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20 Cards in this Set

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What is intussesception?
A transient or persistent invagination of one bowel loop into another
What is intussuscipiens?
The "receiving" or out loop

AKA the catcher
What is the intissusceptum?
Prolapsing / invagination inner loop

AKA the pitcher
In adults what describes the temporal nature of intussuscepion?
What are the 2 IBD diseases?
1. Crohn's

2. UC
Where in the GI tract is CD found, UC?
CD = any portion

UC = colon only
Where is CD found in the colon?
Right side
What describes crohn's interms of continuity, UC?
Crohn's = discontinuous

UC - continuous, beginning at the anorectal junction
What describes UC and CD wrt to mucosa involvement?
CD = transmural

UC = Mucosa / submucosa only
In a radiograph, what does UC mucosa look like?

ALSO sacculations dissapear
What type of ulcers are seen in crohn's disease in a radiograph?
Aphthoid ulcers
What ulcers are pathognomonic for CD?
Linear ulcers on the mesenteric border
What other radiographic characteristic is typical of CD?
What type of ulcer/clefts are seen in CD?
Knive like
In CD's what can result from the transmural inflammatory process?
Stricture Formation
Transmural inflammation can also lead to what in CD?
Fissure and fistula formation
What is the characteristic radiologic sign of ischemia?
WRT to cancer, CT is best at showing what?
Mesenteric Metastases, NOT primary SI tumor
What small bowel tumor forms a calcified, speculated mesenteric metastasis?
Carcinoid Tumor (GI Neuroendocrine tumor)
What is the most common cause of a jejunal intussusception in an adult?