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97 Cards in this Set

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Barrett's Esophagus
Replacement of Nonkeratinized (stratified squamous Epithilium with Intestinal Columnar Epithilium.

BARRetts = Becomes Adenocarcinoma, Results from Reflux
Esophageal Cancer
Progressive Dysphagia
Weight loss
Squamous cell is most common
Squamous cell in Upper 1/3
Adenocarinoma in Lower 1/3
Risk Factors for Esophageal Cancer

Barrett's esophagus
Diverticuli (zenker's)
Salivary Gland Tumors
- Benign
- Occur in parotid gland
- Painless
- Movable Mass
-Failure of relaxtion of the Lower esophageal sphincter
-Loss of myenteric (Auerbach's) plexus
-Risk of esophageal carcinoma
-"Birds Beak" on barium swallow
Secondary Achalasia
- Arise from Chagas disease
- Heartburn and regurgitation up lying down.

Esophageal Varices
- Painless
- Bleeding
- lower 1/3 of esophagus

-Associated w/ Portal HTN
Mallory-Weiss Syndrome
- Painless
- lacerations at the gastroesophageal junction
- Severe vomiting
- Alcoholic & Bulimics
Boerhaave Syndrome
- Transmural esophageal ruture
- Violent retching
- "Been-heaving syndrome"
Esophageal Strictures
- Associated with acid reflux
- Associated with:
- Reflux
- Infection
- (HSV, CMV, Candida)
Plummer-Vinson Syndrome
Triad of:
1) Dysphagia ( due to esophageal webs)
2) Glossitis
3) Iron deficiency aneamia

"Plumbers DIG for pipes" (Dysphagia, Iron def, Glossitis)
Pipe = esophagus
Celiac Sprue
- Autoantibodies
- Gluten (gliadin)
- Wheat and other grains
- Proximal small bowel (jejunum)
Tropical Sprue
- Infections
- Similar to celiac sprue
- Can affect small bowel
Whipple's Disease
- infection >> malabsorption
- Tropheryma whippelii
- gram positive
- PAS-positive "foamy macrophages" >>> lymphatic blockage
Disaccharidase Deficiency
- lactase deficiency
- milk intolerance
- normal-appearing villi
Pancreatic Insufficiency
- due to cystic fibrosis
- chronic pancreatitis
- malabsorption of fat and fat soluble vitamins, A, D, E, K.
- synthesis of aop B
- inablility to generate chylomicrons
- cholestrol
- presents in early childhood
Celiac Sprue
- autoimmune-mediated intolerance of gliadin
- northern European descent
- antibodies to gliadin
- and tissue transglutaminase
- blunting of villi
Acute Gastritis
- disruption of mucosal barrie
- caused by NSAIDs, PGE
- gastric mucosa production
Curling's ulcer
- causes Acute Gastritis
- Increased plasma volume
- Burn injury
"Burned by the Curling Iron"
Cushing's ulcer
Causes acute gastritis
-Due to Brain Damage
Increased vagal stimulation
- Increased ACh
- H+ production
-"Cushion the Brain"
Acute Gastritis Type B (antrum)
- most common
- caused by H. pylori infection
- H. pylori Bacterium affects Antrum
Stomach Cancer
- adenocarcinoma
- associated with nitrosamines (smoked foods)
- achlorhydria
- chronic gastritis
- type A blood
Linitis Plastica
- "leather bottle"
- Term used for stomach cancer
Virchow's Node
- left supraclavicular node by mets from stomach
Krukenberg's Tumor
-sign of GI CA mets
- bilateral mets to ovaries
- signet ring cells
Sister Mary Joseph's
- subcutaneous periumbilica metastasis
Gastric Ulcer
- pain greater w/ meal
- weight loss
- h. pylori infection
- loss of mucosal protection against gastric acid
Duodenal Ulcer
- pain decreases with meals
- weight gain
- 100% have H. pylori infection
- due to gastric acid secretion
- mucosal protection
- "punched-out' margins unlike margins of carcinoma
Crohn's Disease
- any portion of the GI tract
- skip lesion
- rectal sparing
- cobblestone mucosa
- creeping fat
- "string sign"on barium swallow x-ray
- noncaseating granulomas
- full thickness

- thick, fat granny and an old crone skipping down a cobblestone road away from the wreck
Ulcerative Colitis
- autoimmune
- continuous colonic lesions
- rectal involvement
- friable mucosal pseudopolyps
- "lead pipe" appearance on imaging
- toxic megacolon
- predisposes colorectal carcinoma
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Recurrent abdominal pain associated with > 2 of the following:
1) pain improves with defecation
2) change in stool frequency
3) change in appearance of stool
4) Functional
- emergent abdominal surgery
- diffuse periumbilical pain
- pain at McBurney's point
- Nausea
- Fever
- blind pouch
- communicates with the lumen of the gut
- most often in sigmoid colon
"True" diverticulum
- all 3 gut wall layers outpouch
"False" diverticulum
- pseudodiverticulum
- only mucosa and submucosa outpouch
- many diverticular
- caused by intraluminal pressure
- associated with low-fiber diet
Zenker's diverticulum
- false diverticulum
- at junction of pharynx and esophagus
- halitosis ( due to trapped food particles)
- dysphagia
- obstruction
- inflammation of diverticula
- pain, fever, leukocytosis
- cause bright red rectal bleeding
- "left sided" appendicitis
- "telescoping"
- 1 bowel segment into distal segment (ileocecal = #1)
-"sausage-shaped mass"
-idiopathic in children
-due to mass in adults
- twisting of portion of bowel around its mesentery
- usually in the elderly
- rapid onset of IMMENSE PAIN
Hirschsprung's disease
- congenital megacolon
- lack of ganglion cells/enteric nercouse plexuses (Auerbach's and Meissner's plexuses)
- RET Gene Mutation leads to failure of neural crest cell migration
- Trisomy 21
Duodenal atresia
- early bilious vomiting
- stomach distention
- "double bubble"
Meconium ileus
- cystic fibrosis
- meconium plug obstructs intestine
Necrotizing Enterocolitis
- necrosis of intestinal mucosa
- colon usually invovled
- common in preemies
Ischemic colitis
- reduction in intestinal blood causes ischemia
- pain after eating
- weight loss
- affects the elderly
- lack of bowel sounds
Colonic polyps
- masses protruding into gut lumen
- sawtooth apperance
- adenomatous polyps are precancerous
- more villous the polyp, the more likely it is to be malignant
- VILLous = VILLainOUS
Hyperplastic Polyps
- most common non-neoplastic polyp in colon
Juvenile polyps
- sporadic lesions in children < 5 years of age
- 80% in rectum
Peutz-Jeghers polyps
- single polyps are not malignant
- autosomal-dominant syndrome
- multiple nonmalignant hamartomas throughout GI tract
- hyperpigmented mouth, lips , hands, genitalia
colorectal cancer ( CRC)
- 3rd most common
- "Apple Core" lesion seen on barium enema x-ray
familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP)
- autosomal-dominant mutation of APC gene
- thousands of polyps
- always invovles rectum
Gardner's syndrome
- FAP + osseous and soft tissue tumors
Turcot's syndrome
FAP + malignant CNS tumor

"Kurk out because of Turcot's"
Hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC/Lynch Syndrome)
- autosomal dominant mutation of DNA mismatch repair genes (MLH1 & MLH2)
- proximal colon
Carcinoid Tumor
- tumor of enocrine cells
- most common in small instestine
- "dense core bodies"
- classic symptoms:
- wheezing
- right-sided heart murmurs
- diarrhea
- flushing

- if tumor or metastases carcinoid syndrome is observed
Reye's syndrome
- fatal childhood hepatoencephalopathy
- mitochondrial abnormalities
- fatty liver (microvesicular fatty change)
- hypoglycemia
- coma
- follows a viral infection that has been treated with SALICYLATES
- asprin is not recommended for children
Hepactic steatosis
- short term change with moderate alcohol intake
- reversible with alcohol cessation
Alcoholic Hepatitis
- sustained long term consumption
Alcoholic cirrhosis
- final and irreversible form
- irregulary shruken liver with "hobnail" appearance
- sclerosis
- jaundice, hypoalbuminemia
Hepatocellular carcinoma/hepatoma
- most common 1* malignant tumor of the liver
- fetoprotein
- Findings: jaundice, tender hepatomegaly, ascites, plolycthemia and hypoglycemia
Nutmeg liver
- due to backup of blood in liver
- caused by right sided heart failure and Budd-Chiari syndrome
- liver appears mottled like a nutmeg
antitrypsin deficiency
- associated w/ pulmonary dysfunctions (COPD)
- misfolded gene product protein accumulates in hepatocellular ER
- PAS-positive globules in liver
physiologic neonatal jaundice
- at birth
- immature UDP-glucuronyl transferase
- unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia
- jaundice/ kernicterus
Gibert's syndrome
- decreased UDP-glucuronyl transferase
- slight increase in unconjugated bili
- no clinical consequences (asymptomatic)
- associated with stress

"Bears are scary, bears cause stress"
Crigler- Najjar Syndrome, type 1
- absent UDP-glucuronyl transferase
- die within a few years
- jaundice, kernicterus
- unconjugated bilirubin

Type II
- less severe
- responds to phenobarbital
Dubin-Johnson Syndrome
- conjugated hyperbilirubinemia due to defective liver excretion
- black liver
Wilson's Disease
- inadequate hepatic copper excretion
- leads to copper accumulation in liver, brain, cornea, kidneys, and joints.

Characterized by:
- asterixis
- basal ganglia degeneration (parkinsonian symptoms)
- ceruloplasmin
- cirrhosis
- copper accumulated
- dementia
- depostion of hemosiderin
- caused by iron depostion
- classic triad of micronodular Cirrhosis, Diabetes mellitus, and skin pigmentation >> "bronze" diabetes
- results in CHF

"Hemochromatosis Can Cause Deposits" (Hemochromatosis, Cirrhosis, CHF, Diabetes)
Risk Factors( 4 F's)
1. Female
2. Fat
3. Fertile
4. Forty

Triad of cholangitis:
1. Jaundice
2. Fever
3. RUQ pain
Positive Murphy's sign
- Inflammation of gallbladder
- usually from gallstones
- alkaline phosphates
Acute pancreatitis
- autodigestion of pancreas by pancreatic enzymes
- gallstones
- ethanol
- trauma
- steroids
- mumps
- autoimmune disease
- scorpion sting
- hypercalcemia/hyperlipidemia
- drugs

epigastric abdominal pain radiating to back

Pancreatic adenocarcinoma
- prognosis averages 6 months or less
- risk in jewish and african-american males
- presents with"
1. abdominal pain radiating to back
2. weight loss
3 day old infant has failure to thrive, Cyanosis with attempted feedings, Pulmonary infiltrates and Vomiting with every feeding.
Esophageal Atresia
Term Infant is normal at birth but starts to develop Jaundice by the 3rd week and after 4 weeks starts to loose weight. Baby has Dark urine and Pale colored Stools. Diagnosis?
Biliary Atresia
After passing its first meconium stools, bowel sounds become absent in an infant followed by Bilious Emesis. Diagnosis?
Duodenal Atresia
1 day old infant is noticed to have a congenital anomaly characterized by incomplete closure of the Abdominal wall with protruding viscera. There is NO membrane around the viscera. Diagnosis?
1 Day old infant is taken to surgery to repair a congenital anomaly where protruding viscera is noted surrounded by an intact peritonial sac
List the Facial Features accompanied with Trisomy 21
Upward Slanted palpebral Fissures, Epicanthal folds, Flat face, Macroglossia, Single Simian Crease.
3 most common Congenital disorders associated with Trisomy 21
Duodenal Atresia
Hirschprungs Disease
Tracheoesophageal Fistula
2 most common Congenital Disorders associated with Trisomy 13 (patau syndrome)
Cleft Lip
Flexed fingers
Note: Expect death within 6mo
2 most common congenital disorders associated with Trisomy 18 (Edwards Syndrome)
Cleft Lip
Overlapping fingers
Note: Expect death with in 1yr
Name the Gene associated with Hirschprungs disease that causes abnormal development of Neural Crest Cells?
RET Gene
Name the 2 main conditions associated with Bilious Emesis
Duodenal Atresia
This is seen on x-ray of a newborn, and is pathopneumonic for Intestinal Atresia?
Double Bubble
With a 2 year old boy of family history of FAP the best recommendation for evaluation is Genetic Testing. What would you expect to find with genetic testing?
Mutation in APC gene
Name the 3 major adverse effects of Galactocemia
Mental Retardation
Name the Enzyme Deficiency and intermediate sugar that becomes elevated in Galactocemia
Galactose-1-phosphate Uridyl Transferase (GALT)

Newborn is severely jaundiced and shows signs of CNS abnormalities. Lab test reveal an Autosomal Recessive Disorder. Name the Disorder and enzyme Deficiency?
Crigler Najjar Syndrome Type I

UDP-glucaronate deficiency
Crigler najjar Syndrome Type II
Autosomal Dominant
Decreased activity of UDP-Glucaronate
Patient complains of skin turning yellow when stressed out. Diagnosis
Gilbert Syndrome
Autosomal Recessive
Decreased activity of UDP-Glucaronate
Patient presents with Current Jelly stools, Abdominal Pain and Tea Colored Urine. Diagnosis?
What vascular disorder is Associated with Intussusception
At what time in an Infants life will Pyloric Stenosis begin to cause Projectile Vomiting
After 2 weeks
Infant is Eagar, vomits very forcefully and a palpable mass is noted in the epigastrum
Pyloric Stenosis