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30 Cards in this Set

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Functional versus Organic disorder...what are they and use of OMT in each
Functional: present as a symptom but doesn't have a clear organic cause, normally due to some mechanical dysfunction or increase sympathetics (burping, nausea, constipation, etc) OMT is a PRIMARY tx

Organic: a condition that has an organic or pathologic cause. OMT is an ADJUNCT tx
Organic or functional? (name for each)

Irritable bowel syndrome
Inflammatory bowel disorder
Stress Induced gastritis
IBS- Functional

IBD- Organic

Pancreatitis- Organic

Stress- Functional
optimizing digestive functioning for the patient with OMT includes...3
Normalize autonomic function

Enhance efficiency of circulatory/lymphatic system

Optimize patient’s response to medication
remember the Thoracic inlet
most of our lymph flow travels through here, so having dysfunction here can really fuck your house
what is a non-pharmacological suggestion you can encourage for people with chronic constipation
physical activity-->increase peristalsis
sympathetic trunks are chains of paravertebral ganglia that terminate by uniting to form the ....
ganglion impar

on the ventral aspect of the coccyx
what provides PNS innervation to the whole GI tract from mouth to mid-transverse colon? Where could you treat this with OMT
Vagus nerve

C1 C2 tx
sympathetic reflexes occur between what spinal levels?
if you palpate a Chapman's point will it refer pain elsewhere?
pt has rebound tenderness... what does this mean (general)
Rebound tenderness is always significant and should prompt at least laboratory evaluation (CBC, C-reactive protein) and perhaps imaging studies or referral.


this is a visceral pain that requires medical intervention
45 year old female presents complaining of recurrent episodes of right upper quadrant pain.
Pain radiates to right shoulder.
Patient rates pain 7/10. Pain is accompanied with nausea and once also with vomiting.
Symptoms are worse in evening, and sometimes disturbs sleep.
Symptoms worse after a fatty meal or a green salad.
if a pt had cholecystitis where would their tissue texture changes be
Right sided paravertebral tissue texture changes at T6-9 due to facilitation.
chapman's points
spinal changes
You prescribe OMT to help improve Lymphatic and Venous drainage of the GI tract. What is OMT's effect here?
OMT can help relieve congestion and enhance the removal of waste products
The ___ Diaphragm has influence on the collateral Autonomic Ganglia
Respiratory Diaphragm
The ___ Diaphragm has influence on the Sacral Autonomics
Pelvic Diaphragm
_______ inactivity retards peristalsis
Physical Inactivity
Poor intake of water and fiber _____ transit time
High levels of stress _____ SNS input and slows down the gut
Increases SNS
What spinal levels innervates the left half of the transverse colon, descending and sigmoid colon and rectum
S2-S4 parasympathetics
____ leads to increased efferent activity to all areas innervated by that segment

It makes segmentally related tissues more sensitive to exogenous stimulation (tenderness)
Parasympathetic reflexes are found in the _______ and _____ regions
high cervical

Segmental facilitation increases vascular tone (VC), decreases perfusion, decreases glandular secretion and perstalsis
Segmental Facilitation decreases vascular tone (VD), increases perfusion, increases glandular secretion and peristalsis
What is true about true visceral pain?
Poorly localized, spreads by visceral afferents to the back/shoulders
______ refers pain to the mid-thoracic region at the tip of the right scapula
Acute cholecystitis
What would be a good treatment to target the parasympathetics of a pt. with acute cholecystitis?
Sub-occipital release

(Gall bladder is thru VAGUS)
What are some OMT treatments to influence PNS from the sacral region? (3)
Sacral rocking

Sacral counterstarain/Myofascial release

Craniosacral Techniques
What are some ways to ensure patient empowerment in combating their GI disorder?
-Ingest adequate fiber and water

-Avoidances of substances that worsen GI disease (EtOH, Tobacco, sodas etc..)

-Maintain optimal weight/excercise