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14 Cards in this Set

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1) The only carbohydrate to be directly used for energy or stored as glycogen

2) Most important part of carbohydrate metabolism
Galactose and fructose must be concverted ?
to glucose before they can be used
Galactosemia ?
do not covert galactose to glucose
The ultimate goal of the cell is to convert glucose into
carbon dioxide and water
The three patways for Glucose are ?
1) Hexone Monophosphate shunt
2) Embden-Meyerh of patway
3)Glycongenesis for storage
Gluconeogenesis ?
conversiton of amino acids by the liver and other specialized tissue, susch as the kidney
Glycolysis ?
metabolism of glucose molecule to pyruvate or lactate for production of energy
Anaerobic glycoslis ?
without a oxygen is imporatn for tissue such as muscle

2) b) Tissue can derive ATP from glucose in an oxygen deficient environment by converting pyruvic acid into lactic acid
a) process by which glycogen is converted back to glucose 6 phoshate for entry into the glycolytic pathway

b) Breakdown of glucose n to glycogen for storage
Hexone Monophosphate shunt
1) Glucose 6- phosphate enter
2) Detour of glucose-6 phospate from the glycoltyic pathway to be come 6-phosphate acid

3) NADPH is important to erythrocytes that lack mitochondria and are therefore incapable of the TCA cycle
Glucose in the liver reacts
ATP with Hexokinase to form G-6 phophsate
Embden-Meyerh of patway
5) Glucose is broken down into two, three carbon molecules of pyruvic acid that can enter the tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA cycle) on converstion to acety-coenzyme A
Embden-Meyerh of patway
aerobic pathway This requires oxygen
First step for all three pathways requires glucose to be converted to ?
glucose 6 phsophate using the high energy hexokinase.