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35 Cards in this Set

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What are some common S/S found in anemia?
-sore mouth
-increased vulnerability to infections
Tell me about the general, skin and eyes in anemia.
-general-weight loss and fever
-skin-pale, jaundice, petechiae
-eyes-pale conjunctiva, scleral icterus
Tell me about the mouth and tongue seen in anemia.
-mouth-cheilosis, glossitis, pale mucous membranes
-Tongues-smooth and red in B12 def., angular stomatitis or atrophy in rion def. anemia
Tell me about the cardiac and lungs seen in anemia/
-cardiac-tachy at rest, midsystolic or holosystolic murmur

-lungs-tachypnea, rales (in CHF)
Tell me about the abdomen, rectal, and extremities seen in anemia.
-Abd-hepatomegaly, tender enlarge spleen

-rectal-positive guiac or melana

-ext-spoon shaped, brittle nails, palmar creases
Tell me about the neck and MSK seen in anemia.
-Neck-masses or enlarged lymph nodes

-MSK-bone pain tenderness
Tell me about the neuro seen in anemia.
-inability to concentrate
-decreased vibratory sense
-poor finger coordination
-hyperactive or hypoactive reflexes
-positive Rhomberg
What are some dx tests done for anemia?
-Peripheral smear
-Retic Count
Ferritin is increased in what?

-increased in anemia of chronic disease, hemachromatosis, alcoholism and inflammatory disease

-decreased in iron def. anemia
Iron is decreased in what diseaeses?
iron def anemia and chronic disease anemia
Transferrin is increased in what and decreased in what?
-increased in iron def. anemia

-decreased in malignancy or infection
TIBC is increased in what and decreased in what?
-increased iron def. anemia

-decreased in anemia of chronic disease
Folate and B12 is low in what type of anemias?
macrocytic anemias
Methylmalonate is increased in what disease?
increased in B12 def, but normal in folate def
Homocystine levels are increased in what two deficiencies?
Folate and B12
What does Anti-instrinsic factor abs identify?
pernicious anemia
TSH is associated with pernicious anemia and is decreased in what?
LDH is increased in what disease?
sickle cell
Coombs test is to detect what?
hemolytic anemia
Why would you check liver enzymes?
to detech hemolysis of RBCs
Why would you do HgB electrophoresis?
to ID hemoglobinopathies or thalassemias
G6PD is associated with what type of anemias?
Erythropoitin levels are associated with what?
renal disease
How do you treat Fe def anemia?
-find source and correct it
-FeSO4 300 mg one hour before meals
-FeSO4 with vit. C to enhance absorption
-Iron stores are replenished in 6 months
-Do monthly eval for Hgb, Hct, and ferritin
-IV if PO isn't tolerated
What things can cause normocytic anemias?
-chronic liver disease
-endocrine disorders
What are some characteristics of normocytic anemias?
-decreased reticulocyte count
-normal iron and TIBC
-increased Ferritin
What are some tx options for normocytic anemias?
-correct the disorder
-tx is supportive
-periodic transfusions
Aplastic anemia, Leukemia, and Myelodysplasia are all associated with what?
white blood cell and platelet abnormalities along with anemia
Hemolytic anemia occurs with what?
other illnesses
What is used to tx all pts with chronic hemolytic anemia?
Folic acid
What things strongly suggest hemolysis?
abnormally shaped RBCs in assoc. with a sudden decrease in Hgb, hapatoglobin and INCREASED LDH and indirect bilirubin
B12 def is associated with what?
-pernicious anemia
-HCl acid def
-autoimmune disorders
What is the tx for B12 def?
B12 1000mcg weekly for 8 weeks then monthly
Folate def is related to what diseases?
-hemolytic anemia
-nutrional status
What is the tx for folate def?
Folate 1mg daily