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37 Cards in this Set

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A river flowing in direction opposite to dip, short
A river flowing in direction of dip.
Fault scarp
Definite evidence of active or recent faulting. Looks like a step caused by slip on fault. Formed by scarp movement.
Water gap
A transverse cleft in a mountain ridge through which a stream flows.
A high mountain peak that forms when the walls of three or more cirques intersect.
Wind gap
A transverse cleft in a mountain ridge without a stream flowing through it
Stream ob and con streams flow into. Derived from selective headward erosion finding rocks of least resistance.
The groundwater contribution to runoff that comes from springs or seepage into a stream channel/groundwater contribution to stream flow. Groundwater outflow.
A large crater forming from the collapse of a magma chamber following an eruption
Flow duration curve
A cumulative frequency curve. Shows percentage of time that specified discharges are equaled or exceeded. Plot of percent of time a given flow is equaled or exceeded. Summarizes “flashiness”
Superimposed stream
A stream whose geometry has been laid down on a rock structure and is not controlled by the structure. Structure initially buried and stream course develops independently. Erosion superposes river on structure.
Rating curve
Shows the relationship between depth and amount of flow in a channel.
Terminal moraine
A ridge of unconsoldiated debris that forms at the toe of a glaicer. Moraines form at ice m argin
An assymetrical ridge with one steep slope cutting across tilted layers, and one gentle slope parallel to tilting strata.
A flat tableland with steep edges
A hill that rises abruptly from the surrounding region. Has a flat top and sloping sides.
A u-shaped lake formed by the cutting of a meander.
Manning equation
An equation relating the mean velocity of flow to channel characteristics
Stratified drift
Sand, gravel, silt and clay particles that were transported, sorted and deposited in layers of similar grain size by glacial meltwaters.
A mudflow/landslide composed of pyroclastic material and water
A crater from an explosive eruption with very little ash, no lake.
Hydraulic radius
area of a stream divided by the wetted perimeter
A symmetrical ridge. The slope of one side cuts through tilted strata, the other slopes parallel to tilted strata.
Small cave like features found in sandstone, formed through alveolar weathering: water brings minerals to the surface, form crystals, force flakes off of rock. Common on undersides of rocks.
A glacially eroded basin with steep walls found at the heads of apline glaciers
The sum of plant transpiration and evaporation from earth’s land surface to atmosphere.
A sharp narrow ridge formed by erosive activity of alpine glaciers flowing in adjacent valleys
A narrow ridge between cirques
A pit or hole produced by weathering. A plastically molded form. Water or ice paste.
A lake in a cirque
Unit hydrograph
A graph relating a unit of discharge to a unit of time. Discharge correcteed for watershed area (discharge/area) units of length vs. time. Used to compare watersheds of different size, also units directly correlate with units of rainfall.
Surface stormflow
Qs= Cp+Rs Cp=channel precipitation. Rs= overland flow (that which fails to infiltrate the surface.
An elongate hill formed in the interior of a glacier by till. Parallel to flow of the glacier. Forms under moving ice. Shape provides least resistance to flow. Form near glacial margin. Thin part points in direction of flow.
Desaggregated granite. A product of granite disintegration. A coarse angular mass of rock and mineral fragments. Feldspars are often unaffected by decomposition. Weathering of biotite to vermiculite expands by 40% forcing granite grains apart.
B horizon
Immediately below the a horizon. Contains deposits of organic matter leached from surface soils.
A soil that develops in temperate to cold moist climates under coniferous or heath vegitation. Organic matter over a gray leached layer: spodic b horizon
Forms in hot and wet tropical regions. Leached of soluble minerals. Rich in iron and aluminum oxides.