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75 Cards in this Set

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Chemical digestion occurs where?
small intestine
Increased frequency, volume and fluid of stool is called?
Diarrhea is a ––––– not a disorder!
What caused diarrhea?
inflammation or disease process of the colon
dehydration, hypovolemic shock, electrolyte imbalance are possible complications of ?
Inadequeate BM, less than 2/week or difficult passage?
Laxatives, bulking agents (fiber), enemas are used to treat?
Occurs when intestinal contents cannot pass through the GI tract?
intestinal obstruction
Rapid onset, frequent and copious vomiting, colicky, cramplike, intermittent pain, feces for a short time, MIMIMALLY INCREASED ABDOMINAL DISTENTSION
small intestine obstruction
gradual onset, rare vomiting, low grade cramping abdominal pain, absolute constipation, GREATLY INCREASED ABDOMINAL DISTENTION
large intestine obstruction
Treatment of obstruction includes?
decompression of stomach via NG, correction of fluid and electrolyte imbalance, relief or removal of obstruction
Mechanical obstruction requires?
Crohns Disease and Ulcerative Colitis are classified as?
Inflammatory Bowel Diseases
Disease characterzied by inflammation and ulceration of the colon and rectum?
Ulcerative colitis
Peak age for ulcerative colitis?
15-25 years of age
Major symptoms of ulcerative colitis?
bloody diarrhea and abdominal pain
Drugs used to treat IBD?
steroids and anti-diarrhea
Inflammation of the appendix is called?
S& S of ––––?––– include:
periumbilical pain, anorexia, N&V, pain shifts to RLQ and localizes at McBurneys point, rebound tenderness, low grade fever?
clinical manifestations of appendicitis
Perforation, peritonitis, abscesses are complications of ?
Treatment of appendicitis?
Results from a localized or generalized inflammatory process of the peritoneum?
Primary causes of peritonitis?
organisms, cirrhosis with ascites
Appendicitis with rupture, rupture in intestinal tract, trauma to abdominal organs, postoperative breakage of anastomosis are secondary causes of?
Treatment for peritonitis?
surgical removal of perforation and broad spectrum antibiotics
Inflammation of the stomach and small intestines caused by bacteria, viruses, parasites and toxins?
Cholera transmitted via?
fecal-oral route
Shigella transmitted via?
fecal-oral route
Salmonella transmitted via?
food preparation
Staphylococcus trasmitted via?
contaminated food
Colstridium botulinum transmitted via?
bacterial spores in food and soil
E.Coli transmitted via?
bacterial toxins, hemorrhagic colitis
Giardia is contracted via?
fecal oral route by contaminated food or water
Amebiasis (dysentary) is contracted by?
fecal oral route
Cryptosporidosis contracted via?
fecal -oral route contaminated water
helminthic disorder is caused by?
parasitic worms
diagnosis of gastroenteritis utilizes what procedures?
stool specimen, culture, sigmoidoscopy, blood work dependent on s&s
antobiotics, fluid replacement, dietary management, are used for treatment of?
Results for impaired absorption of fats, CHO, proteins, mineral and vitamins?
Saccular dilation or outpouching of the mucosa through the circular smooth muscle of the intestinal wall?
Multiple noninflamed diverticula?
Inflammation of the diverticula?
Clinical manifestations of Diverticular disorders?
majority do not have symptoms, crampy abdominal pain relieved by flatus or BM, alternating constipation and diarrhea
Intestinal neoplasms include?
polyps and colorectal cancer
Most common disorder of the biliary system?
Usually associated with cholelithiasis?
Patho of Cholecystitis?
stones may be lodged in the neck of the gallbladder or in the cystic duct
Indigestion, moderate to severe pain, fever, jaundice are s&S of?
s&S of cholelithiasis?
similar to cholecystitis or no signs and symptoms
What is believed to be the most common cause of pancreatitis?
autodigestion of the pancreas
Abdonimal Pain radiating to the back, sudden onset, severe, deep, piercing, continuous steady, aggravated by eating usually, low grade fever, jaundice and leukocytosis are s&s of ?
cholecystectomy is removalof what?
gall bladder
benthyl, probathmine are used to treat?
2% of all cancers, adenocarcinoma is most common type, high mortality rate 1-3 years, non specific s&S ?
pancreatic cancer
pancreatoduodenectomy is also called?
whipples procedure
inflammation of the liver is called?
metabolic and bile elimination functions are disrupted, impedes liver function, necrosis of hepatic tissue is the ––––––?–––––– of hepatitis?
jaundice is seen in acute or chronic hepatitis?
What are the 4 phases of hepatitis?
incubation, prodromal, icteric, convalescent
Phase of hep marked by fever, chills, n/v, mild RUQ pain...?
prodromal phase
Phase of hep marked by jaundice, elevated bilirubin, pruritis, dark urine?
icteric phase
How is hepatitis diagnosed?
viral studies, liver function tests, biopsy
What three forms of the hepatitis virus are associated with chronic hepatitis?
S&S of chronic hepatitis?
jaundice, fatigue, malaise, hepatomegaly
Condition of the liver that cause chronic inflammation and scarring?
Cirrhosis can be caused by ?
chronic hepatitis, biliary obstruction, unknown etiology, and most common is alcoholism
Portal hypertension, splenomegaly, ascites, esophageal varices, hepatic encephalopathy, hepatorenal snydrome are complications of ?
Dietary changes needed for treatment of cirrhosis?
Limit amount of protein, Na and fluid restrictions
Vitamin supplementation for cirrhosis?
A, D, E, K
Corgard reduces what in cirrhosis?
bleeding of varices
Diuretics used in treatment of cirrhosis?
aldactone, lasix
Abscess-inflammation and necrosis of the liver, focal liver disroders, are caused by?
E.Coli, Staph, Pseudomonas, Strep
also can be bacterial or amebic
Liver cancer account for what percent of US cancers?
What are the symptoms like in liver cancer?
the symptoms are usually silent and it is very advanced when evaluation is sought
Treatment for liver cancer?
surgery of removal of tumor, chemotherapy, radiation