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28 Cards in this Set

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All of space and all the matter and energy within in


The study of the overall structure of the universe
The Earth sat without moving at the center of the universe, while the moon and the planets whirled around it within a revolving globe of stars

Geocentric Model
The Sun lay at the center of the universe, with the Earth and other planets orbiting around it

Heliocentric Model

The attractive force that one mass exerts onto another; the magnitude of the force depends on the size of the objects and the distance between them


Substance of the universe that takes up space


The ability to do work

An immense ball of incandescent gas that emits intense heat and light


An immense system of hundreds of billions of stars


Our sun and all the materials that orbit it

Solar System

1) An object that orbits a star

2) It is roughly spherical


A name for the inner planets closest to the sun

(Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars)

Terrestrial Planets

A name for the outer planets furthest from the sun

(Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune)

Giant Planets

1) A sizable body locked in orbit around a planet

2) Some are large & spherical while others are irregular

Disturbances that transmits energy from one point to another in periodic motion


The distance between successive waves


The number of waves that pass a point in a given time interval


The phenomenon in which the frequency of wave energy appears to change when a moving source of wave energy passes an observer

Doppler Effect

1) IF the light moves away from the source it becomes redder

2) IF the light moves closer to the source it becomes bluer

1) Red Shift

2) Blue Shift

The theory that the whole universe must be expanding because galaxies in every direction seem to be moving away from us

Expanding Universe Theory

A cataclysmic explosion that scientists suggests represents the formation of the universe

Big Bang Theory

The formation of new nuclei in the first few minutes of time before any stars existed

Big Bang Nucleosynthesis

A cloud of gas or dust in space


A nuclear reaction during which the nucleus of a large atom splits to form 2 nuclei of smaller atoms

The process also releases neutrons and energy

The process by which a radioactive atom undergoes fission or releases particles, thereby being transformed into a new element

Radioactive Decay
Atoms that spontaneously undergo radioactive decay

Radioactive Elements

A type of nuclear reaction during which nuclei collide and bond
