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110 Cards in this Set

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What are the two types of PUD?
Gastric and Duodenal
What is a gastric ulcer characterized by?
Defective ability of the gastric mucosa to protect and repair itself
What is a duodenal ulcer characterized by?
Hypersecretion of gastric acid leading to the erosion of the mucosa
What is the most common type of PUD and who gets it more frequently?
Duodenal; young males.
What is the name of the bacteria that can cause PUD?
Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori)
What are the common causes of PUD?
-H. pylori
-Increases acid/pepsin
What are the 5 antibiotics that are used to treat H. pylori?
-bismuth (Pepto-Bismol)
-clarithromycin (Biaxin)
-amoxicillin (Amoxil)
-tetracycline (Achromycin V)
-metronidzole (Flagyl)
What is the indication for bismuth (Pepto-Bismol)?
PUD pts with confirmed H. pylori
How does bismuth (Pepto-Bismol) work?
acts topically to disrupt cell wall of H. pylori, leading to lysis and death
What are the side effects of bismuth (Pepto-Bismol)?
*Black discoloration of tongue and stool
-N, V, D
What is the indication and side effects for clarithromycin (Biaxin)?
PUD pts with confirmed H. Pylori

What is the indication and side effects for amoxicillin (Amoxil)?
PUD pts with confirmed H. Pylori

What is the indication and side effects for tetracycline (Achromycin V)?
PUD pts with confirmed H. Pylori

What is the indication and side effects for metronidazole (Flagyl)?
PUD pts with confirmed H. Pylori

What is the drug of choice to treat PUD?
H2RBs ("-tidines")
What 2 things are potent stimulators of gastrin release?
Caffeine and Alcohol
What is the indication for cimetidine (Tagamet)?
What is the indication for ranitidine (Zantac)?
What is the indication for famotidine (Pepcid)?
What is the indication for nizatidine (Axid)?
What is important to know about the "-tidines"?
Onset of action is delayed.
What are the side effects for cimetidine (Tagamet)?
*Antiandrogen effects
-Confusion, depression, hallucinations (elderly)
-GI upset, constipation
What are the contraindications for cimetidine (Tagamet)?
(d/t increased drug levels)
Also: smoking, antacids
What are the nursing implications for cimetidine (Tagamet)?
-Best taken at bedtime
-Give one hour apart from antacids
-Take for 4-6 weeks
-Educate pts about signs of GI bleeding
What are the side effects for ranitidine (Zantac)?
-Confusion, depression, hallucinations (elderly)
-GI upset, constipation
What are the contraindications for ranitidine (Zantac)?
(d/t increased drug levels)
Also: smoking, antacids
What are the nursing implications for ranitidine (Zantac)?
-Best given at bedtime
-Give one hour apart from antacids
-Take for 4-6 weeks
-Educate pts about signs of GI bleed
What are the side effect for famotidine (Pepcid)?
-Confusion, depression, hallucinations (elderly)
-GI upset, constipation
What are the contraindications for famotidine (Pepcid)?
(d/t increased drug levels)
Also: smoking, antacids
What are the nursing implications for famotidine (Pepcid)?
-Best given at bedtime
-Give one hour apart from antacids
-Take for 4-6 weeks
-Educate pts about signs of GI bleed
What are the side effects for nizatidine (Axid)?
-Confusion, depression, hallucinations (elderly)
-GI upset, constipation
What are the contraindications for nizatidine (Axid)?
(d/t increased drug levels)
Also: smoking, antacids
What are the nursing implications for nizatidine (Axid)?
-Best given at bedtime
-Give one hour apart from antacid
-Assess GI pain using scale
-Administer for 4-6 weeks
-Educate pts about signs of GI bleeding
What are the indications for lansoprazole (Prevacid)?
-esophagitis with GERD
-ZE syndrome
-Pts who fail to respond to H2RA
-Heal peptic ulcers more rapidly than "tidines"
What are the indications for omeprazole (Prilosec)?
-esophagitis with GERD
-ZE syndrome
-Pts who fail to respond to H2RA
-Heal peptic ulcers more rapidly than "tidines"
What are the indications for rabeprazole (Aciphex)?
-esophagitis with GERD
-ZE syndrome
-Pts who fail to respond to H2RA
-Heal peptic ulcers more rapidly than "tidines"
What are the indications for esomeprazole (Nexium)?
-esophagitis with GERD
-ZE syndrome
-Pts who fail to respond to H2RA
-Heal peptic ulcers more rapidly than "tidines"
What are the indications for pantoprazole sodium (Protonix)?
-esophagitis with GERD
-ZE syndrome
-Pts who fail to respond to H2RA
-Heal peptic ulcers more rapidly than "tidines"
What are the side effects of the PPIs?
-Abdominal pain
What are the side effects of the "-prazoles"?
-Abdominal pain
What are the nursing implications for lansoprazole (Prevacid)?
-Increased gastric pH
*Increased absorption of warfarin, phenytoin, diazepam which increases drug toxicity
-Give immediately before meals
*Do not chew
What are the nursing implications for omeprazole (Prilosec)?
-Increased gastric pH
*Increased absorption of warfarin, phenytoin, diazepam which increases drug toxicity
-Give immediately before meals
*Do not chew
What are the nursing implications for rabeprazole (Aciphex)?
-Increased gastric pH
*Increased absorption of warfarin, phenytoin, diazepam which increases drug toxicity
-Give immediately before meals
*Do not chew
What are the nursing implications for esomeprazole (Nexium)?
-Increased gastric pH
*Increased absorption of warfarin, phenytoin, diazepam which increases drug toxicity
-Give immediately before meals
*Do not chew
What are the nursing implications for pantaprazole sodium (Protonix)?
-Increased gastric pH
*Increased absorption of warfarin, phenytoin, diazepam which increases drug toxicity
-Give immediately before meals
*Do not chew
How does sucralfate (Carafate) work?
-Viscid, sticky gel that adheres to ulcer crater
-Creates a protective barrier against acid and pepsin
-Hastens healing of mucosa by protecting for up to 6 hours
What is the indication for sucralfate (Carafate)?
Duodenal ulcers
What are the side effects for sucralfate (Carafate)?
-Systemic effects absent!
What are the contraindications for sucralfate (Carafate)?
*Antacids (by raising the pH above 4 decreases the effects of Carafate)
-Warfarin, phenytoin, theophylline, digoxin, ciprofloxacin DECREASE drug absorption (causing them not to work as efficiently and stay in the body longer)
*Renal failure (d/t aluminum in drug)
What are the nursing implications for sucralfate (Carafate)?
*No meals!
-Administer antacids and Carafate 30 min apart
-Administer contraindicated drugs and Carafate 2 hours apart
*Do not chew
What are the indications for aluminum carbonate (Basaljel)?
-Heartburn, hiatal hernia
-Prophylaxis of stress-induced ulcers
What are the indications for Mylanta?
-Heartburn, hiatal hernia
-Prophylaxis of stress-induced ulcers
What are the indications for Maalox?
-Heartburn, hiatal hernia
-Prophylaxis of stress-induced ulcers
What are the indications for Alka-Seltzer?
-Heartburn, hiatal hernia
-Prophylaxis of stress-induced ulcers
What are the indications for Tums?
-Heartburn, hiatal hernia
-Prophylaxis of stress-induced ulcers
What are the indications for Milk of Magnesia?
-Heartburn, hiatal hernia
-Prophylaxis of stress-induced ulcers
What drugs are contraindicated with antacids?
How do antacids affect basic drugs?
INCREASED absorption - leading to toxicities
How do antacids affect acidic drugs?
DECREASED absorption - leading to decreased efficiency of drug
How long to effects last if antacids are taken on an empty stomach?
20-40 min
How long do effects of antacids last if taken one hour after meals?
Up to 3 hours. (Take between meals and at bedtime)
Which antacids cause diarrhea?
Magnesium containing antacids
(Mylanta, Maalox, Milk of Magnesia)
Which antacids cause constipation?
-Aluminum and Calcium containing antacids
(Basaljel, Tums)
What causes milk alkali syndrome and what are the symptoms?
Calcium carbonate preparations.
-Urinary frequency
-Avoid milk products
What are the nursing implications of aluminum carbonate (Basaljel)?
*Caution for renal failure pts
-Take one hour before or two hours after digoxin, tetracycline, phenothiazines, or enteric coated meds
-Liquids neutralize acids better than tablets
*interview client about OTC administration of antacids (check for OD)
What are the nursing implications for Mylanta or Maalox?
*Caution for renal failure pts
-Take one hour before or two hours after digoxin, tetracycline, phenothiazines, or enteric coated meds
-Liquids neutralize acids better than tablets
*interview client about OTC administration of antacids (check for OD)
What are the nursing implications for sodium bicarbonate (Alka-Seltzer)?
*Caution for renal failure pts
-Take one hour before or two hours after digoxin, tetracycline, phenothiazines, or enteric coated meds
-Liquids neutralize acids better than tablets
*interview client about OTC administration of antacids (check for OD)
What are the nursing implications for calcium carbonate (Tums)?
*Caution for renal failure pts
-Take one hour before or two hours after digoxin, tetracycline, phenothiazines, or enteric coated meds
-Liquids neutralize acids better than tablets
*interview client about OTC administration of antacids (check for OD)
What are the nursing implications for magnesium hydroxide (MOM)?
*Caution for renal failure pts
-Take one hour before or two hours after digoxin, tetracycline, phenothiazines, or enteric coated meds
-Liquids neutralize acids better than tablets
*interview client about OTC administration of antacids (check for OD)
What is catharsis?
Prompt, fluid evacuation of the bowel. Fast/intense.
What are the indications for laxatives?
-Bowel prep before surgery
-Soften stool (less straining)
-Drug induced slowed intestinal motility
What are the side effects of Fleets Enema or MOM?
Watery stools, cramping, dehydration
What are the nursing implications for Fleets Enema?
-Better effect on empty stomach
What are the side effects for the contact stimulant cascara sagrada, senna (Senekot), castor oil, phenolphthalein (ExLax), or Bisacodyl (Dulcolax, Correctol)?
Water stools, cramping, abuse (Decreased potassium)
What are the nursing implications for the contact stimulant cascara sagrada, senna (Senekot), castor oil, phenolphthalein (ExLax), or Bisacodyl (Dulcolax, Correctol)?
*Used as a bowel prep
-Do not crush
-Give at night for an effects
What are the side effects for the bulk forming Methylcellulose plantago seed, Metamucil, Fiberall, Citrucel, or Fibercon?
Fecal impaction or obstruction
What are the nursing implications for the bulk forming Methylcellulose plantago seed, Metamucil, Fiberall, Citrucel, or Fibercon?
-Increased daily fluids
*Decreased effects of anticoagulants and digoxin
What are the side effects for mineral oil?
-Anal leakage
-lipid pneumonia
What are the nursing implications for mineral oil?
*Not used for children or elderly bc aspiration of oil droplets
What are the nursing implications for docusate sodium (Colace)?
Avoid straining
What is the indication for Hyperosmotic laxatives like polyethylene glycol (PEG, Miralax, Moviprep), goLYTELY, and lactulose (Chronulac)?
Bowel Prep before surgery - 4 L at 240 mL every 10 min
What is another use for lactulose (Chronulac)?
drops the pH to increase osmotic pressure, which decreases ammonia levels in encephalopathy
What is the indication for ondansetron (Zofran)?
-Suppression of chemo-induced emesis
-Anticipatory nausea
-Emesis from other causes (ex: postop n/v)
What is the indication for granisetron (Kytril)?
-Suppression of chemo-induced emesis
-Anticipatory nausea
-Emesis from other causes (ex: postop n/v)
What is the indication for dolasetron (Anzemet)?
-Suppression of chemo-induced emesis
-Anticipatory nausea
-Emesis from other causes (ex: postop n/v)
What are the side effects for ondansetron (Zofran)?
*Bad HA
What are the side effects for granisetron (Kytril)?
*Bad HA
What are the side effects for dolasetron (Anzemet)?
*Bad HA
What are the nursing implications for ondansetron (Zofran)?
-Give 30 min prior to chemo IV, 1 hour prior po
-Give analgesic for HA relief
-Offer quiet environment
What are the nursing implications for granisetron (Kytril)?
-Give 30 min prior to chemo IV, 1 hour prior po
-Give analgesic for HA relief
-Offer quiet environment
What are the nursing implications for dolasetron (Anzemet)?
-Give 30 min prior to chemo IV, 1 hour prior po
-Give analgesic for HA relief
-Offer quiet environment
What is the indication and side effects for prochlorperazine (Compazine)?
Emesis associated with surgery, chemo, toxins.

SE: EPS reactions
What is the indication and side effects for promethazine (Phenergan)?
Emesis associated with surgery, chemo, toxins.

SE: EPS reactions
What is the indication and side effects for haloperidol (Haldol)?
Emesis associated with surgery, chemo, toxins.

SE: EPS reactions
What is the indication and side effects for droperidol (Inapsine)?
Emesis associated with surgery, chemo, toxins.

SE: EPS reactions
What is the mechanism of action of metoclopramide (Reglan) in the body?
*INCREASES the motility of upper GI tract
-increases stomach peristalsis -reverses motility that occurs with the vomiting reflex
What are the indications for metoclopramide (Reglan)?
-Chemo-induced N/V
-Emesis from other causes
-Diabetic gastroparesis
What are the side effects for metoclopramide (Reglan)?
-EPS reactions
-Changes in BP
What are the nursing implications for metoclopramide (Reglan)?
*Give slowly to avoid EPS
-Give oral prep 30 min before meals and bedtime
-Protect from light
-Warn of drowsiness
What is the indication for ipecac syrup?
Induces vomiting to remove ingested poison from the stomach
What should you do before administering ipecac syrup?
Call poison control
What is the indication for scopolamine transdermal (Transderm-scop)?
Most effective drug for prophylaxis and treatment of motion sickness
What are the side effects for scopolamine transdermal(Transderm-scop)?
Anticholinergic effects:
-dry mouth
-blurred vision
-urinary retention
What are the nursing implications for scopolamine transdermal (Transderm-scop)?
-Dilated pupil on side patch is worn
-tolerance can develop
-apply 4 hours prior
What is the indication and side effects for diphenoxylate/atropine (LoMotil)
Ind: Diarrhea

SE: drowsiness, dizziness, *tachycardia, dry mouth, hyperthermia, GI distress, agitation, rash
What is the indication and side effects for loperimide (Immodium)?
Ind: Diarrhea

SE: drowsiness, dizziness, *tachycardia, dry mouth, hyperthermia, GI distress, agitation, rash
What are the indications for pancreatin (Entozyme, Donnazyme)?
*Cystic fibrosis
-Pancreatic enzyme deficiency
-Chronic pancreatitis, pancreatic tumors, obstruction, or removal
What are the indications for pancrelipase (Pancrease, Viokase)?
*Cystic fibrosis
-Pancreatic enzyme deficiency
-Chronic pancreatitis, pancreatic tumors, obstruction, or removal
What are the side effects of the pancreatic enzyme drugs?
-GI upset
What are the nursing implications of the pancreatic enzyme drugs?
*MUST take with meal/snack
-Monitor fat content of stool