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71 Cards in this Set

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define Articles of Confederation
First constitution of the United States, adopted during the last stages of the revolutionary war where the power was in the states not central gov.
Define Anti-Federalists
Opponents of the constitution during the fight over ratification
Define Confederation
A loose association of states or territorial divisions in which very little power is lodged in the central government
Define Constitution
the basic framework of law that prescribes how government is to be organized, how decisions are to be made, and what powers and responsibilities it shall have.
Define Connecticut Compromise
Called the great compromise, between new jersey and Virginia creating the two houses bases on both population and equal state representation
Define Checks and Balances
principle that the gov. power shall be divided and that the fragments should balance and check each other to prevent tyranny.
Define Electoral College
elected representatives of the states whose votes formally elect the president of the united states
Define the Elastic Clause
Article 1 section 8 also called the necessary and proper clause give congress to pass whatever laws needed to do its job
Define the Bill of Rights
the first 10 amendments of the constitution, pertaining to the protection of basic liberties
Define Federal
Describing a system of which significant governmental powers are divided between a central government and smaller territorial units, such as states
Define Federalists
proponents of the constitution during the ratification fight, also the political party of hamiliton, washington and adams
Define Separation of Powers
distribution of powers amond the legislatvie, executive and judicial branches
Define New Jersey Plan
proposal by the smaller states at the constitutional convention to create a legislature with equal representation by state not population
Define Social contract
ideology where a government is not legal unless voted on by the citizens
Define Tyranny
a government that systematically violates the rights of its citizens
Define supremacy clause
section 6 that states that itself and the laws of the US take precedence over state
Define Unicameral
Legislative body with a single chamber
Define Virginia Plan
proposed by the large states at the const. convention to create a leg. based on population of states
Define bicameral
a legislative body comprising of 2 houses or chambers
Define Constituent
a citizen who lives in the district of the elected official
define Constituency
district of a legislator
Define Casework
services performed by members of congress for constituents
Define Delegate
When legislator acts on behalf of constituents
Define Enumerated Powers
powers of the federal government specifically mentioned in the constitution
Define Elastic Clause/Implied Powers
Gives congress the ability to make whatever laws needed in order to do their job
Define Filibuster
Stall tactic in the senate used to talk a bill to death
Define Franking Privilege
public subsidization of mail from the members of congress to their constituents
Define Gerrymandering
redrawing of district lines to give that party an advantage
Define Hopper
The box in the house of representative in which proposed bills are placed.
Acquisition by Capture

Capture of Wild Animals
If you catch it, you keep it – “first in time rule” applies.

General Rule: a person who first captures otherwise unowned resources is entitled to the resources.

If wild animals are captured the belong to captor. Capture is required, pursuit alone is not enough.
Define majority-minority districts
districts redrawn to give minorities the majority vote
Define Oversitght
congressional power to oversee the executive branch and personel to make sure they conform to federal rules
Define Pocket Veto
bill is rejected if the president takes no action for 10 days
Define Partisan
committed member of a party seeing things only from the single party's view
Define Pork
projects meant to bring jobs and credit to the constituency of a congressman
Define Redistricting
redrawing the district lines to create equal population inside them
Define Reciprocity
deferral by members of congress to the judgment of subject-matter specialists, mainly on minor bills
Define Standing Committee
relatively permanent congressional committees that address specific areas of legislation
Define Seniority
principle that one attains a position on length of service
Define Trustee
when a legislature votes according to what he thinks is best, not his constituents
Define Veto
presidential disapproval of a bill that has been passed by both house and senate, can be overridden with a 2/3 vote in both houses
Define whip
party sub leader who rounds up votes for bills and checks for votes before the actual vote
Define Habeas Corpus
legal doctrine that a person who is arrested must have a timely hearing before a judge
Define Executive Order
a rule put in place by president that has the authority of law during his term
Define Executive Agreement
Presidents agreement with another country that has the force of law like a treaty but without the backing of the senate
Define Divided Government
When the two houses of the legislative branch are controlled by apposing parties
Define Judicial Review
Ability of judicial branch to decide if actions by other branches are unconstitutional
Define Appellate Courts
courts that hear cases on appeal from other courts
Define Briefs
documents setting out the arguments in legal cases, prepared by attorneys and given to the court
Define Concurring Opinion
agreeing with the opinion but for different reasons
Define Dissenting opinion
disagreeing with the majority
Define Grand Juries
groups of citizens who decide whether there is sufficient evidence to bring an indictment against the accused
Define opinion
explanation of the majority's reasoning that accompanies a court decision
Define opinion of the court
majority opinion that accompanies supreme court decision
Define original jurisdiction
the ability of a court to see a particular type of case first
Define plaintiff
one who brings suit in a court
Define Precedents
Rulings by courts that guide judicial reasoning in subsequent cases.
Define Standing
authority to bring legal action because one is directly affected by the issue at hand
Define Test Case
a case brought to force the constitutionality of some law
What were the three themes of the Declaration of Independence
Social Contract theory, Human right, that the gov was created to protect those rights
Articles of the confederation
Was the joining of the states but not powerfull, states could pretty much do what they wanted
What were the 5 shortcoming of the Articles of the confederation
would not finance its own activities, could not defen americas interest in foreign affairs, states had power to veto central gov., couldnt deal with foriegn policy, couldnt prevent commercial battles
How did the founders stop tyranny
elected officials, limited government, limiting influence of majority by making road blocks
What is republicanism
advocating limited government to protect against tyranny
Why were founders worried
conventions to keep tabs on legislature were being created in states, unicameral system, property rights threatened
What are the congressional powers
Enumerated, Implied
what were the constraints on congress
republicanism, bicameralism, prohibited bills of attainder, ex post facto laws, suspension of writs of habeas corpus, granting titles of nobility
What are the qualifications for Texas Governor
30, live in texas 5 years, its a 4 year term
Requirements to become president
resident for 14 years, naturally born citizen, 35
What are the roles of the president
Commander and Chief, Chief Executive, Chief of State, Foreign Policy Leader, Legislative Leader, Party Leader
What is significant about Marbury vs Madison
it gave the judicial branch the power of Judicial Review