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73 Cards in this Set

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How do you name a line

Lower case script (cursive) letter or two points contained on the line with a two headed arrow above them

How is a point represented?

captal letter

Two points define a __________


What is precision?

way to see how accurate a measurement is

If a measurement is given as 5 3/16 how can the precision of the measurement be found?

take 1/16 and multiply by 1/2 and add and subtract if from 5 3/16 to determine what the value is between

If a point lies on a segment the three points are said to be _____________


.If A is between B and D what two segments can you add together to get length of BD


Name the point that splits segment intotwo congruent segments


if A is between B and D and AB = 8, AD = 2x+7, and BD=4x-3 find the length of BD


if B is the midpoint of AC and AB = 2x+5, and AC=30 in, What is x?


find the midpoint of (1,1) and (9,7)


How do you find the midpoint of a segment given the coordinates

Add the x values and divide by 2 to find the x coordinate

Add the y values and divide by 2 to find the y coordinate

if alternate interior angles are congruent the lines cut by the transversal are ___


if alternate exterior angles are NOT congruent the lines cut by the transversal are ___

not parallel

How do you find the distance between two points

Subtract the x values and square then subbtract the y values and square the take the square root of those two values added together

What is the midpoint of (2,1) (5,3)


What is the perimeter of the triangle P(0,0),Q(8,6), R(3,4)


what is a segment bisector

cuts a segment into two congruent halves

what is an angle bisector

segment from the vertex of an angle that cuts the angle into two congruent angles

what is the symbol for a perpendicular line

upside down T

angle that equals 90 degrees

right angle

angle that is less than 90 degrees

acute angle

angle that is more than 90 degrees

obtuse angle

two perpendicular lines for what type of angle


polygon with 3 sides


polygon with 5 sides


polygon with 6 sides


polygon with seven sides


polygon with 8 sides


polygon that the angles and sides are all congruent


polygon in which the diagonals are all inside the polygon


What is a concave polygon

polygon in which one or more diagonals is outside of the polygon

what is the perimeter of a pentagon with side length of 4cm

20 cm

What is the perimeter of a regular triangle with side length of 2x+3 and 3x


non-coplanar lines that never intersect


coplanar lines that never intersect


if consecutive interior angles are supplementary then the two lines are _________


supplementary angles

two angles that add up to 180

complementary angles

two angles that add up to 90

what are the slopes of parallel lines

same or equal to each other

What are the slopes of two perpendicular lines

Negative inverses (negative reciprocalsWhat )

What is the slope of a line with the points (-5,6) and (-3,2)






are lines AB and XY parallel, perpendicular, or neither

X(-6,-7) Y(-3,-5) A(3,3) B(7,9)


If you work a job that pays $10 per hour plus a 10% commission on mechandise you sell. Write and equation to find your earning in a week if you sold $500 of merchandise.

How much would you earn if you worked 20 hours in that week?

10X + 550(0.1)


What is slope intercept form


What is point slope form


Write the slope intercept form of an equation with a slope of -2 and a y-intercept of 4


What is the slope intercept form of the equation for the line

m=3, and contains the point (-1,6)


put values given into point slope form and then rearrange into slope intercept form

What is slope intercept for the following

x-intercept is -3, y-intercept is 1


find the slope intercept form of the equation passing through the points (-7,9), (6,-4)


What is the distance between the parallel lines y=x-2 and y=x+4


an equilangular triangle is also an example of what type of triangel


the angles of an equilangular triangle equal _________

60 degrees

Triangle with a measure greater than 90 degrees

obtuse triangle

triangle with two sides congruent

isosceles triangle

triangle with three different length sides


what are the names of three types of congruence transformations

rotations, reflections, and translation

what does translation of a figure mean

figure is moved left/right or up/down

what does rotation of a figure mean

figure is rotated about a fixed point

what does reflection of a figure mean

figure is reflected over the x or y axis

each point on the new figure is equal distant from the axis as the point on the original figure

Where is the included side located?

between two consecutive angles of a polygon

Which angles of an isosceles triangle are congruent

base angles

What type of triangle is always equilangular


what type of proof uses a coordinate plane and algebra to prove geometric concepts

coordinate proof

triangle ABC is an isosceles triangle. angle B is the vertex angle,AB=20x-2, BC=12x+30, and AC=25x, Find X then find the measure of each side of the triangle

x=4, AC=100, AB=78, BC=78

if A(0,4), B(5,4) and C(-3,-2) find the measure of the sides of the triangle. Then classify the triangle

AB=5, BC=10, AC=square root of 45 scalene triangle

the exterior angle of a triangle is equal to what?

addition of the two remoter interior angles

if triangle ABC is congruent to triangle DEF name the corresponding congruent parts

angles A=D, B=E, C=F

sides AB=DE, AC=DF, BC=EF

use the distance formula to determine if the two triangles are congruent

G(1,2), H(5,4), I(3,6)

J(-4,-5), K(0,3), L(-2,-1)

not congruent

Angles of a triangle add up to what ?


all the angles that go together to form a line = how many degrees