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107 Cards in this Set

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What are the 2 forms of DISEASE caused by E. histolytica

-intestinal amebiasis

-extraintestinal amebiasis

How does E. histolytica look in its cyst form

small diameter, with 4 nuclei present

How do you diagnose E. histolytica infection

serologic testing for antibodies, only problem is that the test wont distinguish between past and present infections

How does E. histolytica look like in its trophozoite form

large diameter, with single ecentric nucleus, often with engulfed RBCs

True or False: There are certain non-pathogenic amoebae


How does intestinal amebiasis present

- cramps, diarrhea, vomitting, fever and pain, anemia

-dysentary (>30 stools per day)

** can mimic ulcerative colitis or appendicitis **

What is the pathogen that causes Giardiasis

Giardia doudenalis

True or False: E. histolytica is always pathogenic


What are stages of E. histolytica's life cycle

cyst form - tranmission and infection form

trophozoite form- feeding and tissue invasive form

Name 3 protozoic GI pathogens

-Entamoeba histolytica

-Giardia duodenalis

-Cyrptosporidium parvum

What is the pathogen that causes Amebiasis

Entamoeba histolytica

How does extraintestinal amebiasis present

-noted by liver abscess (anchovy paste) with (only) trophozoites present around the edge of the lesion

-amoebic lung abscess also possible

Name 6 helminthic GI pathogens

-Pinworm (Enterobius vermicularis)

-Roundworm (Ascaris lumbercoides) and (VLM)

-Whipworm (Trichuris tricuria)

- Hookworm (Necator americanus & Ancyclostoma doudenale) and (CLM)

-Strongyloides stercoralis

-Shistosoma (5 species)

Who are high risk populations for Amebiasis

-MSM engaging in unsafe sex

-Residents of mental institutions (poor hygiene)


-Immigrants especially from Latin America

-Low SES especially from South US

True or False: Humans are NOT the chief source of infection of Amebiasis


True or False: Giardia duodenal is only found in human hosts


Giardia is also found in animal hosts (dogs, wild animals, beaver fever, possums)

Name the two lifecycle stages of Giardia duodenalis

cyst form- infective stage (highly infective)

trophozoite form- feeding stage

True or False: Giardia transmission is most commonly through water


How does Giardia present clinically

severe diarrhea in some cases, cramps, flatulence, anorexia, dehydration and fatigue

True or False: Giardia is the most common intestinal parasite in North America


True or False: Giardia is sensitive to disinfectants and that is the primary means of treating water


Giardia duodenalis is resistant to disinfectants, and is commonly filtered by sand

True or False: Stool samples of patients suspected with Giardia duodenalis contain blood and pus


stool samples contain mucus, not pus or blood

True or False: Giardia duodenalis is mainly a small intestine pathogen


What syndrome is Giardia duodenalis associated with and what is the logic behind it

Giardia doudenalis is associated with Malabsorption Syndrome. Logic is that is a small intestine pathogen (site of absorption)

Patients with Giardia will commonly present with which deficiencies

Vitamin A deficiency

Folate deficiency

Vitamin B12 deficiency

How is Amebiasis described histologically

Appears as a flask-shaped ulcer that does not penetrate the Muscularis externa

True or False: E. histolytica penetrates the submucosa


E. histolytica penetrates the submucosa but stops at the muscularis externa

How does Giardia present histologically

Giardia duodenalis penetrates the muscosa, but DOES NOT penetrate the submuscosa

-causes villi blunting

True or False: Giardia penetrates through the lumen until the muscularis externa


E. histolytica penetrates through until the muscularis externa to form the flask shaped uncler. Giardia duodenalis penetrates only the mucosa and causes villi blunting

How do you diagnose Giardia duodenalis

Giardia antigen test on stool sample

True or False: Giardia are commonly seen as trophozoites in stool samples


They convert back to cyst form

True or False: Best method of diagnosis for Giardia is stool sample O&P


cysts are inconspicuous and commonly missed

True or False: A patient with Giardia will have an increased number of goblet cells in the colon


This examples why stool samples are mucus rich

True or False: Cryptosporidium parvum is a major cause of non-viral gastritis


What is the infective form of Cryptosporidium parvum

oocyte stage

True or False: Cryptosporidium parvum is highly sensitive to environmental stresses and disinfectants


It is highly highly resistant to such stresses

What are the modes of transmission of Cryptosporidium parvum

4 F's (feces, food, flies, fingers) but primarily waterborne

How does Cryptosporidium parvum present in immunocompetent patients

silent to mild diarrhea, cramps, epigastric pain, diarrhea free of mucus or blood, anorexia and fatigue

-majority of cases are self-limiting

How does Cryptosporidium parvum present in patients who are immunocompromised

Profuse debilitating diarrhea with >30 stools per day, severe fluid loss, malabsorption syndrome,

How do you diagnose patients with Cryptosporidium parvum

Cryptosporidium antigen test on stool sample

What is the taxonomic name for Pinworm

Enterobius vermicularis

True or False: Pinworm infections (Enterobius vermicularis) are transmitted by the fecal-oral route


True or False: E. histolytica, G. duodenalis, and C. parvum are all protozoic infections and cause eosinophillia


They are all protozoic but they do not cause eosinophilia because they do not invade the tissue

Describe the infection cycle of Enterbius vermicularis (Pinworm)

1) Eggs are ingested

2) Eggs mature into larvae in the small intestines

3) Larvae migrate to colon

4) Adult larvae lay eggs on perineum

- causes intense scratching

5) Soiled hands transmit eggs back to mouth

True or False: Pinworm (Enterobius vermicularis) has an auto-inoculative life-cylce


True or False: Pinworms (Enterobius vermicularis) infiltrate the GI lumen and can metastasize to other organs


Pinworms stay PINNED to the GI tract

How do you diagnose Pinworm (Enterobius Vermicularis)

Scotch-tape Test

How do pinworm eggs appear histologically

prius shape

(rounded top, flat bottom)

What is the taxonomic name for roundworm

Ascaris lumbercoides

What is the route of transmission of Roundworm (Ascaris lumbercoides)

Infection is caused via fecal contamination of food or drink

Roundworm (Ascaris lumbercoides) has a simple lifecycle


It infiltrates the lungs

Describe the lifecycle of the roundworm Ascaris lumbercoides

1) Eggs ingested via fecal contaminated food

2) Travel down into intestines where larvae hatch

3) Goes up billiard tree, and migrate to the heart

4) Travel via blood to lungs, infiltrate through alveoli

5) Travel up through trachea, and go into esophagus

6) Adults mature in the small intestines and can cause complications

How do you diagnose roundworm Ascaris lumbercoides infection

Identify eggs in stool sample

Describe the eggs of roundworm Ascaris lumbercoides

lumpy bumpy outer appearance

What is the animal equivalent of roundworm Ascaris lumbercoides

Visceral larvae migrams

What is the taxonomic name of whipworm

Trichuris tricuria

True or False: Trichuris tricuria has a complex lifecycle


-fecal oral cycle, limited only to GI lumen

How do whipworm (trichuris tricuria) eggs appear or what do they resemble?

They resemble manicotti (stuffed shells) with little handles on each end

True or False: Whipworm can cause rectal prolapse in adults?


whipworm rarely causes rectal prolapse in adults, most commonly seen in children

How does whipworm (Trichuris tricuria) commonly present if left untreated

Rectal prolapse in children

Think: whipworm will "whip" you until you have rectal prolapse

Name the 2 species of hookworms we need to know

-Necator americanus

-ancyclostoma doudenale

How does hookworm enter the body

commonly through the sole of your foot (between toes)

Think: hookworm hook unto the bottom of your foot

Describe the lifecycle of a hookworm

1) Eggs in feces mature in soil for 3-4 days

2) Larve emerge, penetrate skin, and enter circulation

3) Larve break through alveoli, travel up trachea, and down the esophagus

4) Mature into adult form in the intestine

True or False: The life cycle of Hookworm is similar to that of the roundworm (Ascaris lumbercoides)


True or False: The life cycle of pinworm (Enterbius vermicularis) is similar to whipworm (trichuris tricuria)


The life cycle of which helminth closely resembles the pinworm (Enterobius vermicularis)

Whipworm (Trichuris tricuria)

The life cycle of which helminth closely resembles the whipworm Trichuris tricuria

Pinworm (Enterbius vermicularis)

The life cycle of which helminth closely resembles the Hookworm

Roundworm (Ascaris lumbercoides)

The life cycle of which helminth closely resembles the roundworm (Ascaris lumbercoides)


What is clinically important about hookworm infections

They are very important causes of iron deficiency in children and young women

True or False: Hookworms suck blood from the small intestines


This explains the anemia and iron deficiency seen in young women and children

What is the animal equivalent of Hookworm

Cutaneous larvae migrams

How would a person be exposed to cutaneous larvae migrams

sunbathing on a damp tropical beach where pets are allowed to run free

Name a helminths that can replicate within the human host

Stongyloides stercoralis

True or False: Strongyliodes stercoralis can enter the host by burrowing through skin or feet


Describe the life cycle of Strongyloides stercoralis

1) Larve enter human host by penetrating skin

2) Enter lymphatics or venous blood, travel to lungs, up trachea, down esophagus to intestines

3) Adult female larvae lay eggs in the mucosa of the intestine

4) Then you can either have auto-reinfection or develop free living adult larvae that will be excreted and will produce eggs.

True or False: Those who are immunosuppressed (AIDS or taking steroids) are at higher risk for Strongyloides stercralis auto-infection


True or False: Strongyloides stercoralis worms are commonly found in stool


How do you diagnose Strongyloides stercoralis

Serological testing for antibodies

Which worms CANNOT replicate or increase in number without leaving the body

Ascaris lumbercoides



Which worms CAN replicate and/or increase in number within the same patient

Pinworm (Enterobius vermicularis)

Strongyliodes stercoralis (but usually occurs in immunpsupressed)

What host is Visceral larvae migrams and Cutaneous larvae migrams associated with

Cats and Dogs

Name pathogen in cats and dogs that is equivalent to the roundworm (Ascaris lumbercoides) found in humans.

Toxocara canis - dogs

Toxocara cati- cats

How does Visceral larvae migrams present clinically?

Because it infects the wrong host (humans instead of cats or dogs), it triggers a vigorous immune response:

-eosinophillia, skin rash, shortness or breath, abnormal chest x-ray

Cutaneous larve migrams is the equivalent to what human host pathogen


How does Cutaneous larvae migrams present in human host

itchy, serpentine tracks on feet or buttocks or skin that has been in contact with moist soil

What is the Genus name of "blood flukes"


True or False: Schistosomes (blood flukes) can be diagnosed by examining blood smears


Stool samples and urine samples are observed for eggs

Name the 5 medically relevant Schistosome species

S. mansoni

S. haematobium

S. Japonicum

S. mekongi

S. intercalatum

The life cycle of Schistosomes requires what animal reservoir

fresh water snails

Where do Schistosomes preferably like to reside in the human host

inferior mesenteric artery

True or False: Schistosome species can be distinguished based on the spine of eggs


Which species of Schistosome has a terminal spine on its egg

S. haemotobium

Which of the Schistosome species has a lateral spine on its egg

S. mansoni

Which of the Schistosomes species is most widely distributed, and where is it generally found

S. mansoni

-commonly found in central Africa, along the cost of Brazil , and in the Caribbean

Where is Schistosome mansoni generally found geographically

Central Africa (Nile River Valley), coast of Brazil, and the Caribbean

Where is Schistosome haematobium generally found geographically

Central Africa (Nile River Valley)

Patient returns home from Central Africa (Nile River Valley Region), and clinical presentation aligns with Schistosome infection. Which specie(s) are likely to be identified

S. haematobium and S. mansoni

Schistosome haematobium is commonly isolated from what tissue

Eggs are commonly found in the wall of the urinary bladder

Schistosome mansoni is commonly isolated from what tissue

Eggs can be observed in the liver

Describe the body of the Schistosome worm

Male Schistosomes have a cleft in their body where female schistosomes can snuggle into

How do you diagnose Schistosomiasis

Look for eggs in stool or urine, distinguish species based on spine

There has been a development of a new rapid diagnostic field test (urine test) for which species of Schistosome

S. haematobuim

What is the condition caused by the animal (bird) equivalent of Schistosome

Swimmers itch

How does Swimmer Itch present

Severe cutaneous rash

Where is Swimmers Itch most commonly found geographically

In small pounds surrounding the great lakes

How do you treat Swimmers Itch

No anti-parasitic medication is necessary. Could use topical steroid cream to decrease inflammatory response