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32 Cards in this Set

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What test is used to confirm Zollinger-ellinson disease
Give secretin. normally inhibits gastrin production
but in ZE it causes a 2x increase of gastrin
if someone has a gastrinoma what will be elevated in the blood
secretin. it is secreted to reduce secretion of gastrin. but since gastrin doesnt care. secretin increases
How does omprazole work
majorly inhibits the H/K ATPase in stomach parietal cell.
Also causes a gastrin to increase due to neg. feedback
what are the two main causes of actue pancreatitis
alcohol and gall stones
diphyllobothrium latam causes what
B12 deficiency.
fish tape worm
The splenic artery and vein are found within what structure
splenorenal ligament
What is found in the hepatoduodenal ligament
portal triad
hepatic artery, portal vein and common bile duct
What is special about the gastrohepatic ligament
contains the gastric arteries,
***may be cut during surgery to get access to the lesser sac***
What is the only hormone that can cause a decrease in gastric emptying
What is the analgesic of choice for acute cholecystitis
absence of what 3 hormones in the gut cause the exocrine pancrease to atrophy
What are the clinical findings for menetriers disease
stomach ruge that look like brain gyri
decrease in parietal cells and increase in mucus cells
antral chronic gastritis is caused by what
h. pylori
fundal chronic gastritis is caused by
autoimmune destruction of parietal cells leading to pernicious anemia
What liver fluke causes faceted stones in the gall bladder
Clonorchis sinensis

oriental liver fluke
pain that is followed by a fatty meal is caused by a increase in what hormone
CCK from the I cells in the duodenum and jejunum
what is the most significant cause of angiosarcoma of the liver
vinyl chloride
what are the charastistics of hep E
naked capsid RNA virus belonging to ***hepeviridae****
what is always found 100% with a duodenal peptic ulcer
What structures are contained in the free edge of the lesser omentum
portal vein
hepatic artery
common bile duct
if a patient has diarrhea, flushing, and abdominal pain. + 5-HIAA in the urin what do they have and what do you treat with
carcinoid syndrome. excess 5-HT is released in the blood.
Tx with octreotide a synthetic somatostatin
What types of food (protein, carbs, fat) cause the release of GIP
all three. its the only one
what is the most common outcome of a unvaccinated person getting a needle stick with known hep B
60-65% subclinical with full recovery

25% have acute with full recovery
primary sclerosing choleangitis is characterized by extrahepatic and intrahapatic fibrosis producing alternating strictures and dilatations "beads on a string" what is this condition associated with
ulcerative colitis
Familial adenomatious polyposis gene is found on what chromo
what 3 things trigger acid production from parietal cells
Histamine, gastrin, and vagal stimulation
What are the rotavirus characteristics
Double stranded RNA naked segmented virus
What is found in Aids patients that have Acid-fast oocysts and cause diarrhea
Cryptosporidium parvum or Isospora belli
They infect the brush boarder mucosa of the small intestine. Cannot resorb
What 2 bacterias inactivate the 60s ribosome units in humans
Interohemorrhagic E. Coli
and shigella
What bacteria ribosylates the Gs in the intestine and causes watery diarrhea
ETEC - toxogenic

causes watery poop
What bacteria is microaerophilic, Gram neg curved rods with polar flagella that can grow at 42C, and causes diarrhea
Campylobacter jejuni
What is the difference between vibrio cholera and vulnificus
Cholera = only watery diarrhea
vulnificus = watery diarrhea, septicemia, cellulitis, blisters (effect lower limbs), hypotension and death