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30 Cards in this Set

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What are the three parts of the hip bone, os coxa, or innominate bone?
      Answer: Ilium, ischium, and pubis
Where is the origin of the sartorius muscle and lateral attachment of the inguinal ligament?
      Answer: anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS)
      What separates the greater and lesser sciatic notches?
      Answer: Ischial spine
Which part of the pubic bone contributes to the formation of a foramen (name the foramen)?
Answer: inferior ramus of pubic bone (forms ischiopubic ramus) to form the obturator foramen
      Where do the gluteal muscles and iliopsoas attach, respectively?
      Answer: greater and lesser trochanter, respectively
      Where does many of the adductor muscles insert?
      Answer: linea aspera
      What are the two main superficial veins in the lower extremity?
      Answer: great saphenous vein and small saphenous vein
Where is the great saphenous vein found in the ankle and which nerve accompanies it?
Answer: anterior to the medial malleolus and saphenous nerve (cutaneous branch of femoral nerve)
      The great saphenous vein terminates into which vein?
      Answer: femoral vein
Where is the small saphenous vein found in the ankle and which nerve accompanies it?
Answer: posterior to the medial malleolus and sural nerve (cutaneous branch of tibial and common fibular nerves, which are two terminal branches of sciatic nerve)
      What two plexuses supply cutaneous innervation to the thigh?
      Answer: Lumbar And Sacral Plexuses
      What makes up the lumbar plexus?
      Answer: L1-L4 ventral rami
Which nerves innervate most of the anterior and medial thigh muscles, respectively?
      Answer: femoral nerve and obturator nerve
      What makes up the sacral plexus?
      Answer: Lumbosacral trunk and S1-S4 ventral rami
      What is the deep fascia of the thigh called?
      Answer: Fascia Lata
      What is the oval gap or deficiency in the fascia lata called?
      Answer: saphenous opening
      What is the thickened lateral part of the fascia lata called?
      Answer: iliotibial tract
      What are the four anterior thigh muscles?
Answer: sartorius, quadriceps femoris, tensor fasciae latae, and iliopsoas
      Which muscle is chief flexor of thigh and where does it insert?
      Answer: iliopsoas and lesser trochanter
Which anterior thigh muscle is innervated by a nerve from the sacral plexus and what is the name of that nerve?
      Answer: tensor fasciae latae and superior gluteal nerve
Which part of the quadriceps crosses the hip joint and where does it attach?
      Answer: rectus femoris; anterior inferior iliac spine
Which muscle flexes, abducts, and laterally rotates the thigh AND flexes the leg?
      Answer: Sartorius
      What are the six medial thigh muscles?
Answer: pectineus, adductor longus, gracilis, adductor brevis, adductor magnus, and obturator externus
      What is the main and nerve supply of the medial thigh muscles?
      Answer: Thigh adduction and Obturator nerve
Which medial thigh muscle is innervated by the femoral nerve and may also be innervated by the obturator nerve? 
      Answer: pectineus
Which medial thigh muscle forms the medial border of the femoral triangle?
      Answer: adductor longus
      Which adductor muscle is the only one to cross the knee joint?
      Answer: gracilis
Which adductor muscle lies posterior to the adductor longus and pectineus?
      Answer: adductor brevis
Which part of the adductor magnus originates on the ischiopubic ramus; innervated by the obturator nerve; and inserts into the linea aspera?
      Answer: Adductor portion of adductor magnus
Which adductor muscle covers the external surface of the obturator foramen?
Answer: Obturator Externus