitution
engage in war, make treaties with foriegm nations, discriminate against someone from another state
what is meant by checks and balances give an example
each branch of government is able to participate in and influence the activities of the other branches EXAMPLES:presidential veto power over congressional legislation, power of the senate to approve presidential appoinments, judicial review of congressional enactments
what was the main difference between the Virginia plan and the New Jersey plan
the virginia plan provided representation in the national legislature based upon the population of each state and the New Jersey plan representation in the national legislature regardless of population
each state was entitled to how many senators according to the constitution
they were allowed 2 senators
what is the extradition clause
the state may order an indicted suspect or fugitive be returned to face charges in that state
what is the term length of a federal judge
the president appoints them and their length is for life
what are the exclusive powers of the national government
print money, declare war, establish post offices and issue postage, enter treaties with foriegn governments, establish a army and navy, regulate trade between commerce and international trade, make laws to enforce the constitution. enter treaties with foriegn governments
describe the relationship between the federal government and the tates in american history which has grown stronger
the federal government is above the state law and the federal government has grown stronger
what was the three-fifths compromise
the agreement reached at the Constitutional convention of 1787 that stipulated that for purposes of the appointment of congressional seats, five slaves would count as three free persons
what is the divine right theory of government
is the doctrine that states the right of rules in a monarch(one ruler) is developed directly from God and is only accountable to God because God created the state
what is the supremacy clause
article vi of the constitution which states that laws passed by the national government and all treaties shall be the supreme law of the land and superior to all laws adopted by any state or any subdivision
what do states rights advocates believe
the principle that the states should oppose the increasing authority of national government.This principle was most popular in the period before the Civil War
what is a hooverville
the encampments of the poor and homeless that sprang up during the great depression,
who promoted new federalism
Nixon and Reagan attempted to return power to the states through block grants
what is eminent domain
the right of a government to appropriate private property without the owners consent
what is the difference between expressed power and delegated power
expressed powers are specific powers granted to congress in the constitution and the president and delegated powers are constitutional powers that are assigned to one government agency but are exercised by another agency with the express permission of the first