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44 Cards in this Set

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If two lines cut by a transversal are parallel, then corresponding angles are _____
Corresponding Angles Postulate
If two lines cut by a transversal are parallel, then alternate interior angles are ____.
Alternate Interior Angles Theorem
If two lines cut by a transversal are parallel, then alternate exterior angles are _____.
Alternate Exterior Angles Theorem
If two lines cut by a transversal are parallel, then same side interior angles are _________.
Same-Side Interior Angles Theorem
If two lines cut by a transversal in such a way that corresponding angles are congruent, then two lines are ______.
Converse of the Corresponding angles postulate
If two lines are cut by a transversal in such a way that corresponding angles are congruent, then the two lines are _________.
Converse of the Same-Side Interior Angles Theorem
If two lines are cut by a transversal in such a way that alternate interior angles are congruent, then the two lines are_____
Converse of the Alternate Interior Angles Theorem
If two lines are cut by a transversal in such way that the alternate exterior angles are congruent, then the two lines are_____.
Converse of the Alternate Exterior Angles Theorem
If two coplanar lines are perpendicular to the same line, then the two lines are parallel.
If two lines are parallel to the same line, then the two lines are parallel.
The parallel postulate
(one and only one)
Given a line and a point not on the line, there is only one line that contains the given point and is parallel to the given line.
Triangle Sum Theorem
(sum of all the angles in a triangle)
The sum of the measures of the angles of a triangle is 180.
Exterior Angle Theorem
(equal to the sum)
The measure of an exterior angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of the measures of the remote interior angles
Sum of the Interior Angles of a Polygon
The Measure of an Interior Angle of a Regular Polygon
Sum of the Exterior Angles of a Polygon
(3 digit number)
Parallel Lines Theorem
In a coordinate plane, two non vertical lines are parallel if and only if they have the same slope
Perpendicular lines theorem
In a coordinate plane, two non vertical lines are perpendicular if and only if the product of their slopes is -1
Alternate exterior angles
(cut by a)
When two parallel lines are cut by a transversal, the two pairs of angles on opposite sides of the transversal and outside the parallel lines, and the angles in each pair are congruent
Alternate interior angles
(cut by a)
When two lines are crossed by another line (which is called the Transversal), the pairs of angles on opposite sides of the transversal but inside the two lines are called Alternate Interior Angles.
axis of symmetry
(rotates around)
an object with rotational symmetry, also known in biological contexts as radial symmetry, is an object that looks the same after a certain amount of rotation
center of a regular polygon
(regular means)
The point inside a regular polygon that is equidistant from each vertex
central angle of a regular polygon
an angle at the centre of the polygon.
concave polygon
(vs convex)
a polygon such that there is a straight line that cuts it in four or more points
convex polygon
(vs concave)
a polygon such that no side extended cuts any other side or vertex; it can be cut by a straight line in at most two points
corresponding angles
the angles that occupy the same relative position at each intersection where a straight line crosses two others. If the two lines are parallel, the corresponding angles are equal
equiangular polygon
(all angles are)
polygon whose vertex angles are equal. If the lengths of the sides are also equal then it is a regular polygon.
equilateral polygon
(all sides are)
an equilateral polygon is a polygon which has all sides of the same length.
midsegment of a trapezoid
(in the middle)
a convex quadrilateral with at least one pair of parallel sides is referred to as a trapezoid
mid segment of a triangle
(in the middle)
is a segment that connects the midpoints of two sides of the triangle.
(all sides are…)
All sides are parallel
(no curves, more than 2)
a plane figure with at least three straight sides and angles, and typically five or more.
(four sides)
4 sided figure
(all ____ lines)
a plane figure with four straight sides and four right angles, esp. one with unequal adjacent sides, in contrast to a square.
reflectional symmetry
(reflect over)
Reflection symmetry, line symmetry, mirror symmetry, mirror-image symmetry, or bilateral symmetry is symmetry with respect to reflection.
regular polygon
a polygon with all sides and all angles equal
remote interior angle
Non-adjacent interior angles
(acute <s)
parallelogram with opposite equal acute angles, opposite equal obtuse angles, and four equal sides.
rotational symmetry
(Rotates and still remains symmetric)
an object with rotational symmetry, also known in biological contexts as radial symmetry, is an object that looks the same after a certain amount of rotation.
same-side interior angles
(angles on the same side)
Another name fo consecutive interior angles.
(down, degree)
of a surface or line be inclined from a horizontal or vertical line; slant up or down
(all sides are….)
a plane figure with four equal straight sides and four right angles.
(If two lines are cut by a)
intersecting a system of lines.
(one set of ____ lines)
a quadrilateral with only one pair of parallel sides.