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81 Cards in this Set

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What is the general term for ice mass on land that flows under its own weight
What is the the term for break off of icebergs from glaciers that flow directly into the sea?
What is the term for the process where ice changes to water vapor directly?
WHat is the term for a granular type of snow?
What is the term for 90% solid form by compaction and recrystallization?
Glacial ice
What is the term for the permanent deformation caused by stress that allows ice to move?
Plastic flow
What is the term for glacier movement via sliding over underlying surface?
Basal slip
What is the term for flowing ice mass confined to a mountain valley?
Valley glacier
What is the term for very large, unconfined ice mass, also ice sheet?
Continental glacier
What is the term for the description of glacier behavior based on addition vs. wastage?
Glacial Budget
What is the term for the area of glacier above firn limit where addition exceeds loss?
Zone of Accumulation
What is the term for the area of glacier where losses exceed accumulation?
Zone of Wastage
What is the term for the erosion by sediment carried by glacier?
What is the term for sediments directly deposited by glacial ice?
What is the term for layered, partly sorted debris from glacier-fed braided streams?
Stratified drift
Name 3 ways that glaciers lose mass:
1. Sublimation
2. Melting
3. Calving if they flow directly into the sea
What are the 2 reasons why glacial ice is denser than snow?
1. It is compacted
2. It is recrystallized after being buried
What are the 2 results of glacial budget?
1. Balances Accumulation
2. Balances Wastage
Name the 3 ways glaciers erode the landscape:
1. Bulldozing
2. Plucking
3. Abrasion
List the 4 types of rugged landscapes that are left behind from valley glaciers:
1. Aretes
2. Hanging Valleys
3. Cirques
4. U-shaped valleys
Over time what does a glacier cause to a cirque?
1. Cirque gets longer
2. Cirque gets deeper
3. Cirque gets wider
What are medial moraines?
Combinations of Lateral Moraines
What records the number of tributaries of a valley glacier?
Medial moraines
What is the Milankovitch Theory?
Relates short term climate variations to small changes in EArth's orbit and Earth's rotation
What are 2 explanations of short-term climate change?
Variations in:
1. solar activity
2. volcanism
What are the 3 influences that glacier movement depends on:
1. Slope
2. Discharge
3. Season of the year
T or F
Glaciers are in general getting smaller.
T or F
Glaciers are onlhy found in the mountains.
T or F
Glaciers are only found in Iceland.
T or F
Glaciers are onoy found in the US
T o F
Glaciers are liquid forms of mass movement.
Name the 4 ways glaciers move:
1. Plastic flow
2. Basal slip
3. Force of Gravity
4. Once they exceed approx. 40 meters in thickness
Which of the following types of glaciers is the largest:
a. piedmont
b. alpine
c. ice sheet
d. ice cap
e. valley
c. Ice sheet
What are the 4 characteristics of the firn limit:
1. it is the boundary between the zones of accumulation and wastage,
2. it is easily seen in the Summer
3. Usually changes from year to year
4. Indicates whether the glacier is advancing or retreating
What happens when additions to the glacier are more than losses?
The glacier advances as it gets larger.
T or F
Crevices are indicators of brittle behavior.
T or F
Crevices form only in the upper 40 meters of ice.
T or F
Crevices form only in continental glaciers.
T or F
Glacier speed is faster in the summer.
T or F
Glacier speed friction slows ice along the valley floors and walls.
T or F
Glacier speeds are typicaly centimeters to tens of meters per day.
T or F
Glacier speeds of the main valley glacier is faster than the smaller tributaries.
T or F
Glacier speeds surge only in valley glaciers.
What are the 4 results of glacial abrasion:
1. glacial polish
2. glacial grooves
3. glacial striations
4. rock flour
Name the 4 ways glaciers acquire their sediment?
1. Plucking
2. Wind
3. Mass wasting
4. Abrasion
Name an important hazard associated with glaciers?
Glacial outburst floods
What happens to the climate when large volcanoes erupt?
Climate cools
What types of topography are left behind of valley glaciers?
1. Angular ridges
2. Broad valleys
What is a fiord?
A glacial trough partly filled with ocean water
Name 4 physical results formed by glacial deposition:
1. Moraine
2. Drift
3. Erratics
4. Drumlins
T or F
Aretes are formed by glacial deposition.
Why are rivers from melting glaciers braided?
Because of the high sediment load.
What is the difference between till and stratified drift?
Stratified drift is layered and somewhat sorted.
What are the 4 characteristics of moraines?
1. Formed by continental glaciers
2. Formed by valley glaciers
3. Can record the maximum extent of the glacier
4. Can form on all edges of a glacier
Name 4 physical features that are made of stratified drift?
1. Outwash plain
2. Kame
3. Valley train
4. Esker
T or F
MOraines are made of stratified drift.
Name the 4 reasons why lakes are common in glaciated areas?
1. Glacier scour of depressions
2. Glaciers block stream drainages
3. Moraines block stream drainages
4. Kettles fill with water
What is the name of deposits characteristic of lakes that freeze over in Winter?
What continent does not have any glaciers today?
Why are some docks in Scandinavia now far from shore?
Scandinavia is rebounding
Why do unused ice cubes in the home freezer disappear over time?
Why is glacier ice considered a metamorphic rock?
Begins as a sediment that is recrystallized under pressure
Name 4 characteristics of the thickest glaciers today?
1. They are over 3000 meters (10,000 feet) thick
2. They are thicker than the Appalachian Mountains are tall
3. They are ice sheets
4. They flow outward from the center
What happens when losses from the glacier exceed additions?
The terminus retreats
T or F
Stagnant glaciers do not flow.
T or F
Stagnant glaciers are too thick and cold to move.
T or F
Stagnant glaciers move only in rare and spectacular surges.
T or F
Stagnant glaciers have positive glacial budgets.
Where do glacial surges occur?
In glaciers that have basal slip
What is an arete?
A narrow ridge of eroded bedrock
Name 4 characteristics typical of a valley glaicer:
1. Moraine
2. Outwash plain
3. Stratified Drift
4. Till
T or F
All continents today have glaciers.
T or F
Glaciers only flow in the summer.
T or F
Glaciers from when snow accumulation exceeds amount lost.
T or F
In general, valley glaciers are the fastest.
T or F
Glacial landforms are the same for valley and continental glaciers.
T or F
In general, glaciers advanced during the Little Ice Age but now in retreat
T or F
Small valley glaciers are very sensitive to climate change.
T or F
Drumlins indicate the direction of ice movement by their asymmetric shape.
T or F
Kettles fill with water and become lakes because they hold water from melted ice blocks
T or F
The movement of tectonic plates and the resulting effects on geography and ocean circulation probably causes long term climate change