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58 Cards in this Set

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Where is the gluteal tuberosity?
posterior lateral aspect of the femur
Where is the trochanteric fossa?
What attaches here?
Btwn the intertrochanteric crest and the neck of the femur on the posterior side of the femur
Obturator externus attaches here
The intertrochanteric crest is where?
What attaches on it?
on the posterior aspect of the femus
A ridge btwn the greater and lesster trochanter.
Lateral to the intertrichanteric creat is the trochanteric fossa
Quadratus Femoris attaches from the ischium to the intertrochanteric crest
where is the tibial tuberosity?
Does it bear weight?
What bone does it articulate with?
on the anterior aspect of the tibia, just inferior to the intercondylar eminence
bears most of weight
articulates with femur
Where is the head of the fibula? What attaches to it?
on the proximal part of the fibula. (the fibula is the smaller more lateral bone in the leg)
biceps femoris attaches here
what bone in the leg bears more weight?
The tibia (the larger more medial bone)
What bone are the medial and lateral condyles on?
What is the space between the medial and lateral epicondyles called? What bone is it on? What bony feature is just inferior?
intercondylar eminence
on the tibia
the tibial tuberosity is just below it
what leg bone articulates with the femur directly? what bone articulated with the femur indirectly?
Directly: tibia
Indirectly: fibula
What movements can the hip do?
Medial/Lateral Rotation
What movements can the knee do?
What is the intergluteal cleft
butt crack
What is the difference btwn the gluteal sulcus and the gluteal fold.
sulcus: the crease btwn butt/thigh
Fold: near the sulcus, its where the butt cheek sorta bulges out (you can pinch it)
What are the borders of the popiteal fossa? (Lateral and medial)
What movement of the knee will make these tendons pop!?
lateral: biceps femoris tendon
medial: semitendinosus tendon

Seen best with the knee flexed
Name the deep mm of the Gluteal Region?
Superior Gemellus
Obturator Internus
Inferior Gemellus
Quadratus Femoris
Obturator Externus
What is the cool thing about the deep mm of the Gluteal Region?
They all have the same insertion and action!

Action: Lateral Rotation, Hip Stabilizer
Innervated by?
Deep Gluteal mm
lateral rotation/hip stabilizer **keeps the femus in the acatabulum
Innervated by___________
attaches from sacrum to greater trochanter
Courses through the greater sciatic foramen
When the hip is flexed the deep mm of the glut do what motion?
____________ adduction or Abduction? not sure
Why is the piriformis crucial? what is above/below the piriformis
it is a landmark for anatomical relationships in the glut

ABOVE piriformis: superior gluteal N/A
BELOW piriformis: inferior gluteal N/A, Sciatic N, Superior Gemellus, obturator internus, inferior gemellus
Superior Gemellus
Innervated by?
deep glut mm
lateral rotation, hip stabilizer
attaches from the ischium to the greater trochanter
No unique course
Obturator Internus
Innervated by?
deep glut mm
lateral rotation, hip stabilizer
attaches from the ischium to the greater trochanter
the ob internus passes from the obturator foramen, through the lesser sciatic foramen, onto the greater trochanter
Innervated by__________

** in lab the tendon of the obt int is seen, not the mm fibers
Inferior Gemellus
Innervated by?
deep glut mm
lateral rotation, hip stabilizer
attaches from the ischium to the greater trochanter
no cool course
innervated by________
Quadratus Femoris
Innervated by?
deep glut mm
lateral rotation and hip stabilizer
attaches from the ischium to the intertrochanteric crest
No cool course
Innervated by ___________
Obturator Externus
Innervated by?
Cool things
Deep glut mm
lateral rotation and hip stabilizer
deep mm, seen from anterior view. deep to pectineus and adductor brevis
Inserts onto trocanteric fossa?????
Innervated by Obturator N
Cool thing! location and innervation is similiar to the mm in the medial compartment, BUT the finction is more similiar to mm in the deep gluteal region
Name the Superficial MM of the Gluteal Region
Tensor Fascia Lata
Gluteus Maximus
Gluteus Medius
Gluteus Minimus
Tensor Fascia Lata
Innervated by?
Superficial Glut mm
ABduction thigh
Attaches from the ASIS/iliac crest to the IT band
No cool course
Innervated by Superior Gluteal
What two mm give rise to the IT band?
Tensor Fascia Lata
Gluteus maximus
When the Glut Max contracts what way will the IT band be pulled? What mm resists this?
Glut max will pull IT post, the tensor fascia lata will resist this action
Gluteus Maximus
Innervated by?
Superficial Gluteal compartment
Extends the thigh (esp from a flexed position, sitting, stairs, sprinting)
Attached from the sacrum/illiac crest and inserts in two places 1. deep insertion on gluteal tuberosity 2. superficial insertion on IT band
No cool course
Inferior Gluteal N
Where are the deep and superficial insertions of the glut max?
Deep: gluteal tuberosity
Superficial: IT band
Gluteus Medius
Innervated by?
Superficial gluteal region
iliac tubercle (not really) to greater trochanter
Superior Gluteal N

More superficial, lies superior to piriformis. minimus is deep to medius
What mm insert on greater trochanter?
Glut Med
Glut Min
Gluteus Minimus
Innervated by?
superficial gluteal
iliac tubercle (not really) to greater trochanter
Superior Gluteal N

*deep to glut med and max. superior to pirifirmis
What mm are innervated by the superior gluteal N?
What happens when the Sup Glut n is damaged?
Hip ABductors: tensor fascia lata, glut med, glut min

Hip Drop on the side that is NOT affected. **if R side sup glut n is damaged the L hip will drop
What is trendelenburg sign?
its the contralateral hip drop that is seen when the sup glut nerve is damaged

the sup glut N innervates the ABductors (glut med, glut min, TFL). when the mm wont work the hip on the opposite side is 'dropped'
Where would you get inflammation of the IT band
Distally: lateral femoral epicondyle &/or
Proximally: greater trochanter
What type of actions will result in IT band syndrome
overuse of hip extension and knee flexion (hikers, runners)
Name the three bursae in the gluteal region
ischial bursa
trochanteric bursa
gluteofemoral bursa
from lateral to medial name the 'hamstring mm' and list their action
Biceps femoris

all mm work to extend the thigh and flex the knee EXCEPT... the short head of the of the biceps femoris, it inserts on the linea asprea (it does NOT cross the hip and so cannot act here) the short head of biceps femoris acts only to flex the leg
What a supplies the posterior thigh
deep a of the thigh
if a mm in the posterior thigh acts to extend the hip where must it insert?
ischial tuberosity
in what position must the knee be in order to rotate it? what mm are responsible for this?
the knee must be flexed
the biceps femoris laterally rotate it and the semimembranosus and semitendonosus do medial rotation
where does the semitendinosus insert and attach?
the ischial tuberosity to the superomedial tibia
flexes the knee
extends the thigh
medially rotate knee when flexed

** from a more proximal position the semitentinosus mm is in the mmiddle of the biceps femoris and the semimembranosus, the semitentinosus then courses medially to insert on the top medial part of the tibia
is on the post thigh, it extends the hip and flexes the knee.
it lies medially
it medially rotates the knee when it is flexed
what is a cool feature of the semimembranosus?
it has the oblique popiteal ligament
Biceps Femoris
where do the long and short head insert?
Long head: action is to extend the thigh and flex the knee. it inserts on the lateral aspect of the fibula and arises from the ischial tuberosity
it is supplied by the sciatic N (tibial division

the short head DOES NOT CROSS HIP. Pure knee flexion. It inserts on the linea aspera (the bony part of the femur) and the fibular head
The long head of the biceps femoris is supplied by what n? what n supplies the short head?
Long Head: tibial division of sciatic
Short head: fibular division of the sciatic
what mm is deeper? semimembranosus semitentinosus?
what mm protect the sciatic n?
in the butt glut maximus does
in the post thigh the long head of the biceps femoris protects the sciatic n
what is the pes ansurinus?
What bone? What bony feature? What attaches
Medial Epicondyle
3mm attachments to the medial epicondyle of the tibia

from superficial to deep
1. Sartorius
2. Gracilis
3. Semitendinosus

**often a site of pain
what is the common attachment for the sartorius, gracilis, and semitendinosus?
the pes ansurinus

*the medial epicondlye of the tibia
Get off my nerves (BUTT)
Superior Gluteal: L4-S1, glut med/min, TFL, ABduction, Trendelenburg sign

Inferior Gluteal: L5-S2, Glut max

Post Fem Cut: S2-S3, courses medial to sciatic, sensory to lower butt and post thigh
The Sciatic N: Level

Motor to...

the divisions, the name, whats bigger, which one is more affected by a pinched piriformis

Motor to posterior thigh

ANT: smaller, tibial, ALL post mm except BF short

POST: larger, common fibular, pinched more, Motor to BF short
Why do you give injections in the butt superior and medial?
to avoid the sciatic N
What dermatomes are the post thigh? What about the butt?
Post thigh: s1 s2

Butt: top/lateral L3-L5
bottom Medial S2-S5
What A supple the Butt?
Superior Glut: Superficial mm, glut max/med/min, TFL

Inferior Glut: Deep mm and the top part of the post thigh mm. (piriformis, sup gemellus, int obt, inf gemellus, quad femoris, obt ext
Perforating branches of deep femoral A/V
Where does lymph from the deep glut go? Where does lymph from the superficial region go? Deep post thigh drains to? Superficial Post thich drains to?
Deep: sup/inf glut goes to internal iliac

Superficial: external iliac

Deep Post thigh: deep inguinal to external iliac(follows perforating branches of deep fem v)

Superficial post thigh: superficial inguinal to external iliac (follows perforating branches of deep fem v)