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34 Cards in this Set

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What are the two general types of forecast techniques?
Qualitative and Quantitative
What are the two sub-categories for each broad method?
Qualitative: Judgmental and Market Research
Quantitative: Time Series and Causal
Qualitative Forecasting Methods
- involve greater subjectivity
- used when historical data are lacking
-Judgmental and Market research methods
Judgmental methods
- Qualitative
- based on experience and informed opinion
-jury of executive opinion(ppl who constantly have access to external and internal info)
- sales force estimation (have bias, req to come to consensus)
- Delphi (anonymous experts)
anonymous experts; independently give feedback on future. Summarize opinions of random sample
Market research methods
- Qualitative
- based on systematic data collection and statistical analysis
- focus groups (selected carefully, representative of demographics)
- consumer surveys (rely on large #s of people)
Quantitative Forecasting Methods
- based on mathematical techniques
- requires historical data
- more objective approach
Time Series methods and Causal modeling method
Time Series Forecasting Method
- Quantitative
- forecasts are based solely on past (historical) demand
- assume future demand is reflected in past demand patterns
- short term
Causal Modeling Forecasting Method
- Quantitative
- demand is influenced by one or more independent variables
- best for underlying cause
- long term
Advantages of Causal Modeling compared to Time Series Modeling:
- typically better for long-range forecasting
- typically better for predicting shifts (or turning points) in data patterns
- can generate better understanding of the mechanisms influencing sales/ demand
Disadvantages of Causal modeling compared to time series modeling:
- Causal requires more data
- Causal requires special expertise that many managers do not have
5 Step Causal Modeling Procedure using Regression analysis:
1. identify variables that you "think" might explain what you are trying to forecast - initial (or theoretical) regression model
2. collect the data (observations)
3. initial screening of the data
4. build regression model and test
- check that data meet necessary conditions
5. use model to forecast
in the initial screening of the data, step 3, what can result in removal of certain problematic data points?
- errors in recording the value
- observation is not part of the population of interest

Case 1: error in recording or reporting data value
Case 2: data representing extreme or rare conditions such as
-major disruption in supply chain
-rapid change in market conditions
problematic data points- should be removed prior to model development
what is defined as "extreme observations" ?
an extreme observation, or OUTLIER, is identified as being well separated from the remainder of the data
-an observation may be extreme, or outlying, with respect to its dependent variable, it independent variable, or both
- outliers warrant additional scrutiny
how do you go about detecting observations?
aka Outlier Analysis:
-use standardized residuals (errors of the regression equation)
- values greater than +-4 standard deviations from the mean indicate a potential outlier
what are the four assumptions of regression?
(necessary conditions for regression analysis)
a) linear relationship exists between the independent variables and dependent variables
b) independent variables are NOT highly correlated; correlation table IrI > 0.9
c) residuals (or errors) exhibit a constant variance; aka homoscedasticity (we want)
d) independent residuals (good)
if violated: (bad)
1) autocorrelation
2) serial correlation
what two graphs check a linear relationship?
scatter plots and residual plots
scatter plots
-plots with dep var on the y-axis and each ind var on the x-axis
- a plot should suggest a straight line relationship (with or without a trend)
residual plots
- plots with residuals on the y-axis against each ind variable and the predicted values on the x-axis
- a plot SHOULD exhibit a RANDOM pattern
independent residuals
- the residuals must be independent of each other
- plot should NOT exhibit a trend or any special pattern
- residuals should be distributed randomly between pos and negative pattern
normally distributed residuals
- residuals must be normally distributed
- histogram should exhibit a bell shaped curve about zero, using 8 to 10 bin categories
Naive Method
the naive forecast for the next period equals the demand for the current period.
a.k.a. what happens today will happen tomorrow
Simple Moving Average (SMA)
(Horizontal; no trend)
- SMA places the same weight (or emphasis) on each time period
- works well when demand is fairly STABLE over time
- does NOT do a good job of forecasting when a TREND is present
- the forecast LAGS THE ACTUAL DEMAND because of averaging effect
- DECREASING the number of periods in a forecast, creates a MORE RESPONSIVE forecast 
Weighted Moving Average (WMA)
(horizontal; no trend)
- weighted moving average allows DIFFERENT emphasis to be placed on different time periods
- works well when the demand is fairly stable over time
- does NOT do a good job of forecasting when trend is present
- the forecast lags the actual demand bc of averaging effect
- weights tend to be based on the forecaster's experience
- DECREASING the number of periods in forecasting and/or INCREASING the size of the weights for more recent demand creates a MORE responsive forecast
what is forecasting error?
Et= (At-Ft) Forecast Error is the difference between actual demand and the forecast
- used to evaluate the accuracy of a forecasting model
- for all measures of forecast accuracy, the CLOSER the measure is to ZERO the BETTER the forecast
ultimate goal of any forecasting endeavor is to have an
accurate and unbiased forecast
Costs associated with prediction error inclue:
cost of lost sales, safety stock, unsatisfied customers, and loss of good will
Absolute measures of forecast include:
Relative measures of forecast include:
MAPE, tracking signal
Running Sum of Forecast Errors and Mean Forecast Error
POSITIVE= underestimated demand; stockouts
NEGATIVE= overestimated demand; higher inventory costs
- a zero RSFE and MFE indicates that the forecast is UNBIASED, but NOT necessarily accurate
represents the tendency of a forecast to be consistently higher or lower than the actual demand
Mean Absolute Deviation
- measures average magnitude or size of the forecast errors without regard to the direction of error
- simple way to compare forecasts
- greater than zero, overestimates or underestimates
- a ZERO MAD= PERFECT forecast of demand, overlap
mean squared error
- sensitive to large errors
tracking signal
- used to monitor the performance of a forecast overtime
-tracks forecast bias relative to the average magnitude of the forecast error