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23 Cards in this Set

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Category of drug used to treat nausea and vomiting
Category of drug used to induce vomiting
Category of drug used to treat constipation
Phenothiazine antiemetic
Act by inhibiting impulses to the CTZ
Antihistamine antiemetic
Act by affecting neural pathways in the inner ear
Emetic Ipecac syrup
Acts by stimulating the CTZ and irritating the GI mucosa
Opiate antidiarrheals
Acts on mucosal receptors to decrease GI motility
Opiate related antidiarrheals
Acts on intestinal muscles to decrease peristalsis
Adsorbent antidiarrheals
Act to coat GI tract to adsorb toxins that cause diarrhea
Osmotic laxatives
Pull water into colon to increase bulk
Contact laxatives
Increase peristalsis by irritating intestinal mucosa
Increase water retention to soften stool
Anticholinergic anti ulcer agents
Inhibit acetylcholine and block histamine and HCL
Neutralize HCL and reduce pepsin activity
Histamine 2 blockers
Inhibit gastric acid secretion by inhibiting H2 receptors
Gastric acid secretion inhibitors
Inhibit activity of hydrogen and ATP on surface of parietal cell
Pepsin inhibitors
Form a viscous substance to cover and protect GI ulcers
Prostaglandin analogs
Replace prostaglandins lost with NSAID therapy
Antacids/osmotic laxatives
Categories of GI agents that may interfere with absorption of other meds
Proton pump inhibitors
Decrease gastric acidity by inhibiting ATP on gastric cells
Common SE of anti ulcer agents
Constipation dry mouth
Common SE of laxatives
Abdominal cramping diarrhea
Bulk forming laxatives
Absorb water in the intestine and increase bulk and peristalsis