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36 Cards in this Set

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A group of people who live together and rule themselves through a government


The type of democracy Americans chose for their government

Representative Democracy

The decisions a government makes to help its people are called

Public Policy

The total absence of government is called


The type of government in whcih power is shared between a central government and one or more local governments is called a

Federal Government

The evoluntionary theory of the origins of the state is based on changes in


"To establish justice," one of the goals of the American government, means to

Treat people fairly

Which of the following must go along with majority rule in a democracy?

Respect for minority rights

Which of the following features of a state describes a states power?


The group that thought that the Constitution set up a government that was too powerful were the..


To ratify a document means

formal approval

The written permission of the king to set up a colonial goverment was called a


Southern States were allowed to count part of their slave population for representation in the House because of

three-fifths compromise

The Connecticut Compromise was called the Great Compromise because

it settled the important issue of representation

The king appointed the colonial governor in..

royal colonies

The year that the Declaration of Independence was signed was


The government set up by the Articles of Confederation had..

the power to make treaties and build a navy.

The first national government for the United States was

the second continental congress

The debate over ratifying the Constitution was won by the


The principle of government that favors a national government with three independent branches is called

separation of powers

The principle that allows for a national government and smaller regional governments is called


The courts have the power to declare a law unconstitutional, which is called

judicial review

The first ten amendments to the Constitution are called the

bill of rights

When the President says no to a law Congress passes, he is giving the law his

checks and balances

At present the number of formal amendments to the Constitution is

27 amendments

An example of the principle of checks and balances at work is when

courts may declare congress acts unconstitutional

The supreme courts decision in Marbury VS Madison said the court had the power of

judicial review

The constitution can change informally through

passage of basic legislation

Congress can informally amend the constitution by

passing laws

When two opposing sides compromise and agree on a plan, they have reached a


To stop air pollution, environmental groups, scientists, and manufacturers may form a coalition, which is

a union of many persons of diverse interests who have joined together

Voting for candidates of more that one party in the same election is called

Split ticket voting

The Bull Moose Party was a group that split from a major party and became a minor party, also known as a

splinter party

Membership in either major party is

based on personal choices

During which periods of US history did the Democrats dominate the Federal Government?

1800-1860 and 1932-1968

Minor parties play a "spoiler" role in elections by

taking enough votes away from 1 major party, causing the candidates