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30 Cards in this Set

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What 3 bones make up the hip bone?
1. illium
2. ischium
3. pubis
Sacrospinous ligament
Connects the sacrum/ coccyx to the ischial spine
-Converts the greater sciatic notich into a great sciatic foarmen
Sacrotuberous ligament
connects sacrum/coccyx to the ischial tuberosity
- connects the lesser sciatic notch into a lesser sciatic foramen
What is the linea aspera
A raised ridge on the posterior aspect of the femur
What is the largest sesmoid bone in the body?
The patella
What does the femoral n. innervate
anterior compartment of the thigh
-flexes thigh and extends leg
Where does the femoral n. run?
under the inguinal ligament int the femoral triangle
What does the Sciatic n. innervate
The posterior thigh and all of the leg and foot
-extends the thigh and flexes the leg
What does the obturator n. innervate?
innervates the medial compartment of the thigh
What is the obturator n. accompanied by in the obturator foramen?
the obturator a. a branch of the internal illiac a.
What does the sciatic n. form and turn into ?
The tibial n. and the common fibular n.
What is the gluteal m. enclosed by?
tendonous fascia
What is snapping hip syndrome?
IT band tendonitis-repetitive friction over the greater trochanter during flexion and extension
What is the inguinal ligament?
The lower edge aponeurosis of abdominal m.
Where does the inguinal ligament run?
between the illium and the pubis
What marks the boundary between the abdomen and the thigh
The inguinal ligament
What is the blood supply of the gluteus medius and minimus m.?
The superior gluteal n. and blood vessels via sciatic foramen (sup to piriformis m)
What is the blood supply of the gluteus maximus m?
the inferior gluteal n. and blood vessesl via the sciatic foramen (inf to piriformis)
What are the branches that innervate the gluteal muscle
superior gluteal n.
- inferior gluteal n.
- n. to periformis m.
- posterior cutaneous n. of thigh
- n. to Quadratus femoris
& Inferior gemellus
- n. Obturator internus m.
& Superior gemellus m.
What structures pass through the greater sciatic foramen?
-piriformis m.
-superior gluteal n., a., .v.
-inferior gluteal n., a., v.
-sciatic n.
-post. cutaneous n. of thigh
-pudendal n.
-internal pudendal a.
What structures pass through the lesser sciatic foramen?
pudendal n. and internal pudendal a.
-obturator internus m.
Piriformis syndrome
-pain in butt while sitting
-irritation of sciatic n. at piriformis m. between the schium and greater trochanter if tight
Damage to sup gluteal n. results in?
dipping gait on the contralateral side of the injured n.
Trendelenberg sign
when the hip tilts downward during gait
What nerve can become damaged during gluteal injections?
the gluteal n.
What is the blood supply of the posterior thigh?
No major blood vessel
- perforating branches of the profunda femoris a. form anastamosis
Because the hip joint is a DEEP ball and socket..
you have increased stability but less mobility
What are the ligaments of the hip joint capsule?
1. iliofemoral ligament
2. pubofemoral ligemtn
3. ischialfemoral ligament
All three ligaments of the hip joint do what??
Limit medial rotation
prevent overflexion and overextension
Where are fractures common?
At the neck of the femur