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29 Cards in this Set

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the science that examines the materials composing Earth and seeks to understand the many processes that operate beneath and upon its surface.
Physical Geology
The science that seeks an understanding og the orgin of Earth and its development through time.
Historical Geology
The science that studies the processes such as erosion or processes deep within the Earth such as earthquakes
Physical Geology
The study of the biography of the Earth
Historical Geology
the present is the key to the past.
concept of science where you study current erosion of a beach to understand erosion in the past.
When did the science of Geology begin?
Who wrote the 1st Geology Textbook and what was it called?
Hutton and it was called "The Theory of the Earth"
Who was considered the "Father of Geology" and what did he write?
Sir Charles Lyell. "Principals of Geology" it contained 4 volumes
what are the two aspects of science?
A process and a product
the aspect of science that consist of such things as testing, experiments, etc
the aspect of science that consist of such things as geology, biology, etc
product (content knowledge)
The idea that all science is based on the natural world behaving in a consistent and predictable manner that is comprehensible through careful, systematic study.
The nature of scientific inquiry
when dates are placed in their proper sequence or order without knowing their age in years
relative dating
Science assumes the natural world is consistent and predictable
1st aspect of the nature of scientific inquiry
Goal of science is to discover patterns in nature and use the knowledge to make predictions.
2nd aspect of scientific inquiry.
Scientists collect data through observations and measurements
3rd aspect of scientific inquiry.
a tenative (or untested) explanation
a well-tested and widely accepted view that the scientific community agrees best explains certain observable facts.
What are two things that the scientific method involves?
1. gathering facts through observation
2. Formulation of hypothesis and theories
What are the three basic rock types?
igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic
cooling and solidification of magma (molten)
igneous rock
what are examples of igneous rock
granite and basalt
what type of rock accumulate in layers at the Earth's surface?
sedimentary rocks
What type of rock is derived from weathering of preexisting rocks?
sedimentary rocks
What are examples of sedimentary rocks?
sandstone and limestone
What type of rock is formed by changing preexisting igneous,sedimentary or other rocks
metamorphic rocks
What are the driving forces in Metamorphic rocks?
heat and pressure
What are examples of metamorphic rocks?
gneiss and marble