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64 Cards in this Set

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a short fictional narrative that compares something familiar to an unexpected spiritual value
What does Jesus say at the Cross? (3 quotes)
"Father into your hands I commend my spirit." "This day you will be with me in paradise"
"Father forgive them they do not know what they are doing"
What is a Parable cluster?
A group of Parables that have a unifying theme
Name the 3 'lost' parables
The lost coin
The lost son or prodigial son
The lost sheep
What does prodigial mean?
In Luke, what does god celebrate a lot?
When a 'lost' person is found (going back to the christian faith) then instead of never being lost
How was Luke structured?
Infancy Narrative
Travel Narrative
Passion Narrative
What is the Q source?
a hypothetical text that contains quotations of Jesus that was used in Matthew and Luke
What is Immersion?
A type of baptism when a person is totally submerged in water
What Churches practice Immersion?
Baptist, Congregational, Plymouth Brethren, and Dunkard Brethren churches, as well as Churches of Christ, the Christian Churches, Fundamentalists, and most CharismaticsEastern Orthodox church, Church of the East, Assyrian church of the East,
Who normally participates in immersion? Adults? Infants? Both?
Adults you dont want your infant drowned do you?
What is Aspersion?
Is the baptism with sprinkling holy water
Who practices Aspersion?
The Roman Catholic Church and the Church of England
Who participates in Aspersion? Adults or Infants?
Both but more infants
What is affusion?
Is pouring holy water on the head of the person being baptzied
What participates in affusion?
Adults or Infants?
Both again but probably infants more
Who practices affusion?
Presbyterian, Lutheran, Orthodox, and Roman Catholic churches
Age when baptisms are recieved?
For a lot of churches it is when they believe the child knows the difference to right and wrong and can make a commitment.
However infant baptism is generally 3-4.
Who were the Sadduccees?
They were the priest/aristocrats that only accepted the Torah and loved Romans
Who were Pharisees?
accepted everything and beieved in almost everything. They also changed the religion to more of teaching with rabbis
Who were the Essenes?
Very othorodox and traditional Deadseal scrolls, Qumran and perished in 68
Who were the Zealots?
Poor fought the romans and each other. Also called sicari stabbed romans and were pushed to Herod’s palace at Masada.
Why does Luke say Judas betrayed Jesus? (No its not because of money)
Luke says that Satan made Judas do it
How does Judas die?
He hangs himself
Gospel (Meaning)
means good news and something accepted or promoted as infallible truth or as a guiding principle or doctrine
What are the Gospels?
The gospels were one of the first four New Testament books telling of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ; and concerned message of Christ, the kingdom of god, and salvation
What is the Passion narrative?
is when the gospels talks about jesus’s sufferings before an during the cruxification
What does Synoptic mean?
presenting a summary of the principal parts or a general view of the whole.
What was the Messianic secret?
That Jesus commanded his followers to no reaveal that hi the the Messiah
Who was Pontius Pilate?
He was the governor of Judea
Who is Peter?
A disicple of Jesus he denied him three times
What is Gethesame?
Is the garden where Jesus and his disiciples prayed before his cruxificaton
What is Golgotha?
It was the city of Jesus's Cruxification
Where was the last supper?
Just outside of Jersalem on Mount Zion but for the test sake Jerusalem
Where was Jesus resurrected?
Who is herodias?
Femine form of Herod and was his daughter
What did Herod the terarch think of jesus?
He thought jesus was John the Baptist but resurrected
What is Peter's confession about Jesus?
That he is the Messiah
What was the Transfiguration?
The appearance of Moses and Elijah
Who is the Greatest in the kingdom?
The least is the greatest
Fill in the Blanks "A ____ fell victim to robbers....they beat him and went off leaving him half dead. A _____ happened to be going down that road, but when he saw him, he passed by on the opposite side. Likewise, a wise _____ came to the place, and when he saw him, he passed by on the opposite side. But a _____ traveler who came upon him was moved with ______ at the sight."
1. man
2. priest
Fill in the Blanks:
" ____,____, you are anxious and worried about many things. There is need of only one thing. ____ has chosen the better part and it will not be taken from her."
1. Martha
Fill in the Blanks:
"____, hallowed by your name, your kingdom come. Give us each day our daily _____ and forgive us our ____ for we ourselves forgive everyone who is in debt to us, and do not subject us to the final test."
Who were some enemies of Jesus?
Herod, Pharisees, Scribes, Judas, The Devil, Pontius Pilate,The people of Jerusalem, and the Romans
Fill in the Blanks:
"____, it is good that we are here; let us make ____ tents, one for ____, one for____, and one for ____"
1. Master
Name all the characters in the Parable of the Rich man and Lazarus
The rich man
The angels
Name all the characters in the Parable of the Prodigal son
Father, younger son, older son, servant
How many lepers were healed by Jesus.
Which leper thanked Jesus for the cure?
The one from Bethsaida
How many brothers does the rich man have?
Fill in the Blanks:
"Then ____said, if they will not listen to Moses and the prophets, niether will they be persuaded if someone should rise from the dead."
Fill in the Blank:
The Parable of the ____ Steward
What is the two source hypothesis?
Explains why Matthew, Mark, and Luke all sound the same because Matthew and Luke based their gospels off of Mark's and a lost Q source
What was the geography in Luke?
When Jesus was on an elevated plain like a mountain he is all alone. But has sermons on plains because there can be crowds on the mountains.
Tetrarch: A ruler of 1/4 of land
Baptizein: to be immersed in water

Immersion Baptism: Followed by the baptists
Infusion Baptism: Episcopalians, Roman Catholics, Lutherans, Methodists
Aspersion Baptism: Presbyterians
Tetrarch: A ruler of 1/4 of land
Baptizein: to be immersed in water

Immersion Baptism: Followed by the baptists
Infusion Baptism: Episcopalians, Roman Catholics, Lutherans, Methodists
Aspersion Baptism: Presbyterians
Non jew
Christ (meaning)
the anointed one
addressee of Luke
Orginal language of Luke?
Luke also wrote
acts of the apostles
theophilus means
lover of god
Lukes genealogy
Luke's genealogy goes back to Adam, through a minor son of David, Nathan and apparently again to Joseph.
apocryphal gospel
gnostic gospel
Luke mentions age of jesus
eight days after circumsion and when he is 12 and 33