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96 Cards in this Set

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GERD what is it

backwards flow of gastric secretions into esophagus

GERD causes

transient relaxation or incompetent sphincter, increased stomach pressure

-position, anesthesia, tight clothing, hiatal hernia, CA, NG tube, purging, surgery

GERD s&sx

heartburn post meal, when bending or lying down, sore throat, hoarseness, regurg of sour material

complications of GERD

esophagus strichters, can lead to dysphagia and later Barrett's esophagus

Barrett's esophagus

change in lining of esophagus cells that then leads to an increase for esophageal cancer


antacids, PPI's, H2 blockers

diet- no coffee, alcohol, smolking, reduce fat, no food prior to bed

maintain ideal body wt, small meals

what is a hiatal hernia

part of stomach protrudes through esophageal hiatus of diaphragm into thoracic cavity

normally asymptomatic

hiatal hernia sliding vs paraesophogeal

sliding- gastroesophogeal junction and fundus of stomach slide through esophageal hiatus

paraesophogeal- junction is normal place but part of stomach herniates through, can become strangulated pt may develop bleeding gastritis

hiatal hernia tx

diet and lifestyle chgs, med similar to GERD


Nissan- fundus is sutured down

function of gallbladder

bile is made in liver and STORED in gallbladder


formation of stones in gallbladder


inflammation of gallbladder


inflammation of bile ducts

why do gallstones form

abnormal bile compostition, inflammation of gallbladder

risk factors for cholelithiasis

female, fair skin, fat, 40

prolonged TPN (bile just sits there and collects)

age, fam hx, native americans, obesity, high cholesterol diets, pregnancy

common s&sx cholelithiasis

early- fullness after fatty meals

RUQ steady pain, n/v

jaundice if blockage

complications of cholelithiasis

pancreatitis, liver dmg, empyema of gallbladder, gangrene gallbladder, intestinal obstruction

chole dx

serum bilirubin levels- elevated bili

CBC- elevation in WBC

amylase & lipase- elevated w/pancreatitis

ultrasound of gallbladder- inflammation & stones

chole tx

lap cholecystectomy

if unable to do surgery can try to dissolve stones with long term meds

lap cholecystectomy

minimally invasive, normally outpatient surgery

liver function (review)

manufactures bld proteins- clotting, immune system, O2 transport

manufactures bile- digestion

stores sugar- forms glycogen

rids harmful substances- drugs/alcohol

breaks down sat fat produces cholesterol

order of events portal HTN to ascites & fluid retention

obstruction of flow bld thru liver

portal HTN thru portal system


decreased fluid vol (decreased BP)

release of renin by kidneys

increase in aldosterone secretion by glands

retention of Na+ & H2O to increase vol


inflammation of liver due to virus

metabolic function and bile elimination are disrupted

Hepatitis that has a vaccination

A & B

s&sx that relate to all acute hepatitis

malaise, dark urine, anorexia, n/v, jaundice

Hep A/B which is a CHRONIC condition


A is acute lasting about 1-2 months

Hep A transmission


fecal-oral route, contaminated food/water

Hep B transmission

blood and bodily fluids

liver cells damaged by immune response

Hep C transmission

blood and bodily fluids

injection drug users primary factor

Hep B associated delta virus (HDV)

blood and bodily fluids

infects people who already have Hep B

Hep E transmission

fecal oral route

contaminated water in developing nations

rare in US

primary worldwide cause of Hep C


"big one" hepatitis

Hep B!

damages liver through bodily fluids

high risk in healthcare workers, increases risk of liver cancer

disease pattern

incubation --> prodromal --> icteric --> convalescent phase

incubation period w/hep

period after exposure

no symptoms

prodromal phase

flu like symptoms

malaise, anorexia, fatigue, aches, n/v, diarrhea, chills, fever, RUQ pain

icteric phase

5-10 days after prodromal symptoms

jaundice of sclera, elevation of bili levels, light brown or clay colored stool, dark urine

convalescent phase

in uncomplicated cases, symptoms improve spontaneous recovery occurs within 2 wks of jaundice

other types of hepatitis

chronic- cirrhosis, live CA, tx- enzymes elevated

fulminant- rapidly progressive, liver fx w/in 2-3 wks

toxic- alcohol, meds, drugs

hepatobiliary - interruption of normal flow of bile (gall stones)

med/nursing care with hepatitis

prevention- vaccine for A & B

meds, rest, avoid alcohol & substances detoxified in liver

hepatitis dx LFT's

ALT- liver specific

AST- heart and liver

ALP- liver and bones

GGT- rises w/hepatitis

LDH- ldh5 liver specific

serum bilirubin- elevation

med for acute hep C

interferon A (alpha)

to prevent chronic hep

med for chronic hep B

interferon A (alpha)


med for chronic hep C

interferon A (alpha) with ribavirin (rebetol) antiviral

acute hep tx

rest, nutrition, avoid substances filtered by liver (ETOH)


functional liver tissue replaced with scar tissue

end stage chronic liver disease, progressive and irreversible, 10th leading cause of death in US

early chirrosis s&sx

liver enlargement & tenderness

dull ache in RUQ

wt loss, weakness, anorexia, diarrhea, constipation,

later states of chirrosis s&sx

impaired metabolism causing bleeding, ascites, gynecomastia, jaundice, periph edema, low wbc and platelets

complications with chirrosis

portal hypertension



esophageal varcies

hepatic encepholopathy

hepatorenal syndrome

hepatic enceohalopathy

increased ammonia levels = decreased brain function

hepatorenal syndrome

renal failure with azotemia (high urea levels)

liver disorder dx lab results

elevated AST, ALT, alkaline phosphate, GGT

CBC & platelets- decrease

prothrombin time- prolonged

decrease Na+, K+, Mg+, phosphate

elevated bilirubin & ammonia

decrease albumin

liver disorder dx tests

abd ultrasound- liver size, nodule, ascites

upper endoscopy

liver biopsy




vit k


diet/fluid mgmt

limit protein 60-80g/day with elevated ammonia

otherwise 75-100g/day

high carb, moderate fat

surgical tx

TIPS- go around liver with shunt

balloon tamponade

liver tx


inflammation of pancrease

low mortality rate 10%

risk factor of pancreatitis


gall stones

acute pancreatitis

interstitial- mild form, inflammation & edema of pancreas

necrotizing- inflammation hemorrhage, necrosis of pancreatic tissue

acute cause


could be trauma, surgery, tumors, alcohol, gallstones

acute s&sx

severe abd pain

nausea & vomiting




acute pancreatitis complications



local necrosis, abscess, pseudocyst

chronic pancreatitis

gradual destruction of pancreas tissue

#1 cause alcohol

ducts are blocked causing inflammation and fibrosis

chronic panc s&sx

recurrent LUQ pain

n/v, wt loss, steatorrhea (fatty stools)

chronic panc complications




panc CA

#1 test for pancreatitis

serum amylase

2-3 times nor

other dx for pancreatitis

serum lipase- elevated for 7-14 days

serum typsinogen- elecated w/acute, decreased w/chronic

ultrasound, CT, ERCP

tx for pancreatitis

NPO then to low fat diet


pain control


meds for pancreatitis


PPI, antacids, H2 blockers

enzyme supplements

octreotide (sandostatin)- reduces pressure


infection or chemical irritant in peritoneal cavity

bacteria enters normally sterile space

peritonitis s&sx

3rd spacing causes hypotension

"acute abdomen"- board like

elderly- confusion, decrease output, abd complaints

complications of peritonitis

life threatening 40%



dx peritonitis

elevated WBC

abd x-ray shows free air

shows GI perforation

peritonitis tx

broad spectrum anitbiotics


surgery- fix perforation

IV fluids


ulcerative colitis

rectum thru colon

anscess leads to scarring= narrows colon

ulcerative colitis s&sx

rectal bleeding

diarrhea (5-10 stools/day)



LLQ pain

*increased risk of CA* (repeated "injury")

crohn's disease

any segment of bowel- common is iliem and ascending colon

ulcers transmural and lead to fistulas

crohn's s&sx

rectal bleeding, diarrhea, anemia, malnutrition

RLQ pain relieved by defecation

fever, fatigue, malaise, wt loss, anemia

crohn's complications

scarring causing strictures



increased risk of CA


colonoscopy, upper GI, stool culture

albumin & folic acid- low due to malabsorption

LFT's may be elevated

medications for bowel disorders

sulfasalazine- abx with topical effect in colon (ulcerative colitis)

corticosteroids, immunisupression, metronidazole (flagyl)


neoplastic disorders of bowel

colon CA 2nd leading cause of cancer death in US


considered pre malignant

tissue mass protruding from wall of bowel

most often in sigmoid and rectum

CDC guidelines

fecal occult blood test at age 50

flexible sigmoidoscopy q 5 yr

colonoscopy q 10 yr

colorectal cancer risks

fam hx


high fat diet

commonly metastasized to lymph then liver, lungs, brain, kidney

colorectal CA s&sx

none until late stages

bleeding, wt loss, pain, abd mass, anemia


**early detection & intervention**

digital done at age 40

mechanical vs functional bowel obstruction

mechanical- adhesions, tumore, strictures

partial or complete- intusseption, volvulous, foreign body, stricture

functional- neurological or muscular

post surgery, hypokalemia, meds, peritonitis

bowel obstruction s&sx

colicky pain, vomiting, decreased bowel sounds

bowel obstruction complications



septic shock

obstruction tx


IV fluids


early ambulation after surgery

diverticular disease

sacs form in colon mainly sigmoid

diverticulitis is when the colon is inflamed from food getting caught in diverticuli

diverticular dx

abd xray- free air, perforation

barium enema- contraindicated

abd CT or colonoscopy

WBC- shift to left with diverticulitis

diverticular compications

perforation, peritonitis, abscess

s&sx diverticular disease

L side pain




tx of diverticular disease

meds- abx analgesic

low fiber diet with exacerbation to rest bowel then high fiber diet

no seeds, popcorn

surgery- resction, Hartman (reconnecting to give bowel rest)