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69 Cards in this Set

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Is a location. It has neither shape nor size. Its named by a capital letter
is made up of points and has no thickness or width. There is exactly one line through any two points. Its named by the letters representing two points on the line or a lowercase script letter.
is a flat surface made up of points that extends infinitely in all directions. There is exactly one plane through any three points not one the same line. Its named by a capital script letter or by the letters naming three points that are not all on the same line.
points that lie on the same line
points that do not lie on the same line.
points that lie in the same plane
points that do not lie in the same plane
a set of points common to two or more geometric figures.
boundless, three-dimensional sets of all points. Can contain lines and planes.
line segment
a measureable part of a line that consists of two points, called endpoints, and all of the points between them.
congruent segments
segments that have the same measure
are methods of creating these figures without the benefit of measuring points
this between two points is the length of the segment with those points as its endpoints
irrational number
is a number that cannot be expressed as terminating or repeating decimal.
this of a segment is the point halfway between the endpoints of a segment.
segment bisector
any segment, line, or plane that intersects a segment at its midpoint is called this
is a part of a line. It has one endpoint and extends indefinitely in one direction. They are named by stating the endpoint first and then any other point on the ray.
is formed by two noncollinear rays that have a common endpoint.
right angle
equals 90 degrees
acute angle
measures less than 90 degrees
obtuse angle
measures more than 90 but less than 180
adjacent angles
are two angles that lie in the same plane and have a common vertex and a common side, but no common interior angles
linear pair
is a pair of adjacent angles with noncommon sides that are opposite rays. The angles in a this are supplementary
vertical angles
are two nonadjacent angles formed by two intersecting lines. There congruent
complementary angles
are two angles with measures that have a sum of 90
supplementary angles
are two angles with measures that have a sum of 180
lines, segments, or rays that form rays that form right angles are this
is a closed figure formed by a finite number of coplanar segments called sides such that
. the sides that have a common endpoint are noncollinear, and
. each side intersects exactly two other sides, but only at their endpoints.
is named by the letters of its vertices, written in order of consecutive vertices
equilateral polygon
is a polygon in which all sides are congruent
equiangular polygon
is a polygon in which all angles are congruent
regular polygon
a convex polygon that is both equilateral and equiangular is called this
this of a polygon is the sum of the lengths of the sides of the polygon.
this of a circle is the distance around a circle
this of a figure is the number of square units needed to cover a surface.
a solid with all flat surfaces that enclose a single region of space. Are named by the shape of their bases.
each flat surface or this is a polygon
the line segments where the faces intersect are called this
the point where three or more edges intersect is called this
is a polyhedron with two parallel congruent faces called bases connected by parallelogram faces
base of a polyhedron
the two parallel congruent faces of a polyhedron
is a polyhedron that has a polygonal base and three or more triangular faces that meet at a common vertex.
is a solid with congruent parallel circular bases connected by a curved surface. Not a polyhedron
is a solid with a circular base connected by a curved surface to a single vertex. Not a polyhedron
is a set of points in space that are the same distance from a given point. This has no faces, edges, or vertices. Not a polyhedron
regular polyhedron
all of its faces are regular congruent polygons and all of the edges are congruent
surface area
is a two dimensional measurement of the surface of a solid figure
is the measure of the amount of space enclosed by a solid figure
inductive reasoning
is reasoning that uses a number of specific examples to arrive at a conclusion.
a concluding statement reached using inductive reasoning is called this
an example used to show that a given statement is not always true
is a sentence that is either true or false
compound statement
two or more statements joined by the word and or or form this
a compound statement using the word and is called this
a compound statement that uses the word or is called this
conditional statement
is a statement that can be written in if-then-form
ex) if p, then q
this of a conditional statement is the phrase immediately following the word if
this of a conditional statement is the phrase immediately following the word then
related conditionals
there are other statements that are based on a given conditional statement these are known as this
is formed by exchanging the hypothesis and conclusion of the conditional
is formed by negating both the hypothesis and conclusion of the conditional
is formed by negating both the hypothesis and the conclusion of the converse of the conditional
logically equivalent
statements with the same truth values are said to be this
deductive reasoning
uses facts, rules, definitions, or properties to reach logical conclusions from given statements
logically correct
law of detachment
one valid form of deductive reasoning is this
law of syllogism
is the second form of deductive reasoning
is a statement that is accepted as true without proof