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130 Cards in this Set

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Angular unconformity

horizontal layers are deposited on top of tilled or folded layers

Non conformity

sedimentary layers deposited on top of igneous/metamorphic rocks


Sedimentary layers with time missing

Reservoir rocks

have high porosity and high permeability. Example of this is sandstone

Seal rocks

have low permeability and low porosity, Example of this is shale rock.

Anticlinal trap

Arch shaped folds

Salt domes trap

lots of layers of salt that are far below surface of Earth. Oil reserves are stored in these

Surface mining

heating rocks greater than 500 degrees to distill off the oil.

Steam assisted gravity

-extracts bitumen through thermal production in subsurface

-uses horizontal well pair

-steam reduces bitumen viscosity

Hydraulic Fracturing

-method to extract natural gas and oil from oil shale

Hydraulic Fracturing

1.) pumps water and chemicals/sand into well to increase pore pressure

2.) causes fracturing; sand holds fractures open

3.) oil and gas is extracted


-fromed from plant material--> swamps mashes and costal plains

-form at temps greater than 100 degrees

-more widely distributed than oil and gas

Acid Rain

-coal in Eastern US has higher sulfur concentraion

-SO4 and NO3 react with water in Atmosphere to form surfuric acid/nitric acid

Particulate pollution

smog; increased heavy metals (mercury)

Global warming

-variability comes from different estimates of future CO2 emissions

-1-6 degree increase by 2100 and 4 ft sea level rise

Acid Mine Drainage

-yellow boy

-oxidation of FeS

-lowers pH

-precipitates Fe-Hydroxides

Carbon sequestration

-inject supercritical CO2 into permeable rock layers


the breakdown of exposed rock into smallfragments and dissolved ions


Grains become rounded primarily during this


The removal of detritus (rock fragments) from an outcrop is called


Broken down rock fragments eventually form which type of sediments and rocks


Cemented shells of marine organisms form which type of sediments and rocks

Diagenesis and lithificaion

compaction and cementation of grains occurs during


The physical and chemical alteration of rocks that occurs as sediment transformed into a rock is called

River bed

A well-sorted sandstone with asymmetric ripples was most likely deposited as sand where

Sedimentary basins, broad depressions that catch sediments

The thickest sequences of sedimentary rocks are typically found in-


which is NOT a continental sedimentary environment

physical weathering

The breakdown of rocks by a mechanical process is called

Symmetric ripples

Which of the following features are you most likely to find in a former beach environment

Sharp, U-shaped

Compared to steam modified terrain, a glacially modified terrain has ____ mountain profiles and ____ valleys

Reflecting incoming solar radiation

A high albedo surface does a good job or what


A glacial feature that is formed when a retreating glacier leaves a piece of ice that melts and forms a pond


Grooves on exposed bedrock that formed from rocks dragged along the base base of glaciers are called

When temperatures drop, sea levels fall and the oceans become more saline

Which of the following relationships best explain the link between global sea level and polar ice extent?

Snow/ ice covered surfaces

The surfaces that reflect the most incoming solar radiation are


Which of the following erosional landforms displays steep walls and a flat base at the head of a glacial valley?


glacial drift that has been sorted and distributed by meltwater


poorly sorted and unstratified sediment associated with glaciers


Water that has percolated through the Earth's surface and is stored underground is referred to as


groundwater reserves are smaller in volume than surface water in the United states.

plant growth feedback

What is an example of a negative feedback loop?

unusually warm weathers in the eastern pacific ocean

El nino


Ice core and ocean sediment cores are anaylyzed for the oxygen isotopic compositions to estimated tempeature in the past

100,000 years periodically

Eccentricity is approximately

40,000 years periodically

Axial tilt

Cone of depression will result

A body of groundwater that is well connected and easily transmitted to the surface by pumping is called an aquifer. If the aquifer is pumped faster than it is recharged.

Installing a more powerful pump

which of the following is the least effective in combating the effects of a declining water table?


by what chemical process do carbonate minerals, the primary constituents of limestone weather?

it requires dry climates

which of the following about karst topography is false


What chemical migrates to the bottom of aquifers due to density driven flow


Groundwater can flow upward against gravity


a spring is the surface manifestation of the water table


Drainage basins are seperated by


Meandering streams usually form in areas with a higher gradient than braided streams

High gradient of river

Which of the following does not contribute to the flooding in the Red River of North Dakota and Minnesota

Lateral continuity

If the rock type and fossil content of twobodies of rock on opposite sides of a canyon are identical, then theseremaining outcrops were likely physically connected at one time and formed partof an extensive layer of rock. This idea summarizes the principle of

angular unconformity

Flat-lying sedimentary rocks deposited on top oftilted sedimentary rock layers, likely an erosional surface between the twosections is an example of

2 billion years

If the half-life of a radioactive isotope is 1 billion years, and wedetermine that one-fourth (1/4) of this radioactive isotope is in an unaltered(unreacted) state in a particular sample, the age of the sample would beapproximately-


is the breakdown ofrocks into fragments and dissolved ions, does not involve movement.


is the moving of weathered fragmentsaway from the rock from air, water, or ice.

Chemical weathering

is the breakdown of rocks by chemical processes, carbonation is an example


Is the moving of weathered fragments away from the rock from the air, water, or ice


lithifies sediments into rocks

Sedimentary basins

are broad depressions where sediment collects, this produces thick sequences of sediments up to 15km deep


-form from running water, as the water flows it creates bedforms, such as ripples or dunes on the floor of a channel.


layers of sedimentary rocks


Cm scale ridges and troughs there are asymmetric ones that are like sand dunes and rivers.

Assymetric ripples

like sand dunes and rivers

like lakes and oceans

Symmetric ripples


consist of rock fragments


consist of shell or skeletal material


prepcipitate out of solution




is about 10 km up to20, this includes the clouds and is known as the “weather layer.”


is up to 50 km and isthe “drier layer”


is all the water notfrozen on/in earth. (thermohaline circulation)


contains ice components (glacialbudget).

the greenhouse effect

this is the effect ofatmospheric gases like carbon dioxide absorbing energy from the sun and earthand trapping it near the Earth’s surface, warming the Earth to a temperaturerange that is hospitable for life
CO2 and methane

greenhouse gases

is the fraction ofsolar energy that is reflected


Positive feedback loops

change in one component enhances another. Thisamplifys. This is an example of albedo

Albedo feedback loop

Temp rise--> caps melts--> decreases albedo-->temp rises

Normal Albedo

warm western pacific and cold eastern pacific. winds move from east to west. The western pacific has lots of rain

El nino

warm eastern pacific and cold western pacific, effects trade winds, wet Eastern pacific like Southern

La nina

colder pacific temps and stronger trade winds

Thermohaline circulation (THC)

is a part of thelarge-scale ocean circulation that is driven by global density gradientscreated by surface heat and freshwater fluxes.

20th century warming

warming correlates with increasing CO2from industrial revolutions emissionsàfossil fuels. The mean surface temp is 0.6-0.8 degrees higher. The 20thcentury is abnormal compared with climate variation over the last millennium. Cisotopes also have a distinctive signature from burning fossil fuels.

This is known from the marines on edges

-How do we know how far south the Wisconsin glaciation has reached


groove in exposedrock (rock surface) from debris (rock) on the bottom of the glacier-this is howyou can tell the glacier movement direction.


looks like invertedcone, steep walls, flat valleys- this is the head of valley.


exposures/ peaksabove glacier level

U-shaped valley

steep walls, broad,rounded valley.


narrow ridge betweentwo cirques

Hanging valley

from a tributaryglacier, not as deep as main glacier


flooded, glacialvalley-usually along the coastline.


large boulders, outof place


unconsolidatedsediment that is poorly sorted (clay to boulders)


-accumulations of rocky sand at the edges or ends of glaciers


large stream linedhills parallel to ice flow


long, narrow ridge of sand and gravel that have tunnels of meltwater


sortedglacial drift that is sorted by meltwater and has broad plains


hallows or undraweddepression that is commonly found by ponds or lakes.

Erratic, tills, moraines, and drumlins

Which glacial deposits are formed by ice

-WisconsinGlaciation happened about 75,000-11,000 years ago

-last glacial maximumwas about 21,000 years ago -multiple glacialevents-4 -increased land exposure -warming and coolingperiods, O isotopes, low ratio=cooler period

Wisconsin Glaciation history

lauventideice sheet-> edge -glaciations and icefree periods -oldest till about600,000 years old -SE corners of MN-no ice

--Wadena, Rainy,superior, and Des Moines are common glacial lobes

Minnesota Glaciation history


happens about every24,000 years and is a wobble of the pole due to equatorial bulge.

Axial Tilt

happens about every41,000 years and is an axial tilt of rotation from 22-24 degrees; moons orbitalpath.


100,000 years and iselliptical path of earth.

Rain shadows

-occur on large mountain ranges, an example of this is cascades.
Waterusage- Energy (50%), Agriculture (35%), Public (11%), Industry (5%). Humans useabout 250 liters per day.

Water usage


theseare large storage areas that include dams and wetlands, storage can occur innatural lakes, artificial reservoirs, and wetlands. In natural lakes, theyabsorb short-term flows during major precipitation and release it slowly tohelp control flooding.


spaceavailable within a rock for water


ability for solidto allow fluid to flow through it.

confined aquifiers

prevent local infiltration of water, these can be rechargedonly from recharge area

unconfined aquiers

surface water is free to infiltrate to a aquifier and assistrecharge.

Artesian wells

drilled into confinedaquifier and water moves towards surface without pumping.


this is irregular terrain that has sink holes, springs anddisappearing streams. Acidic groundwater will chemically weather and dissolveslimestone (CACO3). In minnesota in the southeast there is a mystery cave.
includes microbes andfor iron barriers uses phosphorous from detergents.

Cleanup for bioremediation


liquid rich in medals and chemical solvents


a biological pollutant- chemicals such as industrial benzeneand TCE which is an industrial solvent.

Drainage basin

where all water from ice, snow, or ice converges into a single point at alower elevation, usually the exit of the basin.


are the elevatedboundary between areas that are drained by different river systems.

braided streams

have a chaotic paternand high velocity and high discharge they also have a high gradient and highsediment load

Meandering stream

low gradient, lowslope, low velocity, and lower sediment load

Oxbow lake

remnant river meander forms duringmajor flooding

Red River Flooding

flows from south to north. The springthaw and discharge are aligned. Ice jam again from south to north flow. Flatlandà Glacial lake Agassiz. It decreases in gradient downstream.

original horizontality

layers of sediment/rock are depositedhorizontal or parallel to Earth’s surface.

lateral continuity

rock layers extend in all directionsuntil the edge of their areaàlikely to appear on both sides of a canyon.


igneous intrusion like a dike or afault that cross cuts rock layers is younger than the rock layers.


rock fragments are older than the rockthey are within.