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39 Cards in this Set

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what do liver cells release when they die?
AST and ALt
how do you assess for cholestatic injury
look for toatl indirect direct alk phos and GGT
what do you look at to assess how well the liver is fxning?
PT INR and Albumin
where do liver cancers get their blood supply
hepatic artery
where is GGT located inthe hepatocyte?
what about AST and ALt?
in the membrane
in the cytosol
lot of ast in mitochondria
what is AST involved in?
gluconeogen and aa metabolism
where else is ast found beside liver mitochondria?
heat skeletal muscle kdney rbc brain lungs

high AST if somenone has a hemolysis condition
if tank runs over you leg: AST high
where is ALT and what does it do?
found in cytosol of hepatocytes and invoved in gluconeogenesis adn aa metabolism
measure it for liver cell death
how long would it take half the liver to grow back?
3 weeks
what are AST ALT levels for acute and chronic hepatitis?
acute 1000

chronic 60-100
what does alcohol do to liver enzymes?
since it damages mitochondria, AST will be elevated
alcoholic hepatits
AST and ALT 30-100
chronic HBV HCV hemochromatosis, NASH,
AST ALT 100-300
chronic HBV HCV hemochormatosis, NASH

also think autoimmune hepatitis
wilson's diease (copper overload)
AST and ALT >1000
acute liver injury:
hep A or B ischemia autoimmune hepatitis, acetaminophen overdose
what does UDP-G do?
converts indirect billi to direct bili in ER
billirubin then passes into bile canaliculli
what can cause increased billirubin production?
hemolysis- RBS only last a month
ineffective erythropoesis: dont make RBS adequately; more break down
pernicious anemia
Hematoma: femur facture bili gets high as you reabsorb all the RBCs
what can give you eleveated indirect bilirubin?
Gilberts syndrome
crigler najjar II- peds extrem gil
crigler najjar I- no udpg; must transplant
what is gilbert's syndrome?
not enough UDPG
eating replenishes udpg
eyes look yellow in the am before eating
what are dubin johnson syndrom and rotor syndrome?
direct bilirubin transport pathways are not functional
what is primary biliary cirrhosis?
autoimmune conditin assoc w/bile dects; molecular mimicry-cells think youre exposed to virus or bateira we selectivly choose on eof those and clear that protien. whit cells attack that proein on bile duct
what causes destruction of large bile ducts?
primary sclerosing cholangitis
what are extrahepatic causes of dec bilirubin clearance?
gall stone or cancer
is alk phos associ w/ cell death?
no! its on the membrane
if you get irritation ot bile canaliculi or ducts it could back up and obstruct mem that leads to a releas of al phos or GGT
where is alk phos located?
what tissues
intesinal enterocyte
placental syncytiotophoblasts - always high in preggers
renal epi cells seen w/ damage to kidneys
leukocytes- lymphoma
how do peds alk phos values compare to adults?
higher in peds bc of bone gorwht and de novo sytnses of hepatocytes
what causes elevaed alk phos?
biliary injury or obstruction
primary biliary cirrhosis
primary sclerosing cholangitis
extrahepatic causes such as a sotne or cancer
alk phos is increased and everythign else is normaL:
primary biliray cirrhosis or coming from bone intestines or placenta
alk phos and amylase are increase, total bili >3
chronic pancreatitis, cancer in head of pancreas
alk phos >1000 and bili >3
inflitrative liver cancer
alk phos decrease
Wilson's disease you need zinc to make alk phos, copper replaces zinc in wilsons so you cant make alk phos
when do you look for GGT?
if alk phos is elevated and you think its coming from the liver
when do you have elevated GGT?
alcohol, phenytoin, rifampin

GGT falls when quit drinking and come up before AST and ALT when start back

also elevated in pancreatic disease, cardiac disease, renal fail, diabetes copd inflam

not specific!
what does PT measure
ability to clot
what are the half lives of coag proteins?
3-12 hrs short; good marker to see how liver is doin acutely
it is a good liver fxn test

INR <1.5
INR 1.5-3
INR >3
minimal injurt
thin blood, liver not working acutely
sever acture liver injury live less than a month
t1/2 21 days long
marker of chronic liver disease: either you arent makeing enough albumin or your not getting enouh protein to amke albumin
when can you have low albumin?
inflamm conditions

not specific for liver, but is made by liver