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58 Cards in this Set

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From wehre does amylase come?
salivary glands and pancreatic acini
What does amylase do?
starts digestion of complex carbs
What stimulates pancreatic amylase?
CCK from the duodenum
Where do you find disaccharidases?
intestinal brush border
What causes lactose intolerance?
deficiency of disaccharidases
What monosaccharides are not absorbed?
sorbitol, lactulose
What enzymes start protein digestion?
pepsin and acid
Where does protein digestion start?
What causes pancreatic enzymes to release?
CCK and vagus nerve
What pancreatic enzymes digest protein?
trypsinogen, chymotrypsinogen, procarboxypeptidase
What duodenal enzyme does protein digestion?
What does enterokinase do?
activates trypsin and carboxypeptidase
Where do sugars and AAs go after absorption?
portal circulation
Where are fats emulsified?
How are fats lipolysed?
TG to FA and B-monoglyceride, phospholipases
How do micelles form?
with bile acids
How do chylomicrons form?
intestinal cells uptake FAs, re-esterification, chylomicrons are formed
Where is CCK released?
duodenal cells
What does CCK do?
stimulates lipase and bile salt release
What enzymes do lipolysis?
lipase and phospholipase
Where do fatty acids go from the enterocyte?
TGs are re-esterified, packaged with lipoproteins into chylomicrons and VLDL, enter lymphatics through lacteal
Where are fats absorbed?
duodenum and jejeunum
What is the ileal brake?
if FFA reac the ileum, motility will be slowed to allow time for digestion/absorption
What can cause fat malabsorption?
lack of bile, lack of lipase activity mucosal disease, lymphatic issues
What are bile acids?
How do you get bile acids?
made from cholesterol, recycled by absorption in terminal ileum
What happens in chronic pancreatitis?
lack of enzymes
How do you diagnose chronic pancreatitis?
fat droplets in stool, 24h stool collection with low fat diet
How does Zollinger-Ellison cause maldigestion?
excess acid impairs enzyme function
How much lipase do you need to fully digest fats?
40,000U lipase/meal
Why does Celiac Disease cause malabsorption?
flattened mucosa, high tissue transglutaminase
What diseases cause malabsorption?
lack of bile, pancreatic insufficiency, celic disease, post gastroenteritis, alcohol, small bowel overgrowth
What are the fat soluble vitamins?
A, D, E, K
What do you need to absorb fat soluble vitamins?
bile acids for micelle formation/absorption
What do you need to absorb Vitamin A?
pancreatic enzyme hydrolysis
How much stool do you excrete?
< .3L
What ist he colonic transit time?
What is the oral-celcal transit time?
What does bloody diarrhea suggest?
mucosal injury
What does watery stool suggest?
secretion or colonic absorption issue
What does greasy stool suggest?
malabsorption or maldigestion
What causes acute bloody diarrhea?
shigella, campylobacter, c. diff, amoeba infection
ischemic injury
What causes chronic bloody diarrhea?
inflammatory bowel disease, vascular injury, radiation proctitis
What are the symptoms of "colitic" diarrhea?
small volume stools, blood, mucous, urgency, tenesmus
What is tenesmus?
rectal spasm, feeling of incomplete emptying
How do you diagnose bloody diarrhea?
colonoscopy with or without biopsy, stool cultures
What do you evaluate for secretory watery diarrhea?
persistant with fasting, large volume, abdominal cramping
What do you evlauate for hormonal watery diarrhea?
carcinoid, mastocytosis, VIPoma or gastrinoma
What are the causes of watery diarrhea?
secretory, hormonal, excess bile acids entering the colon, TI resection, ifnectious, drugs, osmotic
What causes infectious watery diarrhea?
severe HIV/AIDS acute infectious toxins
What drugs cause watery diarrhea?
quinidine, colchicine, misoprostol, vit C
What causes osmotic diarrhea?
non-absorbable sugars or sweeteners, laxatives
What do you evaluate for osmotic diarrhea?
stool electrolytes, osmolality
How do you calculate stool osmolality?
2 x (Na + K)
>50 is osmotic diarrhea
What are the signs of greasy stool?
bulky or loose, higher volume, hard to flush, oil drops
What are the symptoms of greasy stool?
mild abdominal cramping
How do you diagnose greasy stool?
10g or more on a 100g fat diet, image liver, pancreas with CT, assess small bowel, trial of antibiotics
How do you assess the small bowel for greasy stool?
endoscopy with biopsy for GSE and rare casues
radiograph for GSE, Crohn's