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41 Cards in this Set

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space between lips, cheeks and teeth?
oral vestibule
space limited by maxillary and mandibular dental arches?
Oral cavity proper
3 major components of saliva?
Amylase, lactoferrin and lysozymes, secretory immunoglobulin
Oral cavity is covered by what type of mucosa?
stratified squamous epithelium
*Keratinized and parakeritinized (DICT): gingiva, dorsal part of tounge and hard palate
*nonkeratinized: rest of oral cavity (looser CT)
How does the oral cavity differ from typical GI wall?
no muscularis mucosae
small salivary glands in submucosa
muscularis externa is atypically sk m
no serosa or adventia
What is the vermillion zone and why is it red?
Border of lips
Has a high amount of vascularity and a thin dermis and high dermal papillae
T or F
Vermillion zone is nonkeratinized
Name the main groove on the tongue and what two areas does this groove divide?
posterior part: lingual tonsil
Anterior part: numerous mucosal projections
contains 4 intrinsic and 4 extrinsic skeletal mm?
Largest structure in oral cavity and covered by a mucous membrane?
What 4 intrinsic muscles does the tongue contain?
sup/inf longituninal
patient presents with tongue stiffening. upon examination you notice that it is difficult to see the frenulum. what is the diagnosis?
Minor salivary glands are known as?
most numerous papillae and are feathery and contain NO tastebuds?
Most numerous at apex and sides of tongue?
small posteriolateral folds that contain taste buds? hint:infants have more than adults
Closely associated with taste buds concerning removal of food?
Von Ebners glands
Looking at teh tongue one notices a strange pattern of 8 bumps. what could these be? describe
Circumvallate papillae: have 7-12 and taste buds on sides
Lipase is secreted by von ebners. why?
To prevent hydrophobic layer over taste buds
How many deciduous teeth and primary teeth does the average human being have in his lifetime?
Teeth for cutting? grasping and tearing? crushing?
name the parts and components of a tooth
Crown, Neck, Root
Enamel, cementum, dentin, pulp cavity
Hardest substance in the human body? what makes this?
Patient comes in and complains that her teeth have begun to turn a dark shade almost red in the sunlight. diagnosis?
porphyrias (erythrodontia)
the bulk of the tooth and second hardest substance in body?
How is dentin made? is it repairable?
Odontoblasts make predentin which is then mineralized to dentin.
YES this can be repaired
This area of the tooth is sensitive to pain, carries mainly vessels and contains odontoblasts in its perifery
pulp cavity
Name the parts of the developing tooth from top to bottom.
ameloblasts (die after emerging tooth), enamel, dentin, odontoblasts
Anchors periodontal ligament to roots of tooth and is made by cementoblasts?
cementum - "as hard as bone"
Periodontal ligament is composed of what? specific! also what is the action?
sharpey's fibers ( DICT- mainly type 1 collagen)
Shock absorber
gingiva is attached to enamel via?
what is the area inbetween?
juctional epithelium
Gingival sulcus
Patient presents with loose teeth. Discoloration is noticed. The man happens to have been homeless for the past year. diagnosis?
Scurvy- vit c deficient
difference between ducts and secretory cells?
ducts: deliver saliva
secretory cells: moisten and begin digestion
1) continuous with acini
2) cuboidal epithilieum
3) Large, more CT, columnar
1) intercalated
stain dark and are protein rich secretion?
Thick secretion that stains light and abundant in CHO?
Mucous cells
Largest salivary gland that is exclusively serous secretion?
Parotid Gland
Gland with mixed secretion? hint: accounts for 70% of salivary volume
Serous demilune is associated with what gland?
Submandibular and sublingual
Smallest gland (mostly open on floor of mouth) and is primarily mucous secretion?
A cystic fibrosis patient still has function of what gland?
parotid ( no mucous units)