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111 Cards in this Set

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effusive eruption
characterized by long fluid flows, low viscosity lavas
characterized by ash and tephra; high viscosity lavas
pahoenoe lava
smooth, wrinkled crust, resemble twisted stands of rope. (ropey texture)
aa lava
rough and jagged surface caused by the continual escaping of gases
pillow lava
has billowly external formed caused by lava moving forward by breaking through a hardened surface formed as a result of rapid cooling under water.
very fine grained <2mm broken glass shards
pea-walnut sized pyroclastic (2-64mm) cinders fragment > 100mm
ejected molten material that solidates in the air > 6cm (lava fragments)
solid rocks of older volcanic material thrown off side of the volcano
pyroclastic material
Rejected and pushed upwards as a function of the muzzle velocity
cinder cones
Pyroclastic material from a central vent. Have much steeper slopes than shield volcanoes
Flood eruptions
No central vent - fissure or crack
Massive explosive eruptions may empty the magma chambers below the volcano, or create and instability of some other sort.
Ash fall
A rain of airborne ash resulting from a volcanic eruption
Ash flow
An avalanche of volcanic ash
A landslide of wet volcanic debris on the side of a volcano
Lava flow
Lava from a volcano
Layer of rock and mineral fragments produced by weathering - covering solid rock
Combination of mineral and organic matter water air: supports the growth of plants
Decayed remains of animal and plant life
Transported cover - wind, glacial, volcanic ash, marine, and gravity flow processes
Effects amount of surface area exposed
What does breakdown of calcite do at Earth's surface
Limestone dissolves in acid so it makes cave
What does the breakdown of feldspar do at the earths surface
Granite weathers and produces clay and makes huge agricultural areas
Earthquakes measured by:
Inflation measured by:
Gas concentrations measured by:
Remote sensing monitored by:
Mechanical weathering
Disintegration of rocks at or near the Earth's surface, accomplished by physical forces that break rock into smaller pieces - without changing the mineral composition
Chemical decomposition
Decomposition of rock at or near the Earth's surface, involves chemical transformation of rock into one or more new compounds
Examples of mechanical weathering
Frost wedging, root and salt wedging, and expansion. Also thermal expansion biological activity.
Acid rain
Reaction with water: silicates
Results when rocks formed at death are exposed at the ground surface
The wearing down of rock particles by friction due to water wind or ice
Mineral stabilities
The relationship between conditions of formation and conditions during weathering - minerals are most stable under the conditions under which they were formed.
Weathering of kspar and granite
Hydrolysis produces clay and quartz in solution in K feldspar and micas
Water breaks cation bonds and silicate minerals yields: dissolved cations and alternative residues ( clay minerals)
A reaction where by a metal lose electrons - important process in mafic silicate decomposition
Absorption of water into a mineral structure - result in a volume increase - expansion
Forms in warm humid conditions - form by weathering or hydrothermal alteration of aluminosilicates
Main clay
smectite group
Swelling clay forms in cool dry conditions - by alteration of volcanic ash
Forms under variable conditions - combination of clay and mica - main component of many shales
What differential rate of weathering are determined by:
Temperature, humidity, air pollution, and acid rain
Thickness of soil at a given latitude depends on:
Composition of substrate, steepness of slope, duration of soil formation, latitude
Weather debris of pre-existing rock that are carried away and deposited
Movement of sediments from source area towards the positional area as solid particle or in solution
Compaction and cementation of sediments as they are buried forming sediment rock
sediment types (2)
clastic and chemical
(pretrial) sediments derived from the solid products of mechanical and chemical weathering
Crystalline - sediments formed as a result of inorganic or bio chemical precipitation of materials dissolved during chemical weathering
Tell source of material
Grain size
Velocity in which it was deposited and distance traveled
Grain orientation
Tell paleo current directions (wind/water moving)
Grain packaging
Grains orienting themselves tightly
Size of Rock biggest to smallest
Boulders, cobbles, pebbles, granules
Sand size
Very coarse sand, coarse sand, medium sand, fine sand, very fine sand, silt, clay
Maturity or aging of sediment
Matrix - cement
Keep rocks together (sandstones = dunes)
type of conglomerate. with angular fragments. hydrothermal close to the source
Chemical or crystalline sedimentary rocks
Formed by crystallizing, precipitation from a solution - as a consequence of the composition and conditions of formation
Clastic sedimentary rocks
Deposited in rivers and transportation agents like wind gravity and animals can be moved from their source to other sites
Sedimentary structures include:
Cross beds, ripple marks, graded bedding, feeding trails
Changing environment means changing rock types:
As environment shifts the sediments deposited reflect the shift but in vertical succession
Transformation of pre-existing rock caused by heat pressure and chemically active fluids
Rock before metamorphic
sequence of prograde metamorphism of a peltic clay rich rock
slate- phyllite- schist- gneiss
heat and stability
Metamorphism occurs next to heat sources like intrusions.
Directional stress such as stress is caused by mountain building activities, causes rock to either share or break "brittle failure"
deform plastically
plastic deformation
Takes place at depths under not condition shearing and cool temperatures
Chemically active fluids
Mostly common in water from around or within mineral crystals -
Aids minerals transformation by acting as a medium for ion exchange
Parallel alignment of platy minerals. Caused by alignment of mineral crystal in response to stress.
Breakage along foliation planes:
Rock cleavage
Contact metamorphism
When a rock is in contact or close proximity to a hot magma body
Hydrothermal metamorphism
When cold rocks are injected with hot waters example fault zones
cataclastic netamorphism
Broken and distorted rocks caused by friction along a fault
contact aureole
Zones of equal metamorphic grade surrounding a pluton of other heat source
Hydrothermal solution
From used ions, substitutes for other ions, and add ions for new minerals. Released by solidification of magma.
Angle of response
Steepest slope that a pile of unconsolidated material can have and remain stable. Depends on the size and shape of grains
For features that allow you to tell when a slump is developing
Cracked walls and roof sinking foundation, over tight power lines, tilted utility poles, swampy low area, dead trees
Types of mass wasting
Rock fall debris fall, snow avalanche debris avalanche, Rock Slide debris slide, mudflow, slump, rock glacier creep solifluction
Environment of deposition and conditions. examples peat, lignite, bituminous, anthracite
breakdown of calcite equation
CaCO3 + (H2CO3) ----> Ca + CO2 + H2O
breakdown of feldspar equation
k-feldspar + carbonic acid + water ---> kaolinite + potassium + bicarbonate + silica
Classification of tephra
Classified on pyrodast size any airborne pyroclastic accumulation
sheild volcanoes
large in size but low profile, high lava flow.
a partially burned piece of wood (material) that is no longer in flames
volcanic gases
mostly water vapor, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and hydrogen
nuee ardente
an incandescent cloud of gas ash and lava fragments ejected from a volcano as part of pyroclastic flow
O horizon
Lease and partly decayed organic matter. First part of the topsoil
A horizon
Mineral matter mixed with some hummus. second part of the topsoil
E horizon
Light colored mineral particles. Zone of eluviation and leaching. Middle section or subsoil
B horizon
Accumulation of clay transported from above. The fourth layer.
C horizon
Partially altered parent material. 5th layer
Bottom layer of soil profile
unweathered parent material
Temperate, moderate rainfall causes leaching and accumulation
Arid, low rainfall causes thin and soluble minerals and may now acumulate creating caliche
Tropical, heavy rainfall causes all reactive minerals dissolve or washed away leaving residue of Fe oxide or Al oxide. No accumulation
A natural mineral deposits left after the evaporation of a body of water example calcite
Dissolved carbon dioxide
Biological material such as dead plant material, limestone
Organic rock
Made of fossils.
Hardening and welding of clastic sediments
Process by which a sediment progressively loses porosity or it space in material to the effects of loading
Low energy
Very high energy
coarse sandstone
moderately high energy