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22 Cards in this Set

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Fidel Castro
the leader of the Cuban Revolution
Dirty War
A term given to a campaign of state-sponsored terror waged in Argentina during the 1970's. Tens of thousands of people were tortured, "disappeared," or killed
"Extremism is defense of liberty is no vice"
An uncompromising belieg in the absolute righteousness of a cause. Moral concept that defines good and evil. Said by Senator Barry Goldwater in the 1964 presidential election
Freedom Fighter
One who fights on behalf of an oppressed group. A very contextual term
Irregular hit-and-run tactics
A Palestinian Islamic movement that waged a protracted terrorist campaign against Israel
Hate Crime
Crimes morticated by hatred against protected groups of people. They are prosecuted as aggravated offenses rather than as acts of terrorism
"It became necessary to destroy the town to save it"
An extremist goal to destroy an existing order without developing a clear vision for the aftermat. It morally justifies terrorist behavior. Used by an American officer during the war in Vietnam
"Kill one man, terrorize a thousand"
Stated by Chinese military philospher Wu Ch'i
Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam
A nationalist group in Sri Lanka that champions the independence of the Tamil people. Responsible for many acts of terrorism
Mao Zedong
Leader of the Chinese Revolution. Believed in Marxism (communism).
New Terrorism
Characterized by a loose cell-based organizational stucture, asymmetrical tactics, the threatened use of weapons of mass destruction, potentially high casualty rates, and usually a religious or mystical mortivation
"One man willing to throw away his life is enough to terrorize a thousand"
Stated by Wu Chi (Chinese military philosopher). Moralistic concept that illustrates how a weak adversary can influence a strong adversary.
"One person's terrorist is another person's freedom fighter"
The importance of perspective in the use of violence to achieve political goals
Participants in a Terrorist Environment
People who participate in, or are affected by, terrorist incidents, and who are likely to have very different interpretations of the incident.
Propaganda by the Deed
The notion that revolutionaries must violently act upon their beliefs to promote the ideals of the revolution. Originally promoted by the anarchists.
Provisional Irish Republican Army (Provos)
Terrorist organization in Northern Ireland that champions the rights of Northern Irish Catholics. Goal is to untie Northern Ireland with the Irish Republic.
Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC)
An enduring Marxist insurgent movement in Colombia taht has engaged in guerrilla warfare and terrorism since its inception during the 1960's
Sinn Fein
An aboveground political party in Northern Ireland that champions Catholic rights and union with the Irish Republic
Sun Tzu
Chinese military philospher whose book "The Art of War" has been a significant influence on military theory
One who practices terrorism. Often a highly contextual term
Wu Ch'i
Chinese military philosopher who is usually associated with Sun Tzu