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17 Cards in this Set

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4 causes of infectious "outbreaks"?

#1,2,3 cause of non-bloody diarrhea in pediatric pts:

Most worrisome type of diarrhea in pediatrics? Why?
person-person, Abx use, traveling, immunosuppressed

Rotavirus, Giardia, HeEp-2 cell adherent E.Coli

Bloody, afebrile diarrhea possibly severe causes (intussusception, Hem uremic syndrome, pseudomembranous colitis)
most likely cause of
1. febrile, non-bloody diarrhea:
2. febrile, bloody diarrhea:
1. infection- most often viral
2. . infectious enteritis, amebiasis - travel, IBD
afrebrile bloody most likely cause
Intussception, Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome, Psuedomembranous colitis
3. afebrile, non-bloody diarrhea:
3. viral GE, food intolerance, overfeeding, Abx use
Chronic diarrhea:
delayed meconium plug, abd distension, constipation:

delayed meconium plug, abd pain, poor weight gain, recurrent respiratory problems:

Thrush, poor growth, recurrent serious infections:


normal growth, high intake of concentrated carbohydrates (fruit juices), may be related to minor viral syndromes:

Can lead to short term _________ or __________ deficiency.
Toddler's diarrhea

11 mo. infant, irritability/vomiting, non bilious emesis; dry oral mucosa, poor turgor, cap refill > 3 sec., oval-shaped mass, RUQ, currant-jelly stools, occult blood +:

classic sign on Barium Enema?

coiled spring
common causes of GI bleeds, neonate?

common causes of GI bleeds in children <2 y/o?

common causes of GI bleeds, > 2 y/o?
ingested Maternal blood, allergic colitis (lactose intolerance)

intussussception, Meckel's bacterial enteritis

NSAID's, baceterial enteritis, Meckel's, Mallory-Weiss
Treatment of intussusception in Peds?
Radiologic hydrostatic reduction if unsuccessful surgery
1. What is a risk factor for intussusception?
2. Specific for > 2yrs?
1. or old rotatvirus, Gastroenteritis (Peyer patches)
2. Polyp
– Meckel diverticulum
– Neurofibroma
– Hemangioma
• CF
6 y/o pt, fever, diarrhea, decreased appetite, vomiting this am, 102 temp, sits w/ R leg flexed, R side rebound tenderness, CBC elevated w/ left shift:

Rovsing's sign?

Obturator sign?
Iliopsoas sign?

RLQ pain w/ L side palpation

hips flexed, internally rotated causes pain

pain on extension of R hip
8 y/o, frequent loose stools, pungent yellow-green stools, winter months:

#1 tx for diarrhea?

How to prevent rotavirus?

S/S of rotavirus?

fluid replacement


emesis, smelly watery diarrhea, elevated AST, possible intestinal cell damage
7 mo. infant, intermittent diarrhea, recent bloody stools, mucusy, 102 fever, multiple small stools, family been sick:

Which bacteria responsible for Guillain-Barre syndrome?

can get by eating eggs, poultry, H2O, exotic pets (like turtles)

C. jejuni

from salads, cool foods, person-person, often at daycare, small # for infection:
What is common finding?
Shigella- seizures, <4 yrs, major at daycare
Which bacteria has shigella toxin?
What is it also responsible for?
Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (0157:H7) (EHEC)
60% under age 10, visibly bloody diarrhea with no fever
- Responsible for hemolytic uremic syndrome
Most common cause of acute renal failure in US peds, recurrent diarrhea, *little or no fever*, generalized tenderness:
EHEC- enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli
recurrent diarrhea, not bloody, initially watery, foul smelling, now bloating, cramps, weight loss, fever, other kids at school/daycare sick WBC+: