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49 Cards in this Set

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Present tense endings
ich - e
du - st
er - t
wir - en
ihr - t
Sie/sie - en
Present perfect - haben or sein?
haben - direct objects or reflexive verbs
sein - all intransitive verbs, sein, bleiben, motion, change of state, happenings, failure, success
Participle formation: weak verbs
ge + stem + t
-ieren verbs are usually weak; if they have >1 syllable, there is no ge- prefix
Participle formation: strong verbs
ge + stem change + n
important activities (essen, trinken, sprechen, gehen, schlafen)
Simple past formation: weak verbs
-t(e) +
ich - e
du - est
er - e
wir - en
ihr - et
Sie/sie - en
Simple past: strong verbs
stem change, no -t(e) or ich/er/sie/es ending
Simple past: irregular verbs
vowel change
otherwise weak
Past perfect formation
simple past haben/sein + participle
used with another past tense to indicate an event further in the past
Future formation
werden + main verb infinitive
used with another past tense to indicate an event further in the past
Future perfect formation
[conjugated werden 2nd position] + [past participle main verb] + [sein/haben infinitive]
Passive voice formation
ich - werde
du - wirst
er - wird
wir - werden
ihr - werdet
Sie/sie - werden

+ past participle
Subjunctive I formation
Present: stem (no change) + e, est, e, en, et, en; sein has no ich/er/sie/es ending
Past: subjunctive I haben/sein + past participle
Future: regular future but werden is subjunctive I
Subjunctive II formation
würde form
Present: weaks are identical to simple past; strongs take umlauts + e, est, e, en, et, en

Past: subjunctive II haben/sein + past participle
Present: dürfen (a); können (a); mögen (a); müssen (u); sollen; wollen (i)

Simple past: no umlaut; mögen: mochte; te, test, te, ten, tet, ten
Perfect tenses: w/ haben + gedurft, gekonnt, gemocht, gemusst, gesollt, gewollt
No difference between simple past/perfect meanings
du: stem; add e if stem ends in d, t, or m/n preceded by a consonant that isn't l or r. a stem change from e -> i still occurs.

ihr: same as normal, pronoun omitted

Sie: same as normal, always followed by pronoun Sie
wir: same as Sie

sein: sei, seid, seien Sie, seien wir
Present tense uses
continuing past action
schon + accusative time expressions
(schon) seit + dative
Simple past uses
narrative past, actions events taken place in the past
simple past of haben/sein/modals preferred to present perfect
du/ihr forms rarely used
Past perfect uses
not for sequences of events
independent clauses beginning with nachdem
always w/ another past tense to indicate events occurring further in the past
Future tense uses
used sparingly but favored for:
states/actions in the relatively distant future
distinguishing present/future
wohl/schon for present possibility
Future perfect uses
will have happened (using bis)
has already happened (probability using wohl/schon)
Subjunctive I uses
indirect discourse
Subjunctive II uses
Accusative uses
direct object
verbs of motion
distance covered (prefixes ent and nach)
measure, amount
"es gibt"
glauben (with things)
Dative uses
indirect objects
dative object verbs
glauben (with people)
Accusative prepositions
bis, durch, für, gegen, ohne, um, wider (against)
Dative prepositions
aus, außer, bei, gegenüber, mit, nach, seit, von, zu
Two-way prepositions
an, auf, hinter, in, neben, entlang, über, unter, vor, zwischen
Accusative: motion
Dative: location
Accusative: adjectives with prepositional compliments
an: gewôhnt (accustomed to)
auf: böse (angry at); gespannt; neidisch (jealous/envious of); neugierig (questioning/inquiring about); stolz (proud of); verrückt (crazy about); wütend (mad at)
Dative: adjectives with prepositional compliments
an: arm/reich, interessiert
nach: durstig/hungrig, verrückt (crazy)
von: abhängig, begeistert, überzeugt
vor: blass, sicher
zu: bereit, fähig
Genitive prepositions
(an)statt: instead of
trotz: in spite of
während: during
wegen: because of, on account of
Genitive adjectives
sich (dat) bewusst: conscious of/aware of
gewiss: certain of
müde: tired of
(un)schuldig: (not) guilty of
wert: worth, worthy of
Participle stem changes
I - A - O
Participle stem changes
I - A - U

gelingen (to succeed)
klingen (to sound)
verschwinden (to disappear)
zwingen (to force)
Participle stem changes
I - A - E
Participle stem changes
I - U
Participle stem changes
IE - O

biegen (to bend)
bieten (to offer)
fliehen (to flee)
fleßen (to flow)
frieren (to freeze)
genießen (to enjoy)
gießen (to pour)
riechen (to smell)
schieben (to shove, push)
schießen (to shoot)
verlieren (to lose)
ziehen (to pull, draw; w/ sein: to go, move)
Participle stem changes
E - A - O
brechen (to break)
empfehlen (to recommend)
stehlen (to steal)
sterben (to die)
treffen (to meet, hit the target)
werfen (to throw)
Participle stem changes
E - A
brennen (to burn)
nennen (to name, call)
Participle stem changes
E - U - O
Participle stem changes
EI - I

greifen (to grip, seize)
reißen (to tear)
reiten (to ride on an animal)
Participle stem changes

leihen (to lend)
schreien (to shout, scream)
schweigen (to be silent)
steigen (to climb, rise)
treiben (to drive cattle, pursue an activity)
Participle stem changes
U - A
Ü - O
tun - tat- getan
lügen (to tell a lie)
Masculine nouns
Days, months, seasons
Nouns referring to people ending in er
Points on the compass
Map locations, winds
Agents, occupations, nationality
Names, of cars, trains
Nouns ending in ismus, ner
Alcoholic drinks
Lakes and mountains
Atmospheric elements ending in -stoff
Rivers outside Europe
Feminine nouns
Nouns ending in: heit, keit, tät, ung, schaft, ie, ik, (e, in, ei)*
Borrowed foreign nouns ending in: ade, age, anz, enz, ette, ine, ion, tor
Names of aircraft, ships, motorbikes, flowers and trees
Cardinal numbers
Neuter nouns
Nouns ending in chen, lein, (o, nis)*
Geographic place names
Young animals and people
All but five chemical elements
Young animals and people
Fractions and decimals
Names of hotels, cafes, theaters
Colors as nouns
Borrowed nouns ending in ment
Nouns starting with Ge-
Noun declension
Dative plurals end in -n
Genitive: Masculine nouns end in s or es
They end in S if they are greater than one syllable
They end in ES if they end in s, sch, ß, x, z
If ending is nis --> nisses
Adjectives ending in der words or definite articles
N - e, e, e, en
A - en, e, e, en
D - en, en, en, en
G - en, en, en, en
Adjectives ending in ein words or indefinite articles
N - er, e, es, en
A - en, e, es, en
D - en, en, en, en
G - en, en, en, en
Unpreceded adjectives
N - er, e, es, en
A - en, e, es, e
D - em, er, em, en
G - en, er, en, er