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43 Cards in this Set

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2.1: At a basic level, explain how a computerworks regarding: long-term memory, RAM, CPU or GPU. Have the perspective of you interacting with a Word document, your thesis.

- RAM (Random Access Memory): storage for random data to insure that the computer runs quickly and smoothly. Nothing is stored permanently in the RAM (loses memory w/o electricity).

- Paging moves programs from hard disk (long-term) to RAM. Larger RAMS can run more programs at once.

- CPU (central processing unit): brains of the pc. Carries out instructions of a computer program by performing basic arithmetic, logical, control and input/output

- GPU (graphic processing unit): creates image on the screen.

2.2: Be able to fill in or answer questions regarding “practical memory sizes”, slide 5.

2.3: Explain some benefits of a well maintained folder/file structure.

- Backtrack your mistakes

- No lost files means no lost data

3.1: When,where, and who founded ESRI?

Founded in1969 in Redlands, CA by Jack and Laura Dangermond.

3.2: T/F? There are only a couple software options to carry out GIS task.


3.3: List 3 other GIS software packages available to you.

"GRASS" (open source), "Q GIS," and "R" (statistical package)

3.4: What are the 4 groupings of GIS areas?

- GIS packaging

- Webmapping

- GIS components

- Statistical

4.1: What issueswill your organized and diligent file management solve?

- Back up in case of Arc Crash (saving regularly)

- Locating files and data (or figuring out if you even ever got certain data)

4.2: When sharingspatial projects, what file structure issues must you consider?

All the files must go! Another person can't open your ArcMap file without the correlating data folders.

4.3: What does Mr. Help mean? What is each component of Mr. Help?

- Movement: How entities move/interact spatially w/in the AOI.

- Region: Global view of your spatial science project focus. Total AOI or major areas within AOI.

- Human Environment: interactions between region, humans/animals, and environment

- Location: country, state, city, uni, field sites

- Place: Unique aspects about/within location

4.4: What should you consider when planning the time needed to complete a spatial project?

Planning (scope of the project; objective v. bonus products or research; deliverable project), data collection, data exploration, data processing, analysis of results.

5.1: Be able to list/label thedimensions of points, polylines, polygons.

Points (dimensionless; singular locations), lines (1D; linear objects or boundaries), polygons (2D; dimensional area)

5.2: Be able to explain the appropriateness of using one shapefile type over another (e.g. would you use polygonshapefile to represent fire hydrants at a Salem Oregon scale?).

Think about scale.

5.3: Be able to explain the one-to-one and many-to-one idea.

- One-to-one: one object or attribute of objects is linked to only one characteristic (e.g. parent in a traditional family is linked to other parent).

- Many-to-one: an object or attribute can be linked to multiple characteristics (e.g. a parent in a traditional family can be linked to many children).

6.1: Be able to explain how rasters or gridded data differ from vector data.

- Raster/gridded: continuous spacial data (e.g. elevation, land cover, land use, precipitation, and temperature). Spatial uncertainty and resampling errors. XY data; takes up more memory.

- Vector:discontinuous spatial data (i.e. points, line, polygons).

6.2: You don’t need to memorize the computermemory table, but know the difference data memory types and be able to provideexamples: int, float, double, binary.

- Int (Integer): whole number.

- Float: decimal number, 32 bit memory size.

- Double: decimal number, 64 bit memory size.

- Binary: 0 or 1 (yes/no, true/false, on/off).

6.3: Know 3-4 common raster dataset types,like elevation, and be ready to explain why that spatial variable is usuallyrepresented as a raster.

- Land cover: thematic or discrete

- Land use: thematic

- Precipitation: continuous

- Temperature: continuous

6.4: Know what raster cell resolution is.
Resolution must be represented by only a singular value. Options are nearest neighbor, bilinear, majority rule, and cubic convolution.

7.1: Some “Bad Maps” will be presented. Beable to explain why a map is bad.

- Wrongly labeled maps.

- Color schemes not relating to map message.

- Color schemes rgd: color-blindness

- Data message can be blurred when continuous data is categorized into unevengroups.

- Map projection doesn’t support the question (e.g. research question involving area, but projection does not preservearea).

8.1: Know the 6 essential mapping elements.

1) title

2) author

3) date

4) projection/datum

5) north arrow

6) legend

8.2: Have a Generalized symbol idea ready to draw, slide 12.

9.1: Define "resolution."

Unit dimensions of the pixel.

9.2: At a broad, high level, understandand be able to state the three parts needed for linking spatial data to the Earth, slide 13.

1) Geoid: the hypothetical shape ofthe earth, coinciding with mean sea level and its imagined extension under (orover) land areas.

2) Projection: the presentation of animage on a surface (e.g. transverse mercator).

3) Datum: a fixed starting point of ascale or operation (e.g. NAD83).

9.3: Be able to explain why geodeticdatums are different. Know a couple example geodeticdatums and know what they are mathematically representing (e.g. sea level, gravity,etc.).

- WGS84: Ellipsoid closely matchingthe sea surface.

- EGM2008: comprised of thegravitation forces measured across the planet.

- ED50: 1950 ellipsoid to ensureEuropean nations spatially matched during WWII. Modification of the 1924International Ellipsoid (Hayford-Ellipsoid).

- NAV88: North American VerticalDatum 1988.

9.1: Define "grain."

Smallest distance between twofeatures.

9.1: Define "scale."

One to "x" relationship of apparent size or extent.

9.1: Define "extent."
Maximum and minimum datum coordinates for a spatial layer.

9.1: Define "projection."

Transformation of the Earth's surface onto a 2D space.

9.1: Define "datum."
Set of coordinate locations specifying positions (x, y, and sometimes z).

10.1: Is the Earth a perfect circle? If no, what is it?

No; oblate spheroid or oblate ellipsoid.

10.2: Where is the center anchor point of NAD27? NAD83?

NAD27: "center" of US (Meades Ranch, KS).

NAD83: center of mass of earth and coordinate benchmarks conducted using satellite observations.

10.3: What is the error difference acrossthe U.S. if you define your data incorrectly (i.e. data was collectedin NAD27, but defined in ArcMap as NAD83?

Longitude datum shift in meters NAD83 minus NAD27.
10.4: Describe the cylindrical, conic, azimuthal, tangent, and secant projection categories.

10.5: What are the five distortions a map projection is trying to preserve? Is their a projection that can preserve all five distortions?

1) distance

2) angle

3) area

4) scale

5) shape

No; there is no projection that can preserve all five distortions.

11.1 (Coordinate Systems): Be able to explain and fill-in a diagram of the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) setup. Slides 10 and 11 (16 N 0666666mE 8888888mN).

16 N 0666666mE 8888888mN

- 16: zone number

- First N: hemisphere or row letter

- 6/8: easting/northing numbers

- 0: 1,000,000m digit

- last 6: 1m digit

11.2 (Coordinate Systems): Are all state plane setups the same? Know how Oregon and 1 other state plane's setup, and be ready to provide a basic drawing.

No; all state plane set ups are not the same.

No; all state plane set ups are not the same.

11.3 (Coordinate Systems): How is the Public Land Survey System (PLSS) laid out? Are all the PLSS blocks and sections equal?

Starts at principal meridians. 6 mile blocks subdivided into 36 sections.

No; not all blocks and sections are equal.

11.1 (Project Management): Be able to explain the interaction between: the spatial data itself, the computer your working on, and ArcMap.page.

Data is stored on the computer and viewed/analyzed/processed by ArcMap.

11.2 (Project Management): Does the MXD file contain any ofyour spatial data?

No. ArcMap only knows your user settings, where the data is, and how you had everything structured.

11.3 (Project Management): If you shared your project with afriend, what would you need to provide them in order for your project to openproperly on their computer?

.mxd file and correlating data folders.

11.4 (Project Management): Why is file management so importantin spatial science?

Ease of data location, troubleshooting, and understanding (when sending to another user).

12.1: Explain the data outcome of the Clip, Dissolve, Merge, Union, and Intersect tools.

- Clip: Isolating data.

- Dissolve: Simplifying data.

- Merge: Combining data.

- Union: Integrating or blending data.

- Intersect: Combining data where they “intersect” spatially.

(Data is of same type and structure.)

12.2: There are two easy places to learn what any ArcTool does. Where are those two places?