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47 Cards in this Set

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Heparin-like molecules. Function?
Enhance antithrombin III (ATIII) activity.
Antithrombin III. Function?
Neutralizes activated serine protease coagulation factors.
PGI2 (prostacyclin). Function (2)?
1) Vasodilator
2) Inhibits platelet aggregation
Proteins C and S. Function (2)?
1) Inactivate factors V and VIII
2) Enhance fibrinolysis
tPA. Function?
Activates plasminogen to release plasmin
Thromboxane A2 (TXA2). Function (2)?
1) Vasoconstrictor
2) Enhances platelet aggregation
vWF. Two functions? Synthesized where?
a) platelet adhesion, b) prevents degradation of VIII:c in plasma
Synthesized in Weibel-Palade bodies in endothelial cells
Factor VIII:c. Synthesized where (2)?
1) Liver
2) Reticuloendothelial cells
In the extrinsic coagulation pathway, what activates factor VII?
Tissue factor (aka tissue thromboplastin)
List the important platelet receptors and their cognate ligands (2).
1) GpIb, vWF
2) GpIIb-IIIa, fibrinogen
What is the function of clopidogrel?
Inhibits expression of GpIIb-IIIa, decreasing platelet aggregation.
What are three important compounds are stored in platelets?
1) ADP
2) vWF
3) fibrinogen
What molecule is involved in the first step of the extrinsic pathway?
Factor VII
What factor is involved in the first step of the intrinsic pathway?
Factor XII (Hageman factor)
Which factors are vitamin K dependent (4)?
factors 10, 9, 7, and 2
What three compounds can activate plasminogen?
1) tPA
2) streptokinase (from streptococci)
3) urokinase (from human urine)
What are D-dimers?
Cross-linked fibrin monomers
What is the sequence of events that a platelet goes through in hemostasis of small vessel injury (4)?
1) adhesion
2) granule release
3) synthesis of TXA2
4) temporary plug formation
What holds the temporary platelet plug together (1)?
A temporary plug is converted to a stable plug by the action of ______, which converts _______ to ______.
a) thrombin
b) fibrinogen
c) fibrin
What does PTT test?
The intrinsic system.
What does PT test?
The extrinsic system.
What does D-dimer assay test?
Fibrin split products. High sensitivity, low specificity.
What two findings do TTP and HUS have in common?
1) platelet consumption
2) hemolytic anemia with schistocytes
What are some common causes of thrombocytosis (3)?
1) chronic iron deficiency
2) malignancy
3) splenectomy
What is the most common cause of a qualitative (functional) platelet defect?
What physical exam sign is only seen with thrombocytopenia?
Clinical findings in coagulation disorders (2).
1) late rebleeding (no stable platelet plug formation)
2) hemarthroses (severe deficiency)
What is the mode of inheritance of hemophilia A?
X-linked recessive
What is the defect in hemophilia A?
Factor VIII (intrinsic pathway)
What is the mode of inheritance of hemophilia B?
X-linked recessive
What is the defect in hemophilia B?
Factor IX deficiency (intrinsic pathway)
What are laboratory findings for hemophilia A (2)?
1) decreased VIII:c
2) increased PTT
What is the most common hereditary coagulation disorder?
von Willebrand disease
What is the mode of transmission of von Willebrand disease?
Autosomal dominant
What are the functional abnormalities in vWD (2)?
1) platelet aggregation disorder (↓ vWF antigen)
2) coagulation factor disorder (↓ VIII:c activity)
What laboratory tests will be abnormal in vWD (2)?
1) ↑ PTT
2) ↑ bleeding time
What two important circumstances may lead to vitamin K deficiency?
1) Newborns with no bacteria
2) Hospitalized patients treated with antibiotics
What does warfarin inhibit?
epoxide reductase
Liver cirrhosis leads to _____ synthesis of vitamin K-dependent factors and _____ activation of vitamin K.
a) decreased
b) decreased
(True/False) Liver cirrhosis leads to many hemostasis abnormalities leading to increased PT, PTT, bleeding time, and D-dimers.
What is the most common cause of DIC?
What type of coagulopathy is DIC?
Why does DIC cause thrombosis and hemorrhage?
Because it activates the coagulation cascade (thrombosis), but due to consumption of platelets, leads to hemorrhage.
What are two common anti-phospholipid antibodies?
1) anticardiolipin antibody
2) lupus anticoagulant
What antibody gives a false positive syphilis test?
anticardiolipin antibody
What is the most common hereditary thrombosis syndrome?
Factor V leiden