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131 Cards in this Set

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What is merchantilism?
an economic policy under which nations fought to increase there wealth by obtaining large amounts of gold and silver by selling more goods than they bought
What is the Columbian exchange?
The transfer of foods, plants during the colonization of the americas
What is an absolute monarch?
A king with total or absolute power
What is divine right?
Belief that a king has gods support to make similar to chinese belief of the mandate of heaven
What is centralize power?
The person ruling is taking more powers for themselves, usually occurs during the rule of an absolute monarch
What is magna carta?
Document which limits a kings power
What was the result of the slave trade on american history?
europeans profit the slave trade, slavery is in america, racism begins, natives didnt die of diseases, slave rebellions, cultural diffusion. **AFRICAN KINGDOMS DESTROYED**
What is a depot?
a dictator
What is god, gold and glory?
religion, fortune and fame ( age of exploration)
what did columbus do?
Founded the america's
What did Magellan do?
he proved the earth was round
What did Da Gama do?
Discovered an all water route
What is nationalism?
devotion and loyalty to ones own nation
What is Absolutism?
principle of unrestricted power in a government
What was the effect of the enlightenment?
revolted, bill of rights, constitution, protected citizen, democratic government
John Locke
his philosophy was government must protect people, people can overthrow government if government doesnt protect natural rights
baron de montesquieu
his philosophy was separate powers of government into 3 branches
his philosophy was freedom of speech and freedom of religion
jean jacques rousseau
his philosophy was social contact, people make and obey laws, laws are for good of the people, group more important than the individual
thomas hobbes
his philosophy was people are greedy, powerful government needed to keep order
What was africa's geography?
very diverse
Ghana - 500-1200 A.D
ruled by mali in 9th and 10th century, located in western africa, controlled with europe, traded SALT GOLD AND COPPER, declined because it was attacked by morocco armies and the economy weakened by north africans
Mali- 1200-1400 A.D
under mansa musa's rule, borders the atlantic ocean, traded GOLD AND SALT, mansa musa distributed gold to poor people
Songhai -700-1600 A.D
under ascia rule, largest west african state, traded GOLD COPPER AND SALT
leading center of learning
largest, served as political and religious center of the kingdom
facts about africa
trade made africa very wealthy, developed along east coast of african and bought ivory, gold and iron
ceremonies strenghtened bond with the community, they spoke arabic, oral and written traditions preserve culture and teach lessons
into nature and divine spirits
warriors were based on performance and success in the battlefield, settled in a rainforest area, government could buy freedom, grew corn, squash and beans
settled in mountain area, roadways were surrounded with stone to prevent washing away in the rain and helped escape faster
terrace farming
cutting out side of a mountain and planting crops to prevent from washing away
set of knotted strings that could be used to record data
slash and burn agriculture
burning of crops to put nutrients back in the soil so the following years crops could grow
settled in a swampy area, had a social hierarchy or a rigid social class system
where they had human sacrifice
bark paper
symbols standing for thoughts of ideas
hernando cortes
spanish explorer who found the empire and killed the natives
belief in many gods
belief in one god
Tang and sang dynasties
golden age, achievements were gunpowder which was used for warfare, moveable type which moved words to create a new word and porcelain
genghis khan
formed alliance with uighers, outlawed kidnapping of women
kublai khan
emperor who built new capital in beijing, attempted to conquer japan
pax mongolica
guarenteed safe travel and trade, gun powder, trade was high, mongolia peace
marco polo
increased trade, was from venus
japanese calligraphy
looks like chinese, sacred, adopted then adapted, tells about a person
japanese theatre, dressed colorful, plays were stories of war
Dry landscape gardens
take materials and replace with nature, calming, meditative
native japanese religion based on nature
group of islands
system of government in which lords control there own lands but one military service and other support for a greater land
(lower power tries to take over a higher power)
supreme general of the emperors army
recieves land from shogun in exchange for support
bodyguard of loyal warrior, honor was very important
demanding code of behavior
Where and why did the renaissance begin?
italy and increased wealth, great roman empire, plague, trade and cultural diffusion, italian city states (florence)
group of people that trade the same good work together to set standards including price and quality
student of a skilled worker
a legislative body in the english government
renaissance value that focuses on ones self
renaissance value, everyday people in everyday settings
intellectual movement that focused wordly subjects rather than religious issues
Da Vinci
created mona lisa, scientist and inventor
artist, student of Da vinci and michelangelo
artist who created statue of david, and painted sistine chapel
most famous writer of the age, great example of a writer of realism, he wrote extensively about human beings and the joys and sorrows of human life "to thine own self be true"
wrote the divine comedy, wrote in italian not latin
Thomas moore
utopia - wrote a book about an imaginary world where there was no such thing as greed, corruption, or war. since there was no greed there was little use for money
martin luther
wrote 95 theses, believed opposite of what the church said
95 theses
written by martin luther, pinned to the church door
John calvin
believe in predestination, salvation by faith alone
Council of trent
outlined heresy, churches interpretation of bible was final
counter reformation
attempt of the roman catholic church to stop the spread of the protestant religion
ignatius of loyola
wrote book comparing spiritual and physical exercise, created religious order for his followers
causes of scientific revolution
printing press, development of new scientific instruments, travel and reformation
isaac newton
physist and math matician, proved gravity existed and supported discoveries of copernicus
astronomer, built telescope, published book about planets and supported theories of copernicus
scientist, found sun was center of the universe, didnt publish findings till the end of life
how did the fall of rome lead to the middle ages?
germatic tribes weakened it
the franks
strongest germatic tribe
son of pepin (charles martel), defended attacks from the muslims, and spread christianity
people who couldnt leave the place where they were born
a person who owes service to a greater land in exchange for land, food, protection
land where kings ruled
spreading of the land
3 field system
farmers could grow crops on land each year
warriors who fought on horseback
code of chivalry
behavior of knights that they had to obey
most powerful religious figure, head of the church
lay investiture
a ceremony in which kings and nobles appoint church officials
Gothic architecture
spires- point towards heavens -close to god, flying buttresses, bright, light and has stained glass
romanesque architecture
small windows, dark inside, brick, plain, cold, fort like
saying bad things about a religion
taking away a persons membership
who influenced medieval education
the muslims
causes of the crusades
muslim empire expands, byzantine needs help, pope wants holy land
the plague
disease that killed millions of people, caused by rats and over population, effect was it wiped out 2/3 of the population
islamic holy book, quides moral and practical behavior, written in calligraphy because its the only handwriting to be worthy of the word of god
successor or deputy
holy war
priest at a mosque
pilgrimage to mecca
orphan, raised by uncle
concept of belief of one god
(human images distracted from praying to allah)
5 pillars of islam
1. confession of faith - 1 god/muhammed is prophet
2. prayer- 5 times a day facing mecca
3. charity- give to poor/ taxes to the mosque
4. fasting- during ramadan day light hours
5. pilgrimage- journey to mecca
Rightly guided caliphs
spread religion with trade, war and missionaries
means submission to the will of god
ummayad dynasty
dont treat people fairly, dynasty looses power, loose battle
battle of tours
fought between christians and muslims, ends muslim conquest, stops the spread of islam to europe
Abbasid dynasty
golden age, do not conquer islam to new places, took over umayyad dynasty, very peaceful
Golden age of islam
borrowed ideas such as dome, calligraphy, astrolabe, algebra, geometry, herbal medicine, pharmacies
Sunni division
muslim leader passes to caliphs, support rule of abu bacr
shiite division
leadership is limited to decendments of muhammed, reject rule of first 3 caliphs
how does islam compare to judaism or christianity
many same beliefs
what lands and people came under muslim rule?
eqypt, palestine, iraq, northern africa, parts of spain
what was the importance of trade in the muslim empire
trade spreads religion/ islam
how did islamic civilization interact with christian europe
battle of tours, treated citizens tolerant
Byzantine empire
good for trade because its located on the sea and they only need one protection wall
roman emperor who built constiantinople in 330 A.D
had a code of laws that impacted modern western culture
autocratic ruler
over ruler with dominant power or absolute
no separation between church and state
hagia sophia
means holy wisdom, was a church in 532, becomes a mosque in 1453, supposed to look like heaven inside
house of wisdom
library, value education
small pieces of glass that make up an image
a lot of power, helped women gain rights and give charity, ended the nika rebellion
religious statues or images
icon smashers
division in the church spirit into 2 powers, roman catholism and eastern orthodox
sphres of influence
a territoism area over which political control is needed in one nation