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63 Cards in this Set

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4 spheres

Geosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere

The geosphere consists of three major layers.

Crust, mantle, core


Composed of granite and basalt


Contains a solid inner sphere and an outer liquid layer


In the upper mantle is 250 km thick. The rocks are hot, soft, and partially melted.


Includes all of the crusts and the uppermost part of the mantle. 100 km in thickness. It also contains tectonic lithospheric plates.


Cover 71% of the earth's surface and contain 97.5% of its water

What percent of earth's total water is underground?


What percent of earth's total water is is surface water?


The four major components of earth's atmosphere

Atmosphere .001% of earth's water





Father of Modern Geology

James Hutton


Principle stating that the geologic processes active in the past are the same processes active today.

Threshold effect

Initial environment changes occur slowly in response to small disturbances until a threshold is crossed, after which additional small disturbances can cause rapid and dramatic changes.

Feedback mechanism

Occurs when a small initial disturbance affects another component of the system, which amplifies the original effect disturbing the system more, and on and on.

5 characteristics all minerals must possess.

Solid, definite chemical composition, naturally occurring, inorganic, crystalline structure

Fundamental components of matter that cannot be broken down into simpler substances by chemical processes.


Most minerals are composed of how many elements?


How many minerals are known?


Specific gravity

The density of a mineral relative to an equal volume of water.

Commercially important non metallic minerals, like barite, ate called?

Industrial minerals

Ore minerals

Source of valuable metallic element

92% of the earth's crust is composed of?

Silicate minerals

The 2 most abundant minerals in earth's crust are?

Feldspars and quartz

The basic building block of all silicate minerals is the?..? Which every silicon atom surrounds itself with ?...? Oxygen atoms.

Silicate tetrahedron.... 4

Limestone and dolostone are formed from 2 different ?...? minerals, calcite and dolomite.


Both?...? and oxides are common ore minerals.



Defines the size shape and arrangement of igneous mineral grains in a rock.


Refers to what minerals a rock is composed of.

Igneous rock form by?

Cooling and crystallization of magma

Igneous rocks that form from magma that cools slowly within the earth's crust are...?


Common intrusive igneous rocks.

Granite, diorite, gabbro, paradite

Igneous rocks that form from magma that cools quickly above the earth's surface are called...?


Common extrusive igneous rocks?

Basalt and ryholite

What volcanic rock is a natural glass?


Sedimentary rocks form by the??? And the??? Of sediments.

Accumulation and lithification

2 processes by which lithification occur are?

Compaction and cementation

2 main types of sedimentary rocks, depending on origin.

Clastic and non-clastic

Clastic sedimentary rocks are classified on the basis of?

Grain size

What percent of all sedimentary rocks are clastic?


Classic sedimentary rocks

Conglomerates, breccia, sandstone, and siltstone.

2 most common carbonate rocks

Limestone and dolostone

Different types of limestone

Micrite, sparite, coquina, fossiliferous, oolitic

Explain how carbonate rocks are related to climate.

Carbon is precipitated from calcium and the formation of carbonated rocks causes cooling climate.

2 types of metamorphism

Contact and regional

How does contact metamorphism occur?

High temps and chemical action of fluids associated with intrusion.

4 foliated metamorphic rocks

Chlorite, Acasta gneiss, Morton gneiss

2 common non-foliated metamorphic rocks.

Quartzite, marble, metaconglomerate

The all time worst mass extinction in which 90% of all species became extinct.


Dinosaurs became extinct at the end of what period?

Cretaccous/ paleocene

Relative age dating

The order in which the rocks formed or geologic events occurred

Actual age dating

Age of rocks or geological events measured in years.

Original horizontality

Sedimentary rocks form in flat layers

Fossil succession

Rocks with the same fossils are the same age

An unconformity

A surface of erosion within a sequence of rocks that indicates an interruption of deposition of the rock record.

3 kinds of unconformities

Nonconformity, Angular, disconformity


Matching rocks of similar type or age from different locations

Index fossils

Fossils used to accurately determine the relative age of a rock.

Radiometric age dating

Actual age dating technique which the age formation of a rock or mineral can be determined by using the radioactive decay of naturally occurring isotopes.


Atoms of the same element that have the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons.

The rate of decay for any radioactive isotope is always?


Half life

Time required for one half of the atoms of a given amount of a radioactive isotope to decay

The first 4 billion years of earth's history.


Which eon did fossils first become common?
