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12 Cards in this Set

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Gluteus maximus

O, I, In, A
Dorsal surface of sacrum, coccyx, & sacrotuberous lig, post part of iliac crest; gluteal tuberosity of femur & IT tract; Inf. gluteal n.; Extend hip
Gluteus medius

O, I, In, A
Iliac crest; Greater trochanter of femur; Sup. gluteal n.; ABDuct & med rotate hip
Gluteus minimus

O, I, In, A
Gluteal surface of ilium; Greater trochanter of femur; Sup. gluteal n.; ABDuct & med rotate hip

O, I, In, A
Anterior surface of sacrum; Greater trochanter of femur; Nerve to piriformis mm; Lat rotate & stabilize hip
Obturator internus

O, I, In, A
Interior surf of obturator foramen & membrane; Greater trochanter of femur; Nerve to obturator internus mm; Lat rotate & stabilize hip
Superior gemellus

O, I, In, A
Lesser sciatic notch of ischium; Greater trochanter of femur; Nerve to obturator internus; Lat rotate & stabilize hip
Inferior gemellus

O, I, In, A
Lesser sciatic notch of ischium; Greater trochanter of femur; Nerve to quadratus femoris; Lat rotate stabilize hip
Quadratus femoris

O, I, In, A
Ischial tuberosity; Quadrate tubercle of femur; Nerve to quadratus femoris; Lat rotate & stabilize hip

O, I, In, A
Ischial tuberosity; (Superior) medial surface of tibia by per anserine; Sciatic n. tibial division; Flex knee & extend hip

O, I, In, A
Ischial tuberosity; Post surface of med tibial condyle; Sciatic n. tibial division; Flex knee & extend hip
Biceps femurs long head

O, I, In, A
Ischial tuberosity; Fibular head; Sciatic n. tibial division; Flex knee & extend hip
Biceps femoris short head

O, I, In, A
Linea aspera of femur; Fibular head; Sciatic n. common peroneal division; Flex knee & extend hip