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40 Cards in this Set

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How do stress, crises and stressors impair physical health during time of loss?

By developing an actual physical health problem due to declining of the immune system

Why does an older grieving adult refer to the deceased in past tense?

To make the death a reality

Many feelings can be caused by ________ _______ and why?

-Anticipatory grieving

- Because grievers tend to deal more easily with known losses at known times

What is disenfranchised grief?

Is experienced by a person whose loss cannot be openly acknowledged or publicly mourned

What should nurse do when patient is in final stages of dying?

Work to help the patient preserve energy-only minimal ADL's should be done

An adult patient the the right to _______ or_______


Accept or refuse

What is primary difference between Loss Response Model and the Worden Model of Grief?

Anticipatory grief can be experienced by both the _______ and the _______.



What are signs a patient is experiencing anticipatory grief?

They become withdrawn and want to spend limited time with loved ones

What is one of the most important things a nurse can do for those experiencing grief?

Establish a trusting and caring relationship to help them improve their mental status and wellness

What is an important aspect of patient outcome when a patient who has lost someone and feels a sense of responsibility and blame

Should have the opportunity to express feelings of guilt, fear, sadness

What is the best thing a nurse can do when chaos ensues in the family after death?

The nurse can suggest the family call someone who can help from a moral neutral view and help make decisions

How can a nurse help a family member who is alone and makingdecisions without input from other family members?
Help the survivor from making rash decisions by askingquestions and helping the survivor to eek out other sources to help in making decisions

Whatis Weisman’s six needs for dying?







In deciding palliative care, the older adult will most likely benefit in which patient need of Weisman's 6 needs for the dying?
. Grieving is not rigidly ____________


Everyone finds their own pattern and needs in order to cope with what?
Loss and to move forward
Decreasedintestinal motility related to aging impacts what?
Absorptionof many meds.
If the meds are in stomach too long or not long enough what impacted then?
Wherethe drug gets absorbed
Whenis fibrinolytic activity highest?

In the Morning

Whatcan help counteract potential hypotensive effects of anti-adrenergic blockers?

Increased fluids

What is an example of anti-adrenergic blocker that can cause hypotensiveeffects?


_________is a safer for older adults than benzodiazepines for chronic anxiety


When questioning and older adult about medication compliancewhat should you avoid? How should you ask?
-Avoid making suggestions about what they are or are notdoing

- Ask them open-ended questions to try and elicit theirinformation

____________ is considered a relatively safe Anti-depressant for older adults


What labs should be tested before administering the antibiotic vancomycin to older adults?
Creatinine clearance
If giving diltiazem to an older adult what is the optimal time for administration?
When they go to bed
What is an important part of patient education when Fosamax is ordered for an older adult?
To take it in Morning on an empty stomach

What should patients who are taking anticoagulant therapyavoid?

Chamomile Supplements

If a patient istaking Abilify the patient should be routinely assessed for ___________ and__________ __________ in order to prevent and avoid onset of TD
oral and facial dyskinesia should
Whateducation should a patient on Thorazine receive?
-avoid becoming dehydrated

-limit caffeine in diet

Fewer than ___ _______/week is abnormal

3 stools

During bladder retraining program what is one action thatshould be included?
Toiletingat bedtime
Whatis stress incontinence a result of?
Increased intraabdominal pressure
Whatis one option as part of a program to address bowel incontinence?
Ensurethat a toilet or commode is readily available for the patient
Whatis the Nurse Standard Practice Protocol?
Anevidenced-based resource for nurses to use when managing incontinence in acutecare
What do healthy bladder behavior skills include?
Schedulingpatients to void every 2-4 hours
Whatis primary intervention for stress incontinence and why?
Instruct the resident to practice abdominal exercisesbecause they can help strengthen the pelvic floor and help withstress incontinence
When can a diagnosis of diabetes be made?
Aftertwo fasting blood glucose test come back > 125mg/dL
What can medications that contain estrogen interfere with?
Antihyperglycemic agents