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94 Cards in this Set

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What is the crystal size of a fine grained crystal?


What size is a crystal in a medium grained rock?


What size is a crystal in a coarse grained rock?


What percentage silica content does an ultramafic rock have?


What percentage silica content does a mafic rock have?


What percentage silica content does an intermediate rock have?


What percentage silica content does a silicic rock have?


What colour is a silicic rock normally?

Lighter coloured

What colour is a mafic/ultramafic rock normally?

Dark coloured

Which rock is an exception to the colour-silica content rule? And what colour is it?

Obsidian, it is black

What kind of minerals are rich in silica?


What kind of minerals are rich in magnesium and iron?


The slower the rate of cooling... the _____ the crystal size.


The faster the rate of cooling, the ______ the crystal size.


What crystal size is always an extrusive rock?

Fine crystals

What crystal size is often an intrusive, hyperbyssal rock

Medium grain

What crystal size is often an intrusive, plutonic rock

Coarse grain

What is a pegmatite?

An igneous rock with exceptionally large crystals.

What is the name of a texture where all crystals are of equal size?

Equigranular texture

What is the name of the texture where there are small holes where gas was present?

Vesicular texture

What is the name of the texture where vesicles have been filled in by another mineral?


What is the name of the hole in a vesicular texture?


What is the name of a vesicle filled in with another mineral in an amygdaloidal texture?


What is the name of the texture where there are large crystals amoungst smaller groundmass?

Porphyritic texture

Why do porphyritic textures have two different sized crystals?

A rock has two stages of cooling.

What is the name of the large crystals in a porphyritic texture?


When does flow banding occur?

Where layers of dark and light coloured minerals form due to the seperation of minerals with a silicic lava flow.

Name a rock with flow banding


What shape are vesicles?

Ellipsoid, elongated parallel to the direction of flow.

Where would you find silicic igneous rocks?

Convergent plate margins

Where would you find intermediate igneous rocks?

Convergent plate margins

Where would you find ultramafic igneous rocks?

Ophiolites at subduction zones

Where would you find mafic igneous rocks?

Divergent plate margins, and hot spots

What is the order of the discontinuous reaction series?

Olivine, Pyroxene, Hornblende,

Biotite Mica

What is the order of the continuous reaction series?

Ca Rich Plagioclase Feldspar, Na Rich Plagioclase Feldspar

What minerals will be in ultramafic magma?

Olivine, Ca Feld, poss Pyroxene

What kind of minerals will be in mafi magma?

Olivine, Pyroxene, Ca Feldspar

What kind of minerals will be in intermediate magma?

Hornblende, Biotite Mica, Na Feldspar

What minerals are in silicic magma?

Potassium feldspar, muscovite mica, quartz

Which mineral will crystallise first at high temperatures?


Which mineral will crystallise last out of Bowen's reaction series?


Do mafic rocks form at high or low temperatures?


Do silicic rocks form at high or low temperatures?


Name the three processes of magmatic differentiation.

Fractional crystallisation, gravity settling, filter pressing

What happens to early formed minerals (eg. Olivine) in a magma chamber?

Sink to form a layer at the bottom of the intrusion

What is a layer of dense, early formed minerals at the base of a magma chamber called?

Cumulate layer

Intrusions that run along a bedding plane are concordant/discordant?


Intrusions that cross cut a bedding plane are concordant/discordant?


What is the name of the rock around an intrusion?

Country Rock

Which rocks are most sills and dykes predominantly made up of?


Which finer grained rock is along the chilled margin of an igneous intrusion?


Sheet-like intrusions that are concordant and parallel to the beds. Is this describing a sill or a dyke?


Sills that cut across beds in steps from one bed to another are called?

Transgressive Sills

Do sills form at shallow or deep depths?

Shallow depths - where the weight of the overlying rocks is not too great

Sheet-like intrusions that are discordant and often vertical. Is this describing sills or dykes?


Are most batholiths concordant or discordant?


What shape is the outcrop for many batholiths?

Circular (with steep sides)

What are most batholiths composed of?


Are batholiths plutonic or hyperbyssal?


Where are most batholiths formed?

Convergent plate margins

Whereabouts around the intrusion is a chilled margin?

The edge of the intrusion, close to the cold country rocks

Whereabouts around the intrusion are baked margins?

The country rock adjacent to an intrusion.

Doesa chilled margin have coarse or fine crystals? And why?

Fine grained crystals because it cooled quickly

The larger the intrsion, the _______ the baked margin


What do metamorphic aureole formed around?


How many chilled margins do sills have?

Two - due to contact with cointry rock above and below

How many baked margins do lava flows have?

One below and none above - when it was formed there was only air above.

Are xenoliths found at sills?

Yes- from rocks above and below as the sill rips up material.

Are vesicles found in lava flows?

Yes - in the upper part.

What is the main gas from a volcanic eruption?

Water vapour, as steam

What is the difference between lava and magma?

Magma is molten rock below the surface, lava is once its been erupted.

Mafic lavas have a high/low viscosity?


Name two types of mafic lavas.

Pahoehoe and aa lava

Lava with a high viscosity is/isn't runny?

Is not runny

Silicic lavas have a high/low viscosity?


Name two rocks which come from silicic lavas

Andesite and rhyolite

What can silicic lavas sometimes show?

Flow banding

What is the name and size of the smallest particle of pyroclastic material?

Ash (<2mm)

What does the particle ash from when it is consolidated?


Lapilli are particles between ___mm and ___mm, and when consolidated it forms ________.

Between 2mm and 64mm. Forms lapilli tuff.

What are the names and sizes of the largest particles of pyroclastic material?

Bombs and blocks (>64mm)

What do bombs and blocks form when they have been consolidated?


Name three variables that affect how far away pyroclastic matetial will settle.

Any of:

Energy of the volcanic blast

Grain size of the particles

Velocity and direction of wind

Gradient of volcano

Magma viscosity

What are lahars?

Mudflows of wet ash and volcanic debris that can flow rapidly down a mountainside.

Do mafic volcanoes have explosive reactions?


Are eruptions from mafic volcanoes frequent?


Shield volcanoes have gentle slopes of less than ___ degrees.

10 degrees

What is the name of the eruption where magma reaches the surface along long, linear cracks?

Fissure eruptions

Describe how columnar jointing occurs.

Inside of flow cools steadily, causing lava to contract. This makes columns with equally spaced centres.

Can pillow lavas be used as a way up structure?

Yes - they have rounded tops and a sagging bottom

The VEI (Volcanic Explosivity Index) goes from ___ to ___.


Why do stratovolcanoes have such explosive eruptions.

They have a high gas content, but the high viscosity does not allow the gases to break through.

Name three methods of predicting volcanic activity.

Any of:

Ground deformation

Historic pattern of activity

Gas emissions

Changes in groundwater


Name three of the benefits of living with volcanic activity.

Any of:

Geothermal power

Fertile soils

Building materials
