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48 Cards in this Set

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Spatial data

Data w/ Geographic location, representation, or reference point that it describes



Science of map making


Esri Data format for storing geographic data

What does this data format do


Ratio of size of elements on screen or in print in relation to real world size

Ratio of...


Spatial data that stores location based upon a single point and data stream of known width height and resolution

What does this spatial data store


Digital Elevation Model - specific use case of raster data where the pixel value represents elevation of areas covered by pixel

Specific raster data


Spatial data that stores location using Cartesian coordinate locations

Using Cartesian coordinate locations what does this form of Spatial data store

Vector (Point)

Single spot in 2d space. Attributes represent that location

2D space

Vector (Line/Polyline)

Multiple points connected to represent all locations along connection

More than one point


Multiple polylines connected to create a boundary. All in Polygon zones have same property

Coordinate System/Spatial Reference

Defines origin point, coordinate space, and geoid for a datasets spatial data

Defines what three things for a datasets spatial data

CS/SR (Datum)

Origin point of coordinate system and info required to accurately define origin

Coordinate System

Geographic Coordinate System

A coordinate system that specifies latitude and longitude as coordinates

Uses what location determiner as coordinates

Projected Coordinate System

Projects/transforms coordinates into a new coordinates system to display a map in 2d space

Similar to and includes a GCS


Density of data in raster (sometimes any) dataset or rasterized map document

Datasets - length of a pixel

Rasterized graphic format - pixels per inch or dots per inch



Practice of using GIS tools to process, transform, filter, and query GIS data

Practice of using GIS tools


Use of a common attribute to link data tables in order to access attributes of one along w/ the other or assign attributes of one to the other based upon key value

Links data tables to preform what...

Spatial Join

Linkage used to connect datasets is location

Similar to a join


Representation of a dataset

Represents what on a map doc


Data structure with defined set of fields, rows representing individual data records

What is defined in tables, is it structured?

Fields (columns) (table)

Variable represented in a data table. This field can be looked up per record

Related to tables


Individual data records

Related to tables

Primary Key (tables)

Identifier attribute, assigned automatically by database MGMT engine, provides a unique integer value by which to reference a data record

What does this identifier attribute do

Environment Variables

Variables/settings that affect the run of a geoprocessing tool

They affect the geoprocessing tool


Prerendered set of mapping data that can be placed below the data of interest to quickly create a map w/ context

Prerendered context


Interface for geographic data analysis, querying, layout, and export


The interface for geographic data mgmt


Suite of tools for analyzing, transforming, and querying geographic data

Map document

Very much like a word document, stores info about a map and it's layout. Does not store geographic data or import it - can't be sent like other docs


File extension

Data View

Interface used to view and query data in arcgis

Layout view

The interface used to design and lay out a map for export - all nongeographic elements

Data Frame (layout view)

The container for layers in layout or data view, viewport for data on the page in layout view

Feature class

Data stored in am ESRI geodatabase. Feature class is a collection of features with same geometry type, projection, and fields

Aka dataset

Personal geodatabase

Geodatabase that uses Microsoft Access 2003 format databases as the container, allowing it to be used as a database within Access and for spatial data

File Geodatabase

Esri proprietary database format. Can only be accessed reliably from Esri. Can save huge datasets and data

Default Geodatabase

Default location used to save and export

Spatial Analyst

Extension to ArcGIS adds significant raster processing functionality

Table of Contents

The set of layers in ArcGIS


Aerial photo whose pixels are location for the differential distortion created by lens and elevation of land


Entire land area contributing to water flow at an outlet or stream junction

Contributing Watershed

Watershed based upon arbitrary point of interest

Blue Lines

Cartography term for streams

NHD - National Hydrography Dataset

Dataset that contains water bodies and streamlines for US

Flow lines

Streamlines contained within NHD

WBD watershed boundary dataset

Dataset containing nested watershed boundaries for the US


Enhanced version of NHD that adds attributes

HUCs - Hydrologic Unit Codes

Watersheds created by the WBD HUC12 useful for refined scle