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63 Cards in this Set

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what enzyme do anaerobic organisms use to metabolize pyruvate?
pyruvate ferredoxin oxidoreductase (PFOR)
what is the mechanism of action of metronidiazole/tinidiazole?
the inactive form of the drug (prodrug) is taken up by the anaerobe. the electrons from PFOR go to metronidazole activate it. the active form of metronidazole leads to misform of DNA helix and stop the formation of nucleic acids.
Is metronidazole/tinidazole better against dividing or non-dividing cells?
just as good in both.
what do E. hystolytica, giardia, and T. Vaginalis all have in common?
all anaerobes
when someone ingest E. hystolytica, what happens.
cysts hatch in the small intestine and the trophozoite phase migrates to the large intestine.
what is the etiological organism behind amebiaisis?
E. hystolytica
Where are 3 places you will find E. hystolytica?
liver, blood, colon lumen
what are the 2 forms of E.hystolytica?
cyst and troph
Is metronidazole/tinidazole lumenocidal or tissucidal?
where are some places you can find metronidazole/tinidazole?
small intestine lumen, body tissues, and secretions
where is metro/tinidazole absorbed?
small intestine
what is the drug of choice for symptomatic ameobiasis?
metronidiazole or if cant use tinidazole
what is the DOC for asy ameobiasis?
idoquinol or if cant use paromomycin
why would you not use metro/tinidazole for asy amebiasis?
the e. hystolytica is within the lumen of the large intestine. since metro and tinidazole have good bioavaliablility, there are better alternatives
when a person ingests giardia cyst, what happens?
the cyst ruptures in the small intestine and the troph form remains and resides within the intestine.
can you use metronidiazole for giardia?
where do ou find Trichomonas vaginalis?
vagina and male urethra and prostate.
will metrondiazole be affective against Trichomonas?
yes. gets into secretions
is crytospridium an intra or extracellular parasite?
will metronidiazole be affective against cryptosporidium?
what are some sidefects of metronidazole?
metallic taste, NV, neuropathy, disulfrim like reaction, red-brown urine
somone comes in and is peeing red-brown urine
someone comes in and complains of really bad hangover with little alcohol intake
metronidazole. due to disukfiram like reaction
can you give metronidazole to prego ladies?
no, teratogenic
which is better tolerated in terms of AE, metronidazole or tinidazole?
Iodoquinol has what in its structure that results in itchyness?
does lodoquinol have a good bioavalability?
where does iodoquinol work?
in the lumen so only kills trophs and cyst in the lumen.
use Iodoquinol for sym or asy pts?
what are some AE for iodoquinol?
puritis ani, anorexia, itchyness, dermititis, thyroid enlargementl, subacute myelo-optic neuropathy.
pt comes in with itchy ass...drug?
pt comes in with eye neuropathy (muscle wise)...drug
pt comes in itchy with an enlarged thyroid...drug
pt comes in with dermititis..drug
is the subacute myelo-optic neuropathy reversibe?
what drug is used in asy parasitic infections that is an aminoglycoside...
does paromomycin treat things outside the lumen?
no, luminocidal
what are some AE for paromomycin?
oto and nephrotox
what agents can both iodoquinol and paromomycin be used to tx?
giardia and amebiasis
If someone is on nitazoxanide what do they probably have
what is the DOC for cryptosporidium?
if someone is HIV positive and gets cryptosporidium how do you tx
leave on HAART therapy
in general, what drugs treat giardiasis?
all antiparasitics
doc for trichomonas
what class of drugs do mebendazole and albendazole belong to?
what is the MOA for benzimidazoles?
the inhibit beta-tubulin that results in decrease formation of microtubules. this prevents the uptake of glucose so cell so round worm runs out of E and dies
what is the MOA of pyrantel pamoate?
causes activation of nicotinic ACH receptors and inhibits cholinesterase to help increase the concentration of ACH. this paralyzes the worm
what is the MOA of ivermectin?
binds to glutamate gated chloride channels. this causes increased permeability for chloride ions and the round worm hyperpolarizes. this results in paralysis and death.
what 2 drugs are used to tx round worms in the gut
mebendazole and albendazole
what drugs will treat pinworms, hook worms, and whipworms in the gut?
mebendazole and albendazole
in general, what drug will treat round worms that are in the body?
what drug treat cutaneous larval migrans?
would mebendazole work to tx shistosomiais or lumbricoides?
lumbricoides because it can not get into the tissues to treat shistosomiasis. only treats what is in the gut lumen
in general what does pyrantel pamoate tx?
roundworms in the gut
what does ivermectin treat?
roundworms in body and lumen.
what is the DOC for onchocerciasis?
what drug used to treat roundworm body and lumen nfections if overdosed can casue coma?
why does ivermectin ususally not cause coma?
cannot cross the blood brain barrier
why does ivermectin have the ability to cause coma?
activate GABA Cl- channels in the CNS and causes CNS depression
Prego lady with itchy butt. what do you give her.
pyrantal pamoate because not toratogenic
What is the DOC for shistosomiasis and tapeworms?
what drug used to treat tapeworms has an increase rate of abortions?
Do you use praziquantel in prego ladies?
no, increase risk of abortions