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45 Cards in this Set

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five pillars of islam

1. the declaration of faith

2. daily prayer

3. giving charity to the poor

4. fast on Romidon

5. the hajj (journey)

4 noble truths

1. life is full of suffering, pain, and sorrow

2. the cause of suffering is the desire for things

3. only one cure for suffering is to overcome desire

4. only way to overcome desire is the eightfold path

8 fold path

right view, right intention, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right concentration


actions in persons life affects their fate


religious moral duties of an individual


a member of the highest Hindu caste, that of the priesthood.


japan trad. religion. kami spirits in all living & nonliving. things, are worshipped. Those spirits control nature. shrines


china. 500s Bc - laozi. harmony w/ nature. contemplate the toa, "the way" of the universe yin / yang - harmony for well-being of the universe.


Galileo Galilei, was an Italian astronomer, physicist, engineer, philosopher, and mathematician who played a major role in the scientific revolution during the Renaissance. He is widely heralded as one of the greatest scientists of all time.

neolithic revolution

the starting of growing crops.

japanease fudal system

emporor, shogun, daimyo, samuria, peasents & artisans, merchants

who were the renesaunce against

the seljuk turks

neolithic revolution

late middle stone age

c. 8000 B.C.

in middle east - people began to farm

a.k.a. agrarian revolution

stopped hunting and gathering, surplus


monotheistic, abraham in israel, ca.

1025 Bc united under their first king saul.

torah, 10 commandments - laws for behaviour

towards god & one another. temple - synagogue


mono. Jesus in palestine ca. AD 30. Official

religion of Roman Emp. by 392 AD. Bible

10 commandments, Jesus savior Church

Eastern Orthodox

Mono. 1034 Great schism. Constantinople to

E. Europe. Patriarch @ nead. christianity


mono - Allah. Muhammad, Mecca, b. 570,

hijra 622 AD. Five Pillars. Mosque. Quaran

Laws: Sharia. fastest growing


is the Islamic legal system derived from the religious precepts of Islam, particularly the Quran and the Hadith.


500s B.C. India. Siddhartha Guatama. 4 noble truths. 8 fold path w/ goal of nircana... living

the right way. karma, dharma, reincarnation. rejection of hindu gods & caste system. China,

Japan, Korea, SEA today. Teachings the Tripitaka


polytheistic one of the oldest. no single founder - developed starting w/ nomadic tryans who entered India ca. 1500 B.C. Brahaman. one unifying spirit, & worship of gods that give concrete form to it. reincarnation caste system. Karma - deeds, dharma - moral / religious duties

upanishads, rig vedas


each of a series of Hindu sacred treatises written in Sanskrit circa 800–200 BC, expounding the Vedas in predominantly mystical and monistic terms.


Japan. trad. religion. kami - spirits in all

living & non-1. Things, are worshipped. those spirits control nature. shrines.

daoism / taoism

china. 500s B.C. Laozi. Harmony w/ nature -

contemplate the tao, "the way" of the universe

yin/yang - harmony for well being of the universe


china. 200s B.C. rlanteizi. man is evil,

strict laws needed. many emperors used - e.g.

qin (cheeng) Dynasty


heliocentric theory 1500s.


support for heliocentric theory - put on trial

by church - had to recant due to death threat




human reasoning for descovering truth


ruler of babylonian empire who codified laws.

bartolome de las casas

C. priest who wrote Destructions of the indies to publicize inhuman treatment of indig: by Sp:

on encomiendas. Resulted in ending enslavement of N.A. but importation of Africans for same purpose.

caste system

India. Origins. Aryan times. One's karma (+ & - things done in life) determines one's caste or social place. Static - cannot change caste in 1 lifetime - must be reincarnated into a higher (can be lower though) caste by fufilling dharma. basic castes - (born into - cannot move out of)

-Brahmins - priests

-Kshatriyas - warriors

-Caisyas - herders, farmers, artisans, merchs.

-Sudras - farmworkers, servants, untouchables

extended family

some traditional african cultures: several generations in one household or near; group emphasized over the individual... clans formed from extended families w/ a common ancestor.


china 500's B.C. Live ideal life. Teaching

'the analects' 5 relationships, filial piety education, place & responsibility in society


earliest ppls. living & nonliving thins in nature have a spirit. Often combined w/ ancestor worship. offerings.

12 tables of roman law

450 B.C. plebeians demanded written laws. displayed in market places.

Justinians code

r. from 527-565 organized ancient R. laws. Displayed in market places.

absolute monarchy

monarch has complete power of ppl. & gov't.

Russia - Peter, Catherine, Ivans

Britain - James I, II, charles I, II

France - Louis XIV

limited monarchy

Representative body puts limits on the monarchy - e.g. England w/ Eng. Bill of rights,

Wm. & Mary

english bill of rights

1688, eng. made wm & mary sign b4 taking the throne. creating a limited monarchy w/ parliments superiority over the throne e rt of c. power of the purse

characteristics of civilization

-cities and surplus food

-central government

-traditional economy

-organized religion

-social classes

-art & architecture

-roads, bridges, public works

-writing system

-job specialization

ancient roman social classes

patricians, plebians, elected assembly, senate, tribunes (to rep. plebians)

africa - mali, Ghana . Songhai

gold / salt trade


E. Orth.

cyrillic Alph. > to russia


continued / preserved Greco - Roman culture & learning while W. Europe "dark"

European Renaissance

"Rebirth" due to renewed interest in classic cultures. 14th - 16th cent. Began in Italy. Patrons helped to fuel interest & accomplishments in the arts. the medicis. Instead of being hired by the church (like M.A. artists) they were hired by the wealthy... se dealt w/ more "worldly" or secular themes. Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Dante, Shakespeare, Cervantes, Machiavelli, end justifies the means. Humanism movement in lit - study the classics, secular interests, individuals. Move away from 'church - centered.

Islams Golden Age

advances in math - algebra, "0" medians.