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126 Cards in this Set

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According to Caribbean Perspectives, (I Am Because We are), colonization contributed to what?
Who started the call for those of African descent to return to Africa to Christianize the continent?
Edward Blyden
What did Marcus Garvey believe would create a framework within which people of African descent may once again recognize the special achievements of precolonial African history and culture?
new aristocracy of service
What was the name of the Black nationalist fraternal organization founded by marcus garvey?
Universal Negro Improvement Association
The Universal Negro Improvement Association had it's greatest strengths during what decade?
Who was a Martinican poet and statesman?
Aime Cesaire
Who is related to negritude?
Aime Cesaire
Where was Frantz Fanon born and where did he practice his profession?
Native of Martinique, but a psychiatrist in Algeria
Who argues that racism is a singularly important consequence of colonial rule?
Frantz Fanon
Frantz Fanon describes racism as a result of the ___________ of one group by another.
"shameless exploitation"
______maintains that the rediscovery and reclaiming of ______ marks the pivotal movement around which the possibility of decolonization turns.
Frantz Fanon; traditional culture
Who disagrees with Frantz Fanon?
Walter Rodney
Who does Walter Rodney disagree with?
Frantz Fanon
In Rodney's analysis, race remains a mark of____.
Merle Hodge is related to____
male-female dynamics
The black man's sense of personal inferiority is a product of what, according to Hodge?
centuries of slavery and colonization
1925-1965 African American Muslim Minister
Malcolm X
(MLK jr.) Why were blacks disappointed with federal govt.? (what was wrong with the south and north)
for not enacting civil rights they guaranteed. South - remained the same. North - plagued by ghettos.
In what two ways does MLK jr. support the black power movement?
1. political awareness
2. to elect black people to key positions.
What was the primary function of the National association of colored women's club?
to fight racism
How was the National assocation of colored women's club different from white women groups?
it was open to any members without racism
What three things did the National association of colored women's club fight for?
the right to vote, higher wages, and better working conditions
The National association of colored women's club wanted to repeal which bill?
Simpson-Rodino bill
Lucius Outlaw was related to what?
the relationship between race and ethnicity and philosophy
According to Jean-Price Mars, citizens should take more seriously their _____ in order to help them _________.
folk traditions; resist European ideas
Logos and nous
code of being and reason
Bell Hooks was related to what?
Molefi Asante was related to what?
Asante believed that education is fundamentally a social phenomenon whose ultimate purpose is to _________________.
socialize the learner and prepare that child to become part of a social group.
Cornel West wrote the essay____.
Learning to talk of race
Race was the visible catalyst that led to the LA riots but it was not the ________.
underlying cause
LA riots were mention _____.
Learning to talk of race by Cornel West.
David Walker earned a reputation for his __________.
generosity and benevolence
In the Preamble of David Walker's appeal, he believes the pen only of a _______ or a _______ can enumerate and explain the causes of the wretchedness of the US.
Josephus, Plutarch
In the Preamble of David Walker's appeal, he expects to be held up to the public as ________________________.
an ignorant, impudent and restless disturber of the peace
Article 1 of David Walker's appeal; blacks are seen as what?
brutes and are expected to be slaves
Article 1 of David Walker's appeal, he wants what?
to see a man of color in a low office or a juror and for the whites to acknowledge their hard condition
Article 1 of David Walker's appeal, How do white cheat black men of prosperity?
Even if a black man dies his estate falls into the hands of a white man
Article 1 of David Walker's appeal, who have suffered what Blacks have suffered through slavery?
No one. Not even Spartans.
Who were the Founders of the BPP?
Newton and Seale
What did Newton do for the BPP?
went to the streets to talk to, understand and relate to the black person. he took those concerns and transformed into the BPP
What did Seale demand blacks do?
defend themselves but not in the form of riots
What were the 10 points in the What We Want? (THE JEF POMP)
1. Freedom
2. full Employment
3. end Oppression
4. decent Housing
5. decent Education
6. blacks exempt from Military
7. end Police brutality
8. freedom for blacks in Jail
9. fair Trials for black crimes
10. land, bread, housing, education, clothing, justice, and Peace
BPP Black community news service is a _________________.
living contemporary history of our people's struggle for liberation at the grass roots level.
Pig -
one who violates another's constitutional rights
Revolution art -
art enlightens as well as educates the masses
Executive Mandate 1
take note of the racist California Legislature. (keeping Blacks disarmed as racism becomes more violent)
________urges people to take note of the racist California Legislature. (keeping Blacks disarmed as racism becomes more violent)
Executive mandate 1
What were Seale's 3 levels of oppression?
greedy, misleading, brutalizing
Seale tried to implement the BPP platform by _____________. This lead to __________.
going to the streets to being to teach people the strategic methods to have these political desires, deaths of many teachers.
The BPP program has led to 2 things:
political prisoners and dead members
Eldridge Cleaver; the most critical tests facing Johnson are what?
the war in Vietnam and the Negro revolution at home
Eldridge Cleaver; Black man needs to gain what first in America before he can fight in Vietnam for the country?
Eldridge Cleaver; why are black troops being sent to Vietnam?
some think to kill the young blacks and to spread hate against the black race throughout asia
What weapon did the BPP always use to educate the masses?
Kathleen Cleaver -
communication secretary of the Black Panther Party
What were the two community activities?
Feed our children, liberation schools
Why was Feed our children created?
children need a nourishing breakfast to learn
How was Feed our children run?
through donations of concerned people and the avaricious businessmen that pink selfishly a little to the program.
What were liberation schools created?
Point 5 of What We Want; they will replace for the summer the free breakfast for school children
Is Apartheid Really Dead? Early Years; who were the earliest indigenous cultures extant in the southwestern tip of Southern Africa?
the San (or Abathwa) and the Khoi Khoi
___________hunter-gatherers whose history reaches to 60,000 years ago. Political organization was rudimentary.
The Abathwa
_________were pastoral people who depended on cattle and sheep farming. They accumulated cattle and sheep and traded with their neighbors in the easter region of southern Africa.
Khoi Khoi
Khoi Khoi were credited for doing what?
introducing pottery and sheep farming to the Cape.
_____practiced cattle farming and agriculture. Engaged in iron smelting and mined copper and tin. Grew hemp and tobacco resulting in a thriving trade in the region.
The emergence of commercial activity by the Sotho led to what?
a gender division of labor between men and women
In Is Apartheid Really Dead, who represented the first major intruders?
Dutch East India Company
Who led the first major intruders?
Jan Van Riebeeck
Who introduced black slaves from Guinea and Angola into south Africa in 1658?
Jan Van Riebeeck
Jan Van Riebeeck attempted to do what?
enslave the Khoi Khoi and the Abathwa
Who did the Dutch launch a series of wars on in teh 17th and 18th centuries?
the Xhosa-speaking people of the Cape
What does ANC stand for?
African National Congress
What does PAC stand for?
Pan-Africanist Congress of Azania
_______ was the governing left-wing political party, supported by its tripartite alliance with Congress of South African Trade Unions and the South African communist party.
The ANC (African Nationalist Congress)
How does the ANC define itself?
as a disciplined force of the left
Who was the leader of the ANC?
Nelson Mandela
_______was originally a South African liberation movement and is now a minor political party.
The PAC (Pan-Africanist Congress)
Who was a part of the Black Consciousness movement?
Steve Biko
What did BCM represent?
a social movement for political consciousness
BCM attacked what they saw as ______.
traditional white values
What did De Klerk do regarding the Black Consciousness movement?
legalized all banned organizations and released mandela and other imprisoned leaders from prison.
How did the observers outside SA view De Klerk's measures?
as historic and an indication that the apartheid regime had finally come to its moral senses and realized that apartheid was wrong
_____ promotes post-apartheid.
White capitalist ruling class ___________ the overwhelming majority of black people who are working class or sub-working class.
suppress and exploit
What is meant by the statement: The economy is "white."
It is controlled by and benefits white people
economic pragmatism -
neoliberal Keynesian economics
_________ echoed Blyden's view that Africans should return to Africa and went further in insisting that there is little chance for ___________or_______________ in the Caribbean of the US.
Marcus Garvey; black dignity or self-determination
The Universal Negro Improvement Association advocated that negro peoples of the world should concentrate upon the object of _________________,
creating for a great nation in Africa for themselves
What was C.L.R. James best known for?
his radical history of the Haitian Revolution in the Black Jaccobins.
C.L.R. James complements Price-Mar's call for a reclamation of racial identity in the Caribbean with a stinging analysis of the effects of ____________and_______ on the __________ in particular.
slavery and colonial exploitation; middle classes
Aime Cesaire:
Deconstructs the Western notion of civilization held by _____and_______
Blyden and Garvey
Aime Cesaire:
Argues that the _____ civilization brought by colonialism is a ___ - that it is neither civil nor a source of significant cultural gifts
Christian; lie
Aime Cesaire:
Makes a case for the __________of_______ African and diaspora society and culture.
moral preferability of traditional
What does Frantz Fanon believe we need to get away from and why?
the notion that racism is just a psychological flaw; in order to see the ways in which racism contributes to the inferiorization of the colonized.
Walter Rodney disagrees with Frantz Fanon in that he argues that modern history can only be understood properly if the ___________ is used as the _________ of analysis.
concept of race; cornerstone
What does Rodney believe to be the crucial political challenge facing all nonwhite people?
recognition of power from racial identification
What does Rodney suggest people use in order to attempt to right wrongs?
justified violence (only when the wrongs have not been successfully addressed in other, nonviolent ways)
Hodge analyzes domestic violence directed against women as a manifestation of the black man's sense of_____________.
personal inferiority.
Hodge suggests that decolonization ultimately demands a ___________ of relations between ___________.
radical transformation; men and women
Malcolm X encouraged African Americans to gain what two things and eliminate what?
1. political control
2. economic control
3. evils in the community
According to MLK jr., the black power movement is a(n) ______________.
cry of disappointment and reaction to the failure of white power.
Angela Davis was shunned from what?
the 1890 general federation of women
National association of colored women's club (3 points)
founded in 1896
100 afro-american women from 10 states met in Boston
Led by Josephine St. Pierre Ruffin and March church Terrel
grouping people based on their differences and then using these differences to get noticed
Politic of difference
the politic of difference was based on what two beliefs?
1. must appreciate what it means to be human
2. take into account these differences in our organization of enterprises
the attempt to provide the definitive characterization of what it is to be human
- enlightenment led to lost individuality and gender race
challenge to philosophy
What was the Aristolian strategy?
(Lucius Outlaw)
defining human diversity as a function of different natures
What 3 things need to be done to prevent riots according to Cornel West?
1. unite
2. focus on common public square
3. new leadership
David Walker bibliographical information. (where was he born, parents, where did he settle and when?)
Born in North Carolina to a free mother and enslaved father, settled in Boston in 1872
David Walker was a(n) ________.
outspoken black abolitionist
What did David Walker push for?
immediate emancipation
In the Preamble of David Walker's appeal, how is the US described?
degraded and wretched
Article 1 of David Walker's appeal, refutes what?
arguments that black people were inferior taking aim at Jefferson's mispronouncement in his Notes on Virginia
Article II of David Walker's Appeal, compels them to_______.
spread knowledge as widely as possible among Blacks.
Article III of David Walker's Appeal, chastises white christians for what?
failing to head God's word and fight against slavery
Article IV of David Walker's Appeal, attacks who and what?
the American colonization society and the belief that blacks were other than Americans
Huey Newton encourages
Executive Mandate 1
Eldridge Cleaver is related to what?
Black man's stake in Vietnam
David Hilliard believes the ideology of the BPP is _______________________.
the historical experiences of Black people in America translated through Marxism-Leninism.
What was Kathleen Cleavers speech called and what was it about?
Liberation and Political Assassination; spoke on the assassinations of MLK and Newton.
What did Connie Matthew believe?
peaceful demonstrations and negotiations would get them nowhere. The goal of the Black Panther Party now is to make a united front.
Khoi Khoi were responsible for what? (2 things)
initiating Southern Africa's first indigenous resistance movement, repelling the attempted Portuguese intrusion
The Dutch were determined to do what?
eliminate the indigenous people because they viewed them as obstacles to their frenzied obsession with acquiring the land
What was the Black Consciousness movement?
an Anti-Apartheid activist movement that emerged in SA in the mid 1960s because of the jailing and banning of the ANC and PAC leadership after the Sharpville Massacre
What was mainly discussed in each article? (david walker's appeal)
III-preachers of Jesus Christ
IV-colonizing plan
Who believed that the time has come for blacks to arm themselves against the terror of concentrations camps before its too late
Huey Newton