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52 Cards in this Set

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The colonies existed to benefit England economically
Great Awakening
A period of religious revival and growth for many denominations
Salutary Neglect
The non-enforcement of trade laws in the colonies; Ended due to British debt from the French and Indian War
Sided with the British in the French and Indian War
Sided with the French during the French and Indian War
A dispute over this lead to the French and Indian War
A Native American group that helped the British in the French and Indian War
Treaty of Paris 1763
Marked the end of the French and Indian War
These people won the French and Indian War
Navigation Acts/Laws
Began to be enforced after the French and Indian War
The colonists became angry and declared "no taxation without representation." - They wanted representation here
Proclamation Line of 1763
The King issued this to keep colonists from settling on land west of the Appalachian Mountains
Sugar Act
This act mposed a tax on sugar
Quartering Act
This act required colonists to house British troops
Stamp Act
This act placed a tax on legal documents
Declaratory Act
This act said Parliament shall have the power to make laws that applied to the colonists in "all cases whatsoever."
Townshend Acts
These acts placed duties on glass, tea, lead, and paper
Boston Massacre
Colonists threatened British soldier resulting in the British opening fire causing the death of 5 colonists
Tea Act
This act drove American tea merchants out of business
Boston Tea Party
This was a result of the Tea Act. A group of colonists dressed as Indians and threw tea in the harbor
Intolerable (Coercive) Acts
These acts were a result of the Boston Tea Party
Lexington and Concord
The first battle of the American Revolutionary War
Those who rebelled against the King of England and fought for independence
Common Sense
A pamphlet written by Thomas Paine
Common Sense mentioned/encouraged this
Thomas Jefferson
This person was the primary writer of the Declaration of Independence
Inalienable Rights
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of happiness
John Locke
The person who's natural rights were used in the Declaration of Independence
The turning point of the American Revolution
This country joined the colonies after the turning point of the American Revolution
This was the last battle of the American Revolution
Treaty of Paris 1783
This treaty ended the American Revolution
Articles of Confederation
The first national government of the United States - created in 1776
Weaknesses of the Articles
It had a weak national government and stronger state governments
Northwest Ordinance of 1787
Passed by Congress under the Articles of Confederation. Established steps for statehood for land around the Ohio River
Land Ordinance of 1785
Passed by Congress under the Articles of Confederation. Established townships from western land and set aside part of that land for the establishment of schools
Shay's Rebellion
This event was led by angry farmers and exposed the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation
Philadelphia Convention
A secret convention originally to revise the Articles of Confederation
John Madison
The father of the United States Constitution
Virginia Plan
Wanted representation in Congress based on population, this satisfied the larger states
New Jersey Plan
Wanted representation in Congress based on equality, this satisfied the smaller states
Great Compromise
This plan settled the conflict over representation in Congress
The Great Compromise gave us this type of legislation
House of Representatives
The branch of Congress based on population
The branch of Congress based on equality
Three-Fifths Compromise
This compromise settled the dispute for how to count slaves for the purpose of representation in Congress
Electoral College
Settled the compromise for how to elect the president
This group supported the ratification of the United States Constituion; Wanted stronger national government
This group opposed the ratification of the United States Constituion; Wanted stronger state governments
Federalist Papers
These were written by Madison, Hamilton, and Jay to persuade others to accept the Constitution
Bill of Rights
The first ten amendments of the United States Constitution; Added to the Constitution to satisfy the Anti-Federalists
Nine of Thirteen
The number of states that needed to ratify the United States Constitution