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47 Cards in this Set

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cultural globalization
intensification and expansion of cultural flows across the globe
the symbolic construction, articulation, and assimilation of meaning. It is a social construction
Pessimistic hyperglobalizers view rise in globalization as ___ through American ___, which translates to ___.
homogenization / pop culture / consumerism
Optimistic hyperglobalizers view sameness as a good thing, because they equate ___ with the expansion of ___ and ___ markets.
Americanism / democracy / free markets
Global media empires work ___ instead of ___, advocate ___, and advocate ___.
work together instead of compete / advocate consumption / advocate neoliberalism
Which amendment applied the Bill of Rights to the states?
14th Amendment
the Digital Divide
poor people cannot access the internet
process of making things into commodities
cultural observation by spending time with the ppl they are observing
Bestor is a ___ hyperglobalizer and discusses the globalization of ___.
optimistic / sushi
Watson tries to see the relationship between ___ and ___ markets. As an example he discusses ___.
local and global markets/ McDonalds
Neoliberals are ironic because free trade / free market are ___ made by the ___.
laws made by the gov
Hollywood has a big ___ market, a high ___, low ___ costs, and America has the ___ of watching movies.
domestic / investment / entrance / culture
Three types of movie content
Universal, domestic, and foreign
Hollywood recoups investments ___.
How does TV advance globalization?
People want to watch TV, so they must pay for electricity. To pay for electricity they must make money so they get a wage-job. Now they must pay for food.
widely accepted idea and patterned belief that are accepted as truth by groups in society
Raymond Williams said?
ideas are expressions of relationships
existences of something so powerful it overcomes commonsense and reality
What is the biggest ideology?
the American Dream
What is todays dominant ideology, and why?
Neoliberalism: the market seems natural, but it is not natural and not inevitable
What are the 5 claims fo market globalism?
1) it is about the liberalization and global integration of markets
2) Globalization is inevitable
3) nobody is in charge of globalization
4) Globalization benefits everyone
5) Globalization furthers the spread of democracy
Define nature
"the external world in its entirety"
Define environment
"the complex of physical, chemical, biotic factors"
Define ecology
"pattern of relations between organisms and their environment"
What is the Great Pacific Garbage Patch?
10% of plastic produced ends up here
Charles Moore is famous for saying?
"Plastic is the lubrication of globalization"
Define tourism
"human circulation as a commodity" The commodification of place
What are the two types of tourism?
Cultural/heritage and Ecotourism
In tourism: the wealthy are the ___ and the poor are the ___.
wealthy = tourists
poor = toured
Define distributive justice
how benefits of society are distributed
What are some social justice movements?
human rights, women's rights, environmentalists, labor, indigenous movements
Define justice
getting as one deserves
What are examples of rights?
civil, economic, political, cultural, social
Property is ___ and ___.
ideological and tangible
Copyrights are for?
Patents are for?
Trademarks are for?
Copyright law has been created by___?
Stiglitz: intellectual property creates ___
Stiglitz: intellectual property blocks ___
Shiva says biology is/is not for sale?
is not
Shiva: three waves of globalization?
1) Colonialism
2) Development
3) Free trade
What is environmental apartheid?
The wealthy dumping their pollution on the majority
What is the Triple Bottom Line?
People, Planet, Profit
What generate profit?
Paying people less than their work is worth
Three types of globalism?
Market, Jihadist, Justice